From behind us, we heard the sound of dogs once again

Jill turned around at hearing that, which was a horrible decision

A horde of them were stanced right behind us, getting ready to charge

"Shit... RUN!!!"

We began to sprint right after that sight, causing the dogs to follow chase


Jill and I kept up with shooting those that were near us but they kept on coming in droves

"Spencer Mansion is right there! Hurry!!"

The building had just come up from over the hill, making us pick up our pace


The dogs apparently got smarter and realized they couldn't catch up with our guns, so they decided they wanted to flank us

Stopping, we looked around at the horde that was surrounding us

My eyes widened at the number and I gripped my pistol tighter


'Is this really how I'm going to die...?'


A dog that had jumped at me was taken down

"GO!!" He shouted and ran back into the covering

The dogs apparently perceived him as the greater threat, as the entire horde began to chase after him

"Let's go!"

We completed out journey without any more interruptions, making it through the front door safely

"Fuck, where the hell did Burke come from?" I panted out

Jill shook her head "He looked injured back there. You think the same thing that got Josh got him?"

I shrugged "Probably.."

The two of us caught our breath and began to look around the room we were in

It was a large, main hall with many various doors leading in all directions. There was a large staircase in the center that led to a second floor with another three or four doors

"Let's take a look around?" I suggested


We went around the room, checking all of the doors if they were unlocked but only found one

The dining room

'Looks like we're going to have to follow the campaign. I hoped we wouldn't have to do that very much...' I sighed and opened the doors to the dining hall

It was a typical dining room that you'd find inside of an old mansion. Very long, Filled with art, a fireplace at the far end, and a balcony that wrapped around the top walls

The first thing I saw when I walked in was the familiar glint of an Ink Ribbon and Typewriter

'Why the hell are these two here?'

I picked up the Ink Ribbon case and examined it

'...Nothing about saving games on here. That would be too convenient'

'Let's try it out...'

"What are you doing? This is no time to be writing" Jill chided me with a frown

I waved her off "I'm testing something out, hold on"

She sighed and I heard something about 'Too much paperwork, its habit now..'

I tested out everything I could thing of, 'Save game' 'Game Save' 'Save the game'

Really all just variations of 'Save the goddamm game'

'Looks like it won't work without Necro, maybe'

'Speaking of, where the hell is Necro?'


[Hmm? What's up?] His familiar blue screen popped up in front of me

'Woah, I didn't think that would work.. When the fuċk did you come back?' I asked curiously

[When that horde of dogs came. I was the one who guided Burke to you two]

I chuckled slightly 'Thanks man. Now why did you need to go offline?'

[Ohhhh, yeah right. I did indeed have an update]

'Really? What did it consist of?'

[Ahh, nothing much. You now have an Inventory and a Status page]

My eyes widened dramatically at that

'Inventory?? Holy shit, Haha!!'

"What the hell are you so happy about?" Jill asked looking over my shoulder

"Ah, nothing..." I nervously laughed

She looked at me with narrowed eyes before continuing to scour the room

I sighed and looked around

[You're only excited for the inventory? Not the status?]

I shook my head 'Inventory is way more useful than a status page'

Necro didn't reply to that

Looking around the room a bit more, we found nothing else of interest, so we decided to head to the next room

The piano room

It was a large hallway with a room on the left side and a couple of doors on the right

"Check out that hallway, I'll search through the room" Jill nodded and went right

I sent her that way because I knew that there was a zombie right here

'Let's see.. 5 Extra clips? I should be fine for quite some time..'

I slowly walked my way to the doorway where it heard the sounds of flesh being torn


Sure enough, I heard the sound of the first Zombie in the game

It slowly turned it's head in my direction as I stepped through the doorway and stood up


It's arms were outstretched and it's skin was paler than snow. I could see the blood around its mouth from its previous meal and the look it gave me was filled with hunger

I will admit, I froze up a second when I saw that pure hunger in its eyes...


One shot, right between its eyes. The infected immediately dropped to the ground, a pool of blood forming around the area

I could hear Jill run back to my position

"What happened?" She asked when she finally reached me

"The Mansion is comprised" I pointed to the thing at my feet

"Fuck..." Was all she said as she examined the deformed and pale body

"Keep a lookout for anything" I ordered

Looking around the piano room a bit more, I only found the tape that was on the corpse

"Go back to the piano room. I need to do something" I told Jill

She was a bit reluctant, but did so anyways

I unsheathed my knife and severed the head of the infected

'How's this Necro?'

[Well. It's not perfectly intact, but it will still land you another 25%. I need a fully intact head for the last 25%] Necro informed

I sighed 'That's going to be difficult...'

[I realize that, but you need to take risks for more rewards]

I shook my head and went back into the Dining room

"What did you need to do?" Jill immediately questioned

"Take some samples. Nothing major, just didn't want you to see the process"

She nodded, accepting the explanation


The windows suddenly lit up in a flash of light and a pitter patter started to sound on the rooftops

I sighed "Seems we aren't getting out until the rain clears..."


The doors to the Dining room opened in a loud bang and a man fell down face first onto the ground below

Jill and I ran up to the figure

Rolling him over off his stomach, we were both shocked


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