I ġrȯȧnėd after the shutters closed, slumping down on one of the office chairs in the room as i listened to the satisfying sound of the water draining on the other side of the walls

Kind of wishing I could take a nap right there and then, I endured and took out my radio


"This is Jack, come in Alpha Team" I said tiredly into the large box

There was silence for some time before I heard the crackle return


"This is Alpha Team, what's up Jack?" I heard Chris reply, his hesitancy clear in his voice

I sighed for what seemed to be the millionth today and rubbed my eyes

'Jeez, I was only being realistic towards him! There is no reason he shouldn't be at least trusting of me right now. At least they aren't dead..'

The radio was silent until I replied back

"Ok good, you guys are there. Are you doing Ok? How's Rebecca?" I questioned

"This is Jill. We are doing fine and Rebecca is recovering. How about you?"

If it was possible, I slumped even more in the uncomfortable office chair (At least it wasn't a foldable one)

"That's good.. I'm doing okay, considering the giant snakes and the giant shark.." I nonchalantly replied back, not expecting what was coming next



I almost tossed the radio away after the ear splitting scream and nails against chalkboard came through but held back, deafening me in the process..

"Jeez! Not so loud.." I whɨnėd, still wincing from the ringing

I got no reply from her as Chris came back through

"Giant sharks?" He asked curiously

Pretty sure I was being a little too nonchalant right now but I really don't give a shit

I could hear the future BSAA member give a heavy sigh and I could imagine the facepalm he had after my previous sentence

"I'm gonna have to cut you off here Jack. Too much info at one time.." He said with a little bit of irritation in his voice before the frequency went dead

Raising an eyebrow at his dismissal, I ended up just shrugging and laying in the chair for a few minutes before I decided it was enough and I got up to stretch

"Alright.." I mumbled to myself, laying out my choices

Now that the water was drained, I could safely head back up the ladder and explore the round up there. It helps that I only saw one door up there, keeping time low

The other choice was to ignore the ladder for now and head through the hallway, into the unknown room past the bulkhead door

Deciding I would just say fuċk it, I started walking down the hallway to my right, making a mental note to remember the door up the latter when I come back up

It's definitely not because I didn't want to climb the latter..

The large, partially rusted bulkhead door gave a small squeak as it opened, revealing a crossroads straight ahead, a single door to my left

To my right was a large stockpile of explosives..

"Ho-ly Shiat"

I started to drool at the 6 foot tall pile of boxes, filled with various sticks of dynamite and plastic explosives

"I could kill the Tyrant with this kind of firepower..."

All of the imagining came to a stop however, when I noticed the drip of water coming from the ceiling, falling right on top of the pile

I still held on hope at the possibility, running to the closest box of explosives I could


The lid gave off a horrible squelching sound as I lifted it, making my heart leap into my throat

Inside was just a box filled with soggy dynamite and rotting gunpowder


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