"Well, fuċk.."

I sat there holding the girls body for a while before I got up, looking around the cabin for one more thing

"A shovel, there you are" I picked one up from the back where I found the crank

Picking up Lisa's body, I took her outside the cabin and began to dig a hole

*Shhhk* *Thud*

I looked on in silence as her body hit the bottom with a loud thud along with the corpses of her parents

"You have a good rest.."

I buried her back up and walked back up to the first cabin


[I've got it]

Lisa's head dissolved into a familiar bunch of glowing gold lights, floating up into the air

[Stable T-Virus V2 - 50%]



"Not in the mood Zombie.." I muttered, staring at its corpse a moment before walking off once again


The door to the cabin opened up in another squeak

"These doors really need some oil or something.."

I hopped up the stairs, heading to my right instead of the way I came in, towards a separate door

The sound of water was on the other side long with various caws of the Ravens who hadn't flewn off yet

A gigantic pool was in the center of a large fenced off garden area, along with a small Gazebo like structure

Pulling out the crank I got from the previous cabin, I stuck it in a slot on the far side of the pool



Turning the crank, it drained the water completely which revealed two ladders and a bridge to the other side of the pool that was blocked off

"God, why does this place have so many puzzles.."

I ran across the bridge and went down the exposed elevator on the other side


Beginning my path to the home below, I prepared myself for...



"I've had enough of you to last a lifetime.."

They began to slither out of the stony walls to the sides of me in small groups

I sighed in slight annoyance and just jumped over them as they tried to strike at me, stomping on their heads in the process

"Really in a bad mood right now.."

The remaining snakes didn't listen (Probably because they were snakes) and jumped at me like the rest


The group was murdered in the span of seconds, leaving the stone pathway covered in slightly green blood


"Ok, seriously, where is the oil, because this is really annoying"

The door once again creaked at it slowly opened, making way to the wooden house

'Nothing in the first room if I remember, besides the box..'

Not surprisingly, I was not correct

Picking up the first Blue Herb of the game, I made my way through the double doors on the other side of the cabin


A string of drool dripped down in front of my face, right above the doorway

'Fucking Spiders!'

I rolled through into the room as the three foot spider spat what looked like a ball of webs at my location


The sound of my Revolver shot through the air, blasting a five inch hole in the middle of the spider

It fell down off the wall, right in front of me, curling up its legs and going stiff

Letting out a breath, I relaxed a bit

"Snakes are one thing, but fuċk spiders.."

Now that the enemy was gone, I could look around

Facing the entrance, to my left was a dead end with only a table and Lantern

To my right was a chain fence, opening up into a downset room and an upwards staircase

The light it created was in the shape of an eye, not easily figured out so I just left it and went to the right side

The downset room turned out to be a small bar, littered with small tables and kegs


'Winner will be crowned champion of the Racoon City Police Department!'

I chuckled slightly at the aged poster, rubbing the dusty corners

"Was this Wesker or Spencer? Who the hell knows.."

I patted the wall and stepped down into the bar area

"I need a little drink"

Seeing as how the kegs and bottles were still sealed, I poured myself a shot of Rum since nothing could really affect me now with my Virus enhanced body

"To Lisa" I raised the glass in the air before I downed it in one, wincing a little at the burning sensation in the back of my throat

"God, I need to be drunker for that.."

I shook my head and got back to exploration

On the Table beside me was a red book, which I took and another Lantern

I lit it and the symbol it created was also an Eye, glowing brightly in the dim abyss

'Another one down'

Climbing the stairs, I came to a dark room, relatively unfurnished beside a table, carpet, and a-

"Jeez, who the fuċk needs this many candles?!"

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