In Resident Evil, But It's Slightly Different...?

Chapter 7 - Library and Disappearances

Another month has passed since the kidnapping of Kyle Greene, and I finally realized something

'Why haven't I checked out the library yet?'

It would have so many things in which I could easily learn, and the place could even be a training Dungeon as well

So I went the first instant I could go

'Let's see here... Racoon City Library, there we go'

Walking up the steps to the giant library, I opened the doors

[ Training Dungeon Found!

Racoon City Library!

+500% Learning Speed towards all non-combat skills, Able to project a personal instructor for various topics

Unlocked Instructors

- Physics

- Biology

Locked Instructors

- Chemistry

- Mechanical Engineering

- Algebra

My eyes widened and I smiled at the notification

'I was correct...' Laughing quietly, I found a nearby table and conjured the first hologram

I was going to take advantage of these training dungeons while they lasted, because they sure as hell weren't going to exist after the outbreak

So that's what I did for the next five and a half months. Head to the dojo in the morning, talk to Jill for a bit, head in for my shift at noon to six, and for the rest of the day, study in the library

From those months, I had gotten 4 Black Belts in Karate, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. I had also gone through 6 Holograms in the library, mastering Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and I was halfway through finishing the Mechanical Engineering course

I'm going to forever miss these training Dungeons when they inevitably get blown sky high...

Anyways, The first Disappearances in the forest have started happening a few days ago, along with another thing

Necro was updating..

He had popped up when the first person disappeared and he said he would be gone for the next few days

When I had tried talking to him, he didn't respond so I guessed he was either asleep or updating with some new functions

Either way, I hoped he didn't just disappear on me...

Right now, Jill, Chris, Barry and I were getting ready to fly over to the Mansion right now

Bravo team and Wesker had chosen to fly over there in that direction a few hours ago in search for the missing persons and we had lost contact with each of them, so we were sending some backup

"Let's hope they're all ok..." Jill muttered as we went up the stairs to the Helipad

"Don't worry about them Jill, they can handle it" I tried comforting her, but it obviously didn't work with the still present frown on her face

"Maybe they crashed..?" Andre, the pilot for Alpha team had shamelessly suggested

He had started to Speed walk up the stairs from the glares all of us gave him

I sighed and checked my person for everything

'Gun, Extra magazines, First Aid spray...'

I had to leave most of my things at home, which was disappointing but I understood that everyone didn't know how this mission would go and it would look weird if I brought 8 guns to a 'rescue' operation

"Everyone has their necessary supplies?" Barry asked everyone

I nodded along with Jill and we hopped onto the Helicopter

The ride there was silent, everyone on edge thinking about what could have happened to lose contact with a whole team

It took around 45 Minutes to reach the place where we lost contact with Bravo team

"What the hell happened here...?" Chris muttered

Jill stared along the wreckage of Bravo Teams helicopter in wide eyed shock

All around the area, trees were mangled and some even on fire. There was a length of about 120 meters of burnt and collapsed trees, and at the end of the trail was the mangled and blackened wreck of what could have been a helicopter

"Set her down!" I told Andre, who flew around for a second, landing about three minutes from the wreckage in a small clearing

"Jill, you and I will go check it out. Chris, Barry, you look out for anything strange in the trees" They both nodded and we went to examine the wreckage

Inside we could see the burnt corpse of Josh, still with a shocked expression on his face

"Guh..." Apparently Jill couldn't handle the sight and lost control of her stomach contents

"What he fuċk..." I examined the body and I could see signs of chewing and bite marks all across it, it looked like some sort of dog had a field day on the guy...





My eyes widened and I unholstered my gun, shooting him twice in the head

'Thank God I was focused on him or I would have missed that...'

"What happened?" Jill snapped out of her funk

"He was alive.."

"What?! That's impossible! You saw his body!!" She shouted

I shook my head "I clearly saw his finger twitch a few inches. He was alive, Jill" I insisted

I could tell she was still skeptical, but from my tone she could see I was serious

"Keep a lookout for anything strange.."

She nodded and took her own pistol out, looking around intently

I looked at Josh one more time

'No, I can get much more data from other infected'


Jill and I were immediately on alert


'Where the fuċk...'

"BARF BARF" My thoughts were cut off by a discolored and mutilated dog hopping out of the Bush in front of me


Immediately, I double tapped the canine in the head, its body falling to the ground

I made no move to go check if it was dead, choosing the stand my ground instead

It was the correct choice as two more dogs appeared from the Bush and I put two more bullets into each of them

"Jack?! What the fuċk did you do that for?! They were harmless dogs!!" Jill shouted at me

I turned and glared at her "Look at them, they aren't normal"

She glared back but went along with the suggestion

"What the hell?"

The dogs had wriggling worms coming out of each of their bodies, their skin was severely discolored and had patches of flesh missing, and the eyes were a vivid red color

"Something is going on out here, and it could be related to Bravo Teams disappearance" I told her

We left the area after that, heading back to the Helicopter

...Until we discovered that the Helicopter was gone

"Where the fuċk did Andre go?!?!"

I was pissed. Andre left us here after only 5 minutes?! What the hell is that? And how did I not see the Helicopter leaving?!

"Fucking bastard..." I muttered under my breath

Jill came up and layed a hand on my shoulder "The Spencer Mansion is not too far from here. We could seek refuge there"

I nodded and we began our journey

'Andre is going to regret leaving us here...'

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