Pulling out of the parking lot of Kendo's, Jack drove to the nearest martial arts dojo he could find

He was about halfway to his destination, when -

[ Jack, Don't head to that Dojo ] Necro suddenly popped out

"Huh? Why not?" He questioned, confused. Wasn't this place rated five stars? Why shouldn't he head here?

[ Just don't ] A marker appeared on his mini map [Head there, trust me ]

He looked at the place that was marked, and found it to be a normal martial arts Dojo, teaching a whole lot of things, but it was fairly new

"Alright, if you say so.." Jack muttered under his breath and started driving in the direction of the marker

15 Minutes later, he stood in front of an unassuming building

'Mixed Martial Arts' The sign lit up from the top in a glowing white color

"Why would you want me to head here..?" Jack grumbled, walking inside

It was fairly normal. Mats and punching bags in a side room where he could see, and a front desk where he could see a short haired brunette girl sat down, typing away at her computer

[ Get the girls attention and show her your badge. She'll take care of everything afterwards ] Necro informed

Jack was sceptical but still followed along

"Excuse me, miss?" He greeted with a small smile

Looking up from her work, she noticed Jack standing there

"Welcome! Are you here to sign up?" She professionally asked

The man nodded and pulled out his S.T.A.R.S badge

"I'm a new member and was told to head here" He nervously laughed

The receptionist just smiled "Not to worry. Follow me to the back" She waved him into a room behind her desk, which led to an elevator

Stepping inside, the girl pressed '0'

"So, how did you get on S.T.A.R.S?" She curiously asked

"Ah, I.." There was a slight problem. Jack had no clue what to say to that. He couldn't just say 'Oh, this magical system thing teleported me here through countless dimensions for this express purpose' Could he?

[ Say that you were scouted. You were in college for Forensics and Research, and they found your work impressive, so they recruited you for the job ]

Relaying the explanation, the girl hummed

"That's how most people get recruited for the job. They get scouted from their various occupations and usually take the offer"

Jack rose an eyebrow in confusion

"How do you know all that?"

Laughing nervously, she faced him, pulling out her own S.T.A.R.S badge

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jill Valentine, B&E Specialist for S.T.A.R.S Alpha team" She held her hand out

Jack was frozen for a second before he took her hand in a firm shake

'I can't believe I'd meet one of the main characters on my first day here.. Wait, so does that mean-?"

[ Yes, I led you here on purpose. If I hadn't, you would have never gone here and would have met Jill a week later when you would finally start your first day. Sooner is better than later, and that other dojo was off the list immediately ]


"Nice to meet you Jill, my name is Jack Duran, the new Combat and Research Specialist for Alpha team"

"Oh! You're the new guy that Captain Wesker has been telling us all about! It's refreshing to finally meet you"

"Wesker has been telling you all about me? What's he been saying?" Jack asked her

"Just that you were scouted last month and was going to be moving here next week. Didn't expect you here so soon" She told him

Jack hummed "I wanted to see where I was going to be living for the foreseeable future, so I decided to come early. Didn't think I'd be meeting one of my colleagues so soon either"

Stepping through the door, Necro gave a notification

[ Entered Training Dungeon!

S.T.A.R.S Personal Training Room

+500% Learning speed towards martial arts, Able to project a personal martial arts instructor for your benefit

Unlocked Instructors

- Karate

Locked Instructors

- Taekwondo

- Muay Thai

... ]

'Training Dungeon? The fuċk?'

[ Yep! There are plenty of dungeons out there. Three different categories, the money Dungeon, training Dungeon, and boss Dungeon. I'm sure you can guess what each of them do~]

The young man sighed and started looking around the room

"You can use this facility any time you want" She tossed a set of keys at Jack "Just make sure to lock up"

Jill smiled and hopped back into the elevator, heading up

He looked around one more time before grinning

"I'm going to have fun in here..."

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