Coming back into the main hall, I made my way up the east side to the balcony


"Da#/&ng#/erous.. Poo^*l" Wesker came on over the radio again

"Damnit, shut up" I muted my radio

Walking up to the two dogs, I knew I was in the right place

I moved the plants out of the way and came upon a hexagonal indentation

"Here we go" I set the Stone emblem in the indent and a passageway opened up to my left

Grinning, I began my walk down to the shack..

Of course there's a dog..


It collapsed, flying over my head from its jump

"Enemy encounters are exactly the same..."

I had been skeptical about it for a while now but this put the final nail in the coffin

Sighing, I continued my walk to the cabin

"That means Lisa is next..."


I stepped inside with a grimace, looking around furiously for any sign of the girl





The whole cabin was silent besides the creaking of wood underneath my feet

Shouldering my shotgun tighter, I continued my way down the tiny set of stairs to my left, picking up the first aid spray on the shelves beside me before stepping back outside via the door at the bottom

I sighed in relief this time, holstering my shotgun and walking slowly down the steep path to the gate below

*Squee* *Squee*

On the way were two rooster compases, spinning wildly in the rainy wind


"I find it stupid how they didn't climb OVER this gate, but whatever.."

The compases had unlocked a derelict metal gate at the bottom of the path, leading into another graveyard

"Two gravestones..."

This was the part I was really looking forward to

"Ah! There you are!"

Two gravestones, standing side by side and each with indents on the front of them

I pulled out the wind crest I got from the bug room upon my exploration, I stuck it into the right crest


The indent moved backwards, revealing another three emblems which I grabbed

One cross, three horizontal lines and two vertical lines

Looking on the back of the emblems, they all had the same patterns on them

'If I remember correctly..' Pressing a buŧŧon, the engravings jutted out

I grinned and placed them each in their correct positions


The stone rolled back once again, revealing the item I was looking for

A sleek, silver magnum Revolver. The same one Barry had before

I picked it up and looked it over

"Oh yeah.. This will do"

Following the path, I was led up to a small shack, similar to the first


The doors once again creaked as I opened them, Revolver out in front



Nothing but the ticking of a small clock in the corner of the room

Looking around, I found myself climbing a small set of stairs

"Item Box there... Small crank there" I picked it up and set it in my inventory space




Looking behind me, I saw a sight I won't ever be able to clear from my mind

What was once a girl, experimented on by the T-Virus, was created into an abomination

She was chained up with a large piece of concrete by her hands, and carried a large coffin on her back

Her face was horribly disfigured and her back was crushed to make her look like a hunchback

"You poor girl.."


'It' Screamed and charged at me with snail like speed, swinging it's concrete covered hands

"Shit!" I rolled out of the way, her concrete swing taking out a huge chunk of the wall

'She's pretty much immortal with that regeneration... Hold on'

Sprinting over to the thing, I suplexed it straight into the wooden floor


Screeching, it tried to wiggle free from my grip. It might have been able to do so a day ago, but now that I had the T-Virus in me, it couldn't get free

I unsheathed my knife and began hacking away at her neck

Her regeneration seemed to be proving troublesome at first until I started to pull at the head


The skin was like chainmail, Iron linked and refusing to separate

"COME ON!!!"

My muscles were bulging and straining at the sheer force I was putting on them

"AARGHHHHhhhh... rghh.. Ma.."



Her head finally came off, leaking darkened brownish-blackish blood

I was left panting heavily on the ground, looking sadly at the corpse of Lisa

"Well Fuck..."

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