"So... You're still alive"

My eyes immediately snapped open, shooting around the room for the source of that damned voice

They eventually landed on a figure in the dark corner who walked out into the dim light in the middle of the room

It was a tall man, well built and wearing a Raccoon City Police Uniform. His sunglasses were reflecting what little light there was straight into my face


The man in question gave a deep laugh and sat down on one of the chairs in the room

"I thought you were dead? What the hell happened?" I asked, anger accidentally leaking into my voice

He gave me a smug look "I was separated with the rest of Beta team when we landed. Apparently this place is the source of the disappearances"

A scowl was threatening to break through my calm exterior. This bastard wants to act like nothing has happened? Two can play at that game...

"Really? I haven't noticed at aaalll~"

Wesker frowned slightly "Anyways, we should find a way to get out of this place before we, should I say, turn into zombie dinner"

That was lame Wesker. Nobody is better at sarcasm than I, damned idiot

"Any suggestions, Jack?" He followed up, locking eye contact with his ruby red eyes


"I'm sure there are other unexplored areas in the mansion. I'll take Jill, Chris and Rebecca with me" I glared into his skull "Look for the other members of Beta team, will you? We don't want anyone getting stuck in this hell hole, right?"

I waited a few minutes before sitting up



The nightstand next to the hospital bed now has a nice, new, fist shaped hole. A perfect cup holder for your beverages! Only 19.95$ or you can call now and get one FREE with your purchase!

"Is everything ok in here?" Speaking of the devil, the two members of Alpha team +1 ran in, obviously thinking there was some sort of fight happening in here after I almost crushed this nightstand

I looked up at the three members and started thinking

Jill. She's the B&E Specialist for the team. Breaking and Entering. Lockpicking, bombs, all that. I've witnessed her take apart a military grade lock with a bobby pin and screwdriver in a minute flat. The same could be said about her bomb making. C4 is childs play for her. To top it off, she knows what she's doing out on the field. Military experience certainly helps with that

Chris. Our point man. Trained in so many weapons, I don't even know where to start. If I gave him one of my shotguns right now, I'm sure he could take it apart and put it back together in less than 5 minutes. Don't even mention his skills with Hand to Hand combat. I've sparred with him more than a few times and he's taken me down a good number of those times. He might be a bit of a dɨċk sometimes, but he's smart enough to know when to shut his mouth. Good trait in a soldier

Rebecca. Supposed child prodigy in the field of Chemistry and Medical sciences. Shows too with how well she patched me up. I'm sure she could come up with a cure to a disease in less than a week, reverse engineer it in half that time and then have it ready to deploy it to the people who made the thing in half THAT time. Young as she is, she knows what the hell she's doing, and she's nice enough to be gentle when she's doing it.. Mostly

[Look who's finally realizing they have teammates! I thought it would never happen~~ Congrats!]

'Shut up Necro, this is mostly your fault, with all of your "Oh this is a game!" shit'

The guy didn't respond, but I could sense the aura of smugness from the air around me

"..ack! JACK!" My hearing finally came back to the outside, only to get shot again at Jill shouting at me

I didn't react, however, and just looked at them for a few moments, making them confused until I stood up and walked out the door

"...Follow me"

They all looked at each other before running after me

'It's about time we start kicking ȧss together'

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