(Jack P.O.V)

The old man grinned "We take anything kid, whatever you want, whenever you need it, as long as you continue to protect us with that badge of yours"

I cheered and ran into the vault like a forty year old vɨrġɨn in a strip club

Everything from 1700s Muskets to Barrett 50 Cals were in here

I looked around thoroughly, not letting anything passing me by, before I picked out my choices

Two shotguns. One Mossberg 590 and a Remington 870

Four pistols. Two Baretta 92F's, a single emergency Desert Eagle MK XIX, and a S&W 500

Three Submachine guns. Two MP5s, and a PPSH-41

And finally, a rifle

Not just any rifle though. I had been wanting this thing ever since I first saw it, but the paperwork and time was all too much for me to deal with at the time

I got a Barrett M99, which was the latest thing that he had at the time, explaining that the newer ones were all sold out

Including the ammo for everything, my first credit card of 50k was cleaned out completely, leaving me with another 50k in cash and another emergency card of 100k

Necro explained that if I wanted more money, I'd have to wait for the Zombies to get here, or I'd have to make it on his own by working

"Is this all for you son?" The old man asked me

I nodded "Yeah, I looked through everything in there and I'm pretty sure this is all that I want"

The old man hummed "What if I told you I had one more item that may interest you?"

I tilted my head in confusion "What kind of item would convince me that it's better than all of this?" I pointed to the bag of guns I had on my shoulder

The elder just grunted and waved me further back into the vault to a door that I saw earlier but couldn't get into

"Please Enter Password" A mechanical voice said from the doors direction

Old man guy whispered something to the thing and the first of the locks opened

The first of very many locks...

I stood there for at least five minutes as he unlocked every single one, one after the other

Finally the last one appeared and he punched as few keys into the keypad, unsealing the door

The inside was dark, as always


The lights suddenly flickered on and I was met with a sight more beautiful than the vault behind me

"This here is my prized creation. The first gun I ever bought, and all that's left is the trigger there" He pointed at the worn steel trigger that stuck out

"...It's beautiful"

The man grunted "Damn well better be! I spent almost 40 Years on this thing, and I ain't about to give it to someone who doesn't appreciate it!"

I laughed at his enthusiasm "So what does it shoot?"

"Good question. It shoots anything really"

My eyebrows furrowed

"What do you mean by that?"

"What the hell do you think I mean?" He sarcastically answered "It literally shoots ANYTHING. From Pressurized Gas to actual bullets. I developed the technology for it to automatically size itself to the chambered calibre, so it can shoot whatever the hell you need it to"

I turned to the gun, seeing it in a whole new light

"How much?" I asked him, seriousness tracing my voice

The old man side looked at me, grunting

"75k" He finally said

My eyes widened at the price "Seventy Five thousand?!?! You could sell that thing for millions and you're gonna offer seventy five for that?!" I shouted

He just waved me off "I realize that boy" Sighing, he started "It's just, you S.T.A.R.S Members are doing so much for this city, but us civilians don't really contribute that much back.. Consider this my repayment for your services here"

Sighing, I shook my head "You're crazy, you know that old man?"

"I get that a lot, now you gonna take it?"

I laughed "Hell yes I'm going to take it! Let's go check out!"

The elder grinned "Done" And went to get a case for the large rifle

"What's it called, anyway?"

He looked back at me "Just call it Id, reminiscent of Freud"

I nodded and went back up the stairs to the main room

'Damn, I just spent 125,000$ on my first day...' Sighing, I picked up the bags of guns and ammo, and the case with Id

Before stepping out the door however, I turned back to the man for one last question

"What's your name, old man?"

He grinned and pointed behind him, where a large sign hung with the words 'Kendo's Gun Shop'

My eyes widened slightly and I turned back to Kendo

"Thank you for your help" Before turning around, and leaving

I got in my Armored Mini Tank, and started her up, looking towards the next location on the map

"Let's go learn some Martial Arts, shall we?"

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