
The sharks zigzagged towards my position, bloodlust shining in their dull, black eyes


I tried firing at the giant sea creatures but the refraction of the water made it impossible to hit them

So I made the smart choice and ran for the next room


The sharks turned out to be faster than they looked and gained speed on me

"Come on, come on..."

I reached the door and unlocked it with the Control Room key just as the shark rammed into the door, making a small dent in the Steel plated entrance

I slumped down slowly and sighed in slight relief

"There was a reason I never saw Jaws"

Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes and examined the objects around me

The control room door opened into the second floor, so we were on a small metal balcony with a latter on the right of me, some sea vests on the shelves to the left

Stepping down the latter, I came into the actual control room

It was a room covered in only windows, steel beams and reinforcements being the only thing keeping it together. The bottom walls were lined with control panels, flashing red and green lights going off occasionally

On the Table to my left were papers and various documents that were of no relevance, except for one

'In case of Irregular pressure, turn valve #2'

Leaving that for now, I turned back to the consoles

"Shiny Red buŧŧon? Push~"

I pushed the buŧŧon flashing a bright Neon red on the right side of the latter labeled 'DRAIN'

It would have started working but a giant shark came out of nowhere and started swimming towards the windows

I stepped back a little "You better fuċkɨnġ not..."

Running back, I climbed the ladder a bit as a safety measure as the shark rammed the foot wide window


A spiderweb of interlacing cracks appeared at the spot where he hit, not breaking the glass but surely weakening it a fair bit

The lights in the room flashed red after the sea creature rammed the glass


On the speakers, a female voice warned Monotonously


That made me abandon my idea of running out of here

"Fuuuck..." I could swear I had legit anime tears streaming down my face

"This part is kind of hazy, but..."

Large computer? Check

"One of these buŧŧons should do the trick"

I started to press everything on the keyboard, hoping one of them would save as I did the next step

After pressing all of the buŧŧons, I got up and turned around, facing the other window

"Big red lever~~"


Pulling the lever down, a huge Metal plate descended upon the windows, stopping about halfway through however


"God Damnit.."

I cursed and ran back around to the corridor behind the latter, turning left

In front of me was a complex machine with three mechanisms that I could turn

"Number two..."

Turning the middle, the red lights on the machine turned a bright green, making me grin-


-And then immediately frown


I ran back to the computer, slamming my fingers on all of the large buŧŧons, pressing them all as I turned and almost tripped jumping to the lever



They both made it down safely, making me bend over and close my eyes for a moment

"Damn that was scary..."

Fun Fact : I'm quite afraid of Deep waters and sharks. One of my worst fears is waters that you can't see the bottom of, like the Marina trench

"Thank god it didn't come to that"

I sighed and got back up, going back to the 'DRAIN' buŧŧon, slamming my clammy hand upon it


The sound of water rushing down metal grates was music to my ears

"God I need a nap..."

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