
Chris had just fallen face first onto the floor, possibly because of severe exhaustion

I slapped his face a few times

"Oi, Chris! Wake Up!"

The man was still out cold

I sighed and looked towards Jill

"Stay here while I go explore some more" I handed her three of my extra clips "Take these. Aim for the head if any of them come in"


I took that as confirmation and went back into the Piano Room, going through the door that was in the right room with the zombie

I appeared in a room with a large staircase heading up to the second floor

"Let's see here..." I started to scavenge through the room

"Aha!" Looking through the birdcage, I found an extra clip for my pistol

'That brings me up to three..'

Next to some chairs nearby was a pot filled with a green plant

"My first green herb..."

I took it with me in my inventory and continued up the stairs

It led to a single door right in front of me

Heading through, I found myself in another Hallway filled with various armor mannequins, each holding a spear

"Hall of Spears.."

"Right there, the golden arrow"

I picked up the arrow on the floor, looking straight towards the head

"Don't know why they called it the golden arrow when the head is green, but whatever.." I pulled the head off the body and stored it in my inventory

'I forgot to ask, does this inventory have a limit?'

[Nope. It's pretty much infinite really, just so you can store base building supplies]

'Great. I would have hated to have Chris' six slots..'

I looked around a little more for anything else but couldn't see anything so I exited through the next door

Coming out the other side, I exited to the Dining Room 2F


"Jill! You OK down there?" I shouted down below

"Yeah! Chris has stabilized so he should wake up in about half an hour!" I heard her shout from down below, making me sigh in relief

Looking back at the Zombie, I debated internally on how to deal with it

'I could shoot it in the legs, but that still risks myself being bitten when trying to sever the head...'

I couldn't really figure anything else as I was kiting the Zombie so I went with shooting it's kneecaps out


One knee gone...

"Is everything OK up there?!" Jill shouted from down below

"Just another infected! I got it handled!"

Second kneecap..

Both of its legs were now shot off and hanging on only by a literal thread

I stepped back a bit and got a running start before I jumped straight over the undead, turning right back around and putting it in a headlock

"Sorry pal.."

I unsheathed my knife and chopped it's head straight off, making thick dark blood squirt all over my face and vest



The head started to dissolve into bright particles, flying off under the window into the forest

I held my hand out and the particles came back, shaping themselves into a syringe shape that fell right into my palm

I looked at the syringe for a second before putting it away

'Let's reach a safe room first...'

"I'm heading back out! Be safe!" I shouted down below and got a 'You too' in return

I went out the double doors into the Main Hall 2F

I didn't bother looking around, choosing to head right down the stairs to the door into the graveyard

I juked around the Zombie in the mangled up graveyard and shot his legs off, making me need to reload

'Two clips...'

Searching around, I found the angel statue i needed in the middle of the yard

"Green arrowhead goes right... here" I fit it right into the inset hole on the statue and stepped back

I ran down the staircase, not risking the Zombie behind me there turning around and seeing me go down

It opened up into a stone room that looked like a small forge

Five Busts were standing to my left, and to my right the room lengthened out, a coffin hanging up on the roof above and a pedestal behind it

I ignored everything else, walking straight towards the pedestal, picking up the book on top of it

'Book of Curses?' I was slightly intrigued but ignored it for the key on the inside

"Sword Key obtained..."

I ran right back up the stairs, jumping over the legless zombie in the process, heading back into the main hall, turning left this time to the east hall

"Eugh, the Art Room.."

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