In Resident Evil, But It's Slightly Different...?

Chapter 1 - Do you happen to take Card?

It was a normal day really

Sun shining out in the sky. A nice cool breeze at around 20 degrees. Not too cloudy and not too sunny. It was actually quite nice..

For one Jack Duran, it really wasn't

"Where the fuċk am I?!?!"

He had woken up this morning with two things

A splitting headache, and his clothes. Minus the knowledge of where he was

He looked out upon the parking garage he was in and sighed

The didn't recognize the city around him at all. Businesses, buildings, everything was unfamiliar

"Did someone kidnap me..? I don't see why they would do that and just leave me in a-"

[System Initializing]

A mechanical voice took him out of his thinking, making him look around frantically

"Who's there? Did you bring me here?!" He shouted out in frustration


He hid behind a nearby car

"Where are you?!?"


He ducked under the car


Clenching his eyes shut and hunkering down, Jack prepared for the worst.

But the worst never came

He opened his eyes slowly and was greeted by a bright blue text screen

[Welcome, Jack, to the Necrosis System! You have been chosen to wield this ancient artifact from the infinite number of multiverses in reality! Your goals are to test out skills, powers, energies, and inheritances in this world of the undead!]

Jacks eyes widened "Undead..? So I'm in the walking dead universe then?"

Another Blue text box appeared

[No! The walking dead zombies have too little variation for accurate gathering of test data! You are in the Resident Evil Universe!]

"Resident Evil eh?" Jack had been a huge fan of the RE Franchise back in the day. He had seen all of the movies, and played all of the games. He had only lost interest when six finally came out, five only slightly infuriating him. Seven Rejuvenated his interest in the franchise a little bit, but the remake of two had totally killed it off

He had played the games many of times and knew the plot like the back of his hand

[Yes! You don't have to be worried either, as we have taken the liberty of providing you with some starting resources and an Identity for you in this world. We have also dropped you here a year before the Racoon City Forest Incidents start happening]

Jack sighed in relief, and suddenly felt a weight appear in his front pocket

He pulled it out and found a large wallet

Inside was three IDs, a couple of credit cards, and some cash...

Scratch that, a lot of cash. There had to be AT LEAST 50k in there which almost made him faint if he didn't remember the situation he was currently in

The second was a driver's license

The third however, actually made him faint on the spot

It was an authentic S.T.A.R.S Badge, verifying him as a legit member of S.T.A.R.S. A combat and research specialist

When the young man finally woke up, he was ecstatic

"I'm a member of fuċkɨnġ S.T.A.R.S! Holy shit! Haha!!!"

[ Jack, I suggest you hurry up and prepare yourself for what's coming sooner rather than later ] The textbox snapped him out of his joy

"Right" He nodded slightly "That's a smart idea"

Reaching into his pocket for another weight inside, he pulled out a set of keys with an electronic locking device on it

Jack hit the buŧŧon and on the other side of the garage, a car clicked

Jack grinned "Oh you're preparing me for everything, aren't you?" Not waiting for a response, he got in and started it

The inside was covered in a black leather, bullet proof material, and from what he could see, the windows were bulletproof as well, the side windows being barred as well

The noise of the engine was honestly beautiful, purring like a large tiger was receiving the belly scratching of his life

Looking around, he found that the rest of the vehicle was empty, and had no GPS system

'Hey, blue box?'

[ Call me Necro, Jack. And yes, I can provide you with a map ] The now identified Necro answered his unasked question

Suddenly on the corner of his vision, there appeared a circular minimap, showing the name and address of his location right beside it

Reaching his hand up to touch it, it enlarged into a full screen map that took up the entirety of Jacks vision

'Alright, that might be a problem in combat..'

[Not to worry. I will take the liberty to turn it off in combat situations. Can't have you dying this early now, can we?]

Jack just sighed and pulled out of the lot, heading for the first destination, the nearest gun shop on the map

The bells chimed as he walked inside

"Welcome! What can I do for you sir?" An aged man greeted behind the counter with a smile

Jack nodded slightly and pulled out his S.T.A.R.S badge

"What can I get today with no paperwork?" He asked

The old man just grinned and opened the door to the back counter, waving him into the back room

Jack followed closely behind the man as he shouted for a young girl to man the counter

He led him through a bunch of tight corridors, and a few locations where he had to duck, before he stopped at a set of stairs

The old man turned back to Jack with a stern expression

"Whatever you think you see down here you never did"

Jack nodded with a small smile and the elder took him down the stairs

"It's quite dark down here..." Jack muttered

The elder snorted "It's supposed to be that way"

Suddenly, the lights flashed on, and a large electronic vault door was shown before them

The old man walked up and punched in an few keys on the pad, and spun it open

"Holy shit..."

The scene in front of him was glorious

Countless guns and various types of ammunition lined the shelves

Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Magnums...

Jack looked to the old man, drool dripping down his mouth

"Do you happen to take card?"

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