In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 116: In the Great Desolate God Realm, the three innate races that are about to be born! 【Sub

in the temple.

Above a huge torch statue.

Suddenly a huge heat flow rose up.

Soon, this heat flow completely ignited the divine power in the air of the temple.

An extremely terrifying and powerful divine fire.

Suddenly terror erupted on the torch.

Sweep 750,000 square meters of land in God's Domain.

All the divine power and divine crystals were burned at the same time.

Soon more than 4.6 million divine crystals on Zhou Fangyu's body were all turned into more than 4,600 divine flames (1 divine flame can be exchanged for 1000 divine crystals)

From then on, Zhou Fangyu's power level will exceed the realm of a demigod.

When he was in the main world, using the power of law, or other divine powers.

Its power will be even more terrifying.

Of course, the number of divine crystals consumed will also skyrocket by 1,000 times.

This is also the reason why Zhang Bo and Zhou Fangyu didn't use Shenyan at all when they fought against Zhou Fangyu.

Ordinary gods can't use divine flames at all.

Of course, for Zhou Fangyu, who has a large number of earth players leeks.

Shenyan is likely to be his standard daily attack from now on.

Just after the fire was ignited.

Zhou Fangyu's body was suddenly surrounded by a terrifying divine flame.

Horrible temperature.

His body was completely smelted and then re-forged.

The whole process only lasted 10 minutes.

When the supernatural fire on Zhou Fangyu's body disappeared.

His body has become incomparably perfect and powerful.

Of course, more importantly.

At this time, he and his own godhead have reached the level of perfect fit.

The realm of the gods is under the control of the godhead.

Indirectly manipulated by Zhou Fangyu from the past.

became part of his "spirit".

Let him do whatever he wants and control everything in the entire Divine Realm.

Right at this moment.

The entire Divine Realm erupted with a burst of space tearing.

At this time, 580 was in Shenzhou City and Fengdu City, waiting for the players to distribute their exploits.

At this time, I felt a terrifying divine might.

All of them were pressed to the ground.

Don't wait for them to figure out the situation.

The whole heaven and earth are moving, the sun and the moon in the sky.

Crazy rotation.

It was as if time and space were in violent disorder at the same time.


The power of the players disappeared.

But they still couldn't stand.

Because the earth is moving at the speed of a high-speed train.

Desperately expand toward the surrounding.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu's spirit had already come to the sky above the entire Prehistoric God Realm.

900,000 square kilometers of God's Domain.

It was like a balloon being blown up.

It started to expand like crazy.

The entire Prehistoric God Realm, except for Fengdu City and the surrounding area of ​​Shenzhou City.

Not much geographic change.

All other areas are changing wildly.

The two holy mountains of the demon clan were originally on the east and west sides of the god's domain.

But this time.

The sacred mountain of the two races moved towards the center of the God's Domain.

Soon, the two became one and became a holy mountain.

Even more incredible.

The remaining holy mountain, the altitude keeps rising.

And the faster it rises, the longer it gets taller.

In the end, this holy mountain went straight to the top of the nine heavens.

The pavilions and pavilions built by the demon clan on the holy mountain are now surrounded by clouds and mists in the sky.

Just like Buzhou Mountain and Heavenly Court in the legend of the Great Desolation.

at the same time.

The netherworld and the prehistoric world expanded to 10 times the area at the same time.

And across the netherworld and the prehistoric world.

From Zhang Bo's God Realm, the ghost forest and the huge saltwater lake were annexed.

Great changes have taken place at this time.

The area of ​​Ghost Forest has been expanded by 10 times.

The entire forest moved to the westernmost side of God's Domain.

In the center of the forest, a continuous chain of active volcanoes rose.

The core area of ​​the forest has been turned into an ocean of magma.

at the same time.

A saltwater lake with an area of ​​up to 110,000 square kilometers.

At this time, he came to the easternmost side of God's Domain.

The area has expanded to 1.1 million square kilometers, which is basically a sea of ​​Wangyang.

at this time.

The area of ​​the entire Prehistoric God Territory reached a terrifying 9 million square kilometers.

There are 1.1 million square kilometers of ocean and 1.1 million square kilometers of forests and volcanoes.

The remaining land area is divided equally by the two regions of the Great Desolate Heaven and the Netherworld.

And the sacred mountain of the demon race has become the center of the entire divine domain.

After this drastic change.

God's Domain finally gradually stabilized.

But all the creatures in the Prehistoric God's Domain were still lying on the ground at this time.

