I ġrȯȧnėd and kicked at the puddles of water surrounding the wet and most likely inert dynamite

"I guess it would have made it too easy though.." I slumped a little and sighed before looking once more over the large pile

It seems luck was on my side as I found a couple of boxes in the back that had bȧrėly been touched by the ravages of misplaced shark habitats

"Let's see here..." Opening the boxes, I counted out 5 sticks that you would use in the mines somewhere, a couple bottles of gunpowder, 2 mines, and..

"Frag grenades??"

Four of them to be exact, stored away in a lockbox I had to dig up and shoot the lock off

Wait a moment

"STUPID STUPID STUPID" I scolded myself, banging my head against the metal walls

"I could have killed myself doing that. I'm a god damn idiot.."

The only solace I had was that I could say I did it AWAY from the large pile of unstable death powder

After I hit my head once more, I continued back out on my path to wherever I was heading, picking up a revolver speedloader on the way before going out the double bulkhead doors facing the dynamite

The only thing lighting the hallway was a green light coming from above, making the whole place look like some sort of area in Shrek's stomach


From further up ahead, I heard something flopping against the wet floors, making a horrible noise

Turns out it was just a beached shark (Even though we were nowhere near a beach) flopping like an almost dead fish on the dock

The thing looked miserable. Flesh was missing from its body and its skin color was an unnatural pale color that made me think it was some sort of ghost

Looking into its eyes, I could see that they were pitch black. No pupil or anything, which freaked me out


Its flopping snapped me back into reality and I put two in the aquamarine animal to put it out of its misery, while also making the way ahead safe to walk through

"What's this..?"

"Hnngg.." Lifting the shark aside, I pulled the object out from underneath, making me go wide eyed in surprise and excitement

"Hello There~~~"

It was a shotgun, an ȧssault shotgun. 12 Guage and painted in a black that made my other shotgun look like it was a primitive club

"Thanks for the upgrade.."

I stood up and patted the underside of the shark, lightly because I didn't want it to somehow come back from the dead and pull a Thing on me

I very much like both of my hands, thank you very much...

Walking up ahead, leaving the carcass behind, I came upon a large silhouette resting in a small reservoir of water, a path leading around it to a small platform with some control panels that looked less of a waterlogged mess than the others

The silhouette had the same color as the shark back there, a pale gray that was sickly and virulent. The shape looked like a big, steep hill with a triangle on to...

"NOOOOOOO!" I internally screamed as I realized what the thing was

The one that cracked a foot of reinforced glass and dented steel

"What the fuċk is my luck..."

I pouted for a second on my knees before taking a deep breath and glaring heavily at the abomination

"I'm gonna walk by you, and you aren't going to move, got that?" I was most likely talking to a carcass but you never know with this place..

*Tink Tink Ti-*



Of course, my luck being how it is, the shark started flopping once more, perfectly fine and trapping me on the platform with the electrical panels, in the process knocking one of the boxes off of a pole in the corner right into the water which made me grin

"If that's the way you wanna play it..."

The shark didn't make any movements but I knew it was just playing, the damn thing was waiting for me to head on down there myself

"Think again you damn monster..."

I flicked a switch on to my left, turning on the electricity to the two consoles in the water, in the process electrocuting the water



The switch shorted out as the shark thrashed about in the pool of water, steaming as it flash shocked the sharks insides, turning it to a boiling temperature

I grinned as the Sea creature went limp and the electricity died out from the short circuit

Behind the shark, I noticed a sheen from a small object in the water

"What's this...?" I hopped over the rails and climbed over the shark to the object


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