After absolutely slaughtering a few hives of bees around the house, taking the residence key from the first hive, Unlocking door #3 with it as well as entering to find yet another bedroom, with yet another, yes another, shitty puzzle revealing a door behind the dresser, I decided to go inside, only to be greeted by -


- a humongous mass of plant matter hanging and swinging its vines from the top of, what looked to be, the theatre

A tentacle reached out and grabbed me, lifting me from the ground and swinging me from side to side before throwing me to the ground

"Auughhh.... Shit..."

[Damn, that thing managed to break a few of your bones....] Necro popped out of nowhere

"Thanks for the support, you bastard" I ġrȯȧnėd in irritation

I looked up to the thing seemingly having calmed down, its vines swinging limply from the spot up above

...Before it started shooting white shit at me


Running up the stairs, I got my Magnum out and started firing at the bulb of the plant, desperately trying to knock the thing from its safe spot

After witnessing what that white shit did to the wood, I didn't want to be at the receiving end of any of that


"Damn it! Die!"


I was starting to run out of breath from running away from the vines, seeing as they were spiked I wanted nowhere near the damn things...

The shotgun was next up to bat, firing about three times for the plant to shrivel up and start dropping it's flower petals one by one

I stopped to catch my breath, wincing at the horrid screeching the thing made as it died

"How the fuċk can plants make any sort of noise like that?" I said before witnessing the familiar gleam of a treasure from the fireplace

A key with a diamond emblem on its handle was laying there, simply collecting dust

"They kept a killer plant to guard a single damned key..."

Sometimes, I just hate wesker because he has negative IQ, sometimes I just hate him because he's ugly, sometimes it's both


"Are you Ok?" She asked worriedly with a frown

I panted and shook my head "I'm fine, just scared me..."

I could hear her laugh silently before she patted my back and I looked back up to her

"Where are the others? I thought you were still resting?" I asked. She was supposed to be injured, right?

"The others are behind me. They found a map of this place and saw the medical room in here so we followed you. Chris is in the bar and Jill is checking out one of the bedrooms" Rebecca replied with a small frown

I noticed but didn't push on it

"I heard gunshots coming from the room over here and found you. What happened in there?" Rebecca followed up

I grimaced and pointed behind me "Giant plant thing. Must've been experimented on because that thing lifted me up like a sack of feathers" My ċhėst shot a wave of pain through my body, making me grab onto it

"Are you sure you're Ok?!" The medic asked again with more worry

She nodded and put my arm around her shoulder and brought me into the room with the math equations and vials

"Did you happen to find any other team members?" Rebecca asked

I shook my head "If I have, they were unrecognizable"

The girl gave me a heavy frown, unsatisfied with the blunt answer

What? It's true!

"Agh! That hurts!" I complained as she tightened the bandages around my ċhėst "I'm just saying it how it is, no need to take it out on my injuries.."

The glare that she gave me could have rivaled a basilisk

"You don't need to be so blunt about it! I swear, you're always so Pessimistic about everything!" She shouted at me, tightening my bandages even more, shooting another wave of pain through my body

"Jeez! I'm sorry!!!" The anime tears were coming in full force now

Damn you cuteness..!

"Look, I'm sorry, didn't mean to put it that way.. I still haven't seen any recognizable people"

I should really stop making her mad

"OW!!!! Fuck!"

"Hold still and stop squirming" She demanded

I sighed and did so as she applied some sort of spray to my bandages and left to go find Chris and Jill, leaving me to take a nice long nap...

Ha! Psyche!

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