Their bodies were trembling, and they were so shocked by what had just happened and the terrifying might of God's Domain Lord that they could not speak.

Even the big-hearted earth players.

At this time, the view of "God's Domain" has also undergone a complete change.

No one treats this as a simple game anymore.

Everyone thinks that this is a whole new world for human beings.

And in this world, the one who controls the fate of all human beings is naturally the ruler of the domain of the gods - Zhou Fangyu!

Just in everyone, they thought that the change of God's Domain was over.

Even Zhou Fangyu thinks so.

The promotion process of his gods has come to an end.

Three terrifying clouds of heaven and earth.

They are brewing in the ocean in the east and the forests and volcanoes in the west.

At the same time, an incomparably solemn and sacred aura permeated from the top of the holy mountain of the demon race.

The Flood Dragon and Ghost Beasts were captured alive.

It was shattered by a sudden thunderbolt.

Their bodies turned into energy particles.

Jiaolong's body particles flew to the sea in the east.

The body particles of the ghost beast flew to the forest and volcano in the west.

at the same time.

The Ghost Beast Birth Card that Zhou Fangyu (bbdj) just obtained.

As well as the Cyclops Birth Cards obtained before, and the thirty-five Divine Realm Race Birth Cards obtained from Tianjiao.

All are automatically non-in mid-air.

Shattered by this terrifying power, they flew to the sea in the east, the forest volcano in the west, and the sacred mountain of the demon clan in the center.

And the clouds of thunder in the sky in these three places.

It is also getting bigger at this time.

Terrifying energies ravaged these three places.

It lasted for two and a half hours.

Finally stopped.

After this accident.

The time just passed about 5 hours.

The system beep sounded again.

"Congratulations, host! You have successfully advanced to a god, and directly broke through to become a middle-level child god.

"Congratulations, host! Your divine domain has expanded to 9 million square kilometers. 99

"Congratulations, host! You have acquired a new racial faction - the East China Sea Scale Claw Clan, the Western Volcano Bird Clan, and the Western Forest Beast Clan."

"The Scales and Claws are respected by the dragon, the birds are respected by the phoenix, and the beasts are respected by the unicorn.""

"Currently, the dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn are in the stage of gestation. It is estimated that after 50 years of the God's Domain, the three clans can successfully transform and emerge from the egg!""

"Hint, the host obtains energy that conforms to the origin of the three clans, and puts it into the realm of the gods, which can speed up the breeding speed of the three clans.

"Congratulations, host. The promotion process of the gods this time is all over! You can enter and leave the realm of the gods at any time!

The system beep sounded.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned.

The three clans of the dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn were born!

The promotion of the gods by oneself will actually make the three congenital spirits in this great legend appear in the realm of the gods.

And it is about to become a race of the Innate God Realm that he can control at will, just like the demon clan.

This sudden news shocked Zhou Fangyu to the point of stunned.

Can't think at all.

Realistic witch clan, human clan, nether clan.

Then there are the monsters.

Now unicorns, dragons, and phoenixes are about to be born.

Could it be that his own divine domain is really inextricably linked with that prehistoric legend in ancient legends?

Zhou Fangyu dare not think about it!

It is also impossible to connect the Divine Realm, which is only 9 million square kilometers, with the legendary flood.

Originally, he had just been promoted, and he was extremely excited.

My head is full of goo now.

After being promoted to a god, how many new players should be invited to enter?

When will the building orders be issued to players?

And how to develop God's Domain and enhance the strength of God's Domain in the next step?

These were originally planned to be arranged immediately after promotion.

They were also put aside by Zhou Fangyu.

He directly chose to retreat from his own divine domain.

I want to think about it.

About the appearance of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

But the moment he returned to the bedroom.

Zhou Fangyu unexpectedly found that the walls on all four sides had become empty for some time.

In the whole room, there are traces of being destroyed by terrifying forces everywhere.

His home is like a typhoon passing through.

Completely turned into ruins.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Fangyu jumped up from the bed in fright.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Let him subconsciously be an arrow of thunder and fire, and throw it away.

Meanwhile, when he gets home!

He also took the initiative to activate a brand-new divine defense barrier that was placed on his body again in an instant!

Of course, Zhou Fangyu felt cold all over.

The Thunderbolt he fired.

He was beaten by the shadow of the opposite person and disappeared in a wave.

That was the terrifying thunder fire energy that broke out after consuming 10,000 Divine Crystals.

The opponent could break it so easily.

This made Zhou Fangyu, who had just become a god, frown.

It seems that this figure, the comer is not good!!

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