The candle lit up like the other two. An eye being formed at the bottom from the light

Focusing on my surroundings, I couldn't hear anything or see anything from lighting that last candle

"Nothing? Huh..."

I hadn't remembered clearly what those candles actually did, so I just left them there. heading back into the hallway

In front of me, I came out facing a big box

'Push push push'

Though, I didn't actually have to push the thing. My strength and the fact that it was hollow made it so I could easily pick it up


I placed it down as a stepping block so I could get into a room on the other side of the hallway, since the floor had a huge hole in it on the right side



This shit was really getting on my nerves..

"Maybe I need a nap.."

I sighed and looked around the old, dusty hallway

It was basically the same as the rest of the mansion. Covered in dust and random objects

On the far side of the hall, there was a pile of newspapers



All of them were covered in some article about S.T.A.R.S. Missions, new members, anything

"Fucking Wesker.."

I shook my head and continued on my way

There were only two doors in this hall. One of them labeled '002' and a hole in the wall to the left of it

From the hole, I could hear a faint buzzing sound

"Right, Bees"

For now, I ignored that and entered the '002' room

It was a small bedroom. Dim and really dank

On the bed was a pile of newspapers, which looked like someone projectile vomited blood all over


If I remember correctly...





"Sorry about that doctor"

A zombie came out of the bathroom behind me and tried to attack as i was examining the tunnel below

"Leave that ladder for now~"

I stood back up and entered the bathroom next to the entrance


"Oh my God it didn't squeak"

I shook my head tiredly and picked up the one thing that was useful in here

"Thank you~"

Going back out into the first hallway, once again ignoring the bees (I hate bees) I went to the door that was locked before


There we are!

It opened up into another bedroom, same as the last one but without the large amount of blood on the bed

Ignoring everything else, I just entered the bathroom


As the tub was full, I pulled the plug, draining all of the water clean

"Aaaand there is the Control Room key"


A corpse on the floor awakened as I said that, turning it's mutilated face to stare hungrily at my legs

"Now how are you alive? You had a hole in your head! No matter.."


I smashed his head in and left the room, heading back towards the '002' room


These metal bars are really loud on this ladder...


My feet touched down on a concrete surface, the hallway I entered smelling like a pool room

Looking around, I found that I was inside the real facility

In front of me was three boxes and a door


A small pool of water blocked the path around the corner

"Time to test my buoyancy"

I picked the boxes up and dumped them in the water. It was a good thing that they were hollow..

The door behind me was of no interest at the moment so I continued into the depths of the facility


The water level rose as the path sloped downwards, a metal gate was all that held it back


Past the gate, a giant circular pool of water contained a tied up man to the metal railings

"Who are you?" I stood my ground at the gateway, gun raised cautiously

He was looking around frantically, seemingly searching for something


His eyes were darting every which way faster than a hummingbird


A triangular blue object suddenly cut itself out of the water, swimming towards the tied up man

He noticed and his eyes widened like flying saucers, mouth locking open


The object swam closer as I just watched, gun clutched tightly in my hands


A large mouth popped out of the water and swallowed the man whole, metal bar included

My eyes were stone cold as I saw the shark swim downwards, being replaced by two more, each zigzagging towards me


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