While I was having fun pissing myself in front of giant sharks, Chris and Jill were talking

"He knows something. I don't know what, but it's gotta be important" Chris said, looking down at the floor with a hard look

Jill didn't reply, still thinking about what Jack had told them

'Wesker? Really? I know he's kind of creepy and he's gone a lot but he's still the team captain!'


As the internal struggle was going on inside her mind, Rebecca had chosen that time to wake up from her injury induced sleep

The duo immediately got up in part concern and relief

"Rebecca! Are you alright?"

Her eyes cracked open a bit and noticed Chris and Jill standing over her

"Jill? Is that you?"

That confirmed that she was alright, making Chris sit back down and sigh in apt relief

"Yeah, it's me.. What happened to you?" Jill Confirmed

Rebecca slowly opened her eyes and sat up slightly on the small cot that she was lying on

"I don't know..." She started off, looking down at her hands

"I was just wandering the house when I suddenly felt unimaginable pain... The last thing that I saw was a badge dropping to the floor.."

"So he might be correct.."

The medic looked at Chris with a confused look

"Who might be correct?" She asked

Jill nodded when the man looked over to her in askance

"Jack. He told us not to trust Wesker, might be behind all of this stuff or something. I still don't believe it, but the facts are still coming in" He explained

Rebecca looked back down at her hands and the silence returned

"...I think I saw the glint of some sort of small piece of glass too, but I don't really remember. Wesker is the only person I know who wears any sort of sunglasses.."

The duo were once again stumped by that piece of information, and the silence couldn't be more suffocating in that room


They were snapped out of their depressing thoughts by Chris' radio going off

"This is Jack, come in Alpha team"

Their eyes widened and looks were once again exchanged

Chris picked the radio up and hesitantly spoke into it

"This is Alpha team, what's up Jack?"

The radio was silent for a few moments


"Ok good, you guys are there. Are you doing ok? How's Rebecca?" Jacks voice came through again

Jill snatched the radio from the Alpha team member

"This is Jill. We are doing fine and Rebecca is recovering. How about you?"

"That's good.. I'm doing okay, considering the giant snakes and the giant shark.."

The faces on the three were priceless



"Jeez! Not so loud.." Jack complained

Jill didn't pay him any mind and tossed the radio back to Chris as the B&E Specialist sat back down, the revelations of today Taking too much of a toll for her to handle

"Giant sharks?" Chris asked


"Yeah, apparently they decided to experiment with animals and the virus. I'm pretty sure I almost died a few minutes ago.."

"I'm gonna have to cut you off here Jack. Too much info at one time.."

He put the radio back down on the table and rubbed his heavy eyes

"God Damnit..."

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