In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 117: The league ends early?! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu saw that the figure easily extinguished the arrow of thunder and fire that he sent out.

In an instant, a divine defense barrier was activated.

Then, he was ready to open his own divine domain, and summoned the players and the demon clan to fight.

Now, he has become a god.

It has the ability to summon 2.1 million earth-players to fight anytime, anywhere.

This is his biggest hole card and − confidence.

But just as he was about to open the Divine Realm.

The moonlight outside just shone on the face of the figure on the opposite side.

"Senior Brother Bai Qi?! Why are you?" Zhou Fangyu exclaimed.

"You kid, I didn't expect you to be so rich. You can't see who the enemy is when you have a hundred thousand divine power defense barrier.

Bai Qi smiled.

Then, his face changed, and he asked angrily:

"By the way, you just stayed in God's Domain for so long? What are you doing? Let me wait for you here for four or five hours and drive away a nasty fly before you come out?"

Zhou Fangyu smiled awkwardly when Bai Qi said this.

Hurry up to reach out and completely cancel the God's Domain Time and Space Gate that will be opened immediately.

Bai Qi's pupils shrank when he saw his action:

"Good boy, are you calling the gods to fight in the main world? It seems that you have been promoted to gods?"

"Not much, the first-level gods who have just entered the realm of the gods can't control the spread of their own divine power at all, I should be able to feel your divine power, right!

"Why, you don't have a bit of divine power radiating from you?"

"Unless, your realm is not only a primary god..."

Zhou Fangyu laughed and said:

"As soon as I was promoted, I broke through to the first-level child god...

"It's just a little bit better than you were at the beginning...

He didn't dare to say that he was already a middle-class child god, afraid that Bai Qi would treat him as a monster.

Back then, Bai Qi was also promoted to god before the college entrance examination.

But it has only become a primary deity.

It caused a sensation in the entire Nanyue Province, and was directly admitted to the Imperial College of God.

And most of the general Shinto University graduates.

When he graduated, he was only a junior god, and it was rare for him to become a junior god.

Among the graduates of the University of the Ten Great Gods of the Empire.

Most of them are just beginners.

The middle-level child god is already a top-notch existence among the top ten gods universities.

Zhou Fangyu is only a senior in high school now.

It has already reached the strength of the top students graduating from the top ten universities in the empire.

Speaking of this, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Empire will be a sensation.

Bai Qi almost fainted when he heard Zhou Fangyu's words.

From the first-level god to the first-level child god, it seems that there is only one step away.

But only those who truly become gods know how difficult it is to pass this step!

In the world of gods, 80% of the gods.

He was only a primary god all his life.

Why does the University of the Ten Great Gods of the Empire attract people?

It is because of entering these ten universities.

Basically, you can be sure that you can definitely step over the primary gods and become the son gods.

Therefore, even Bai Qi is envious of Zhou Fangyu's current state.

"Looks like I'm not mistaken, your kid really is the material to become a legendary god! This is the beginning of the child god, and when you go to college, it won't be skyrocketing...

Bai Qi couldn't help but sighed.

Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to dwell on the issue of the god realm any longer, so he quickly changed the subject and said:

"I said, senior brother, what's the situation in my house? I'm very happy that you are a guest, but you have demolished my house, this is not the way to be a guest!

Bai Qi's attention was indeed diverted.

He said angrily:

"You are ashamed to say, if it wasn't to help you get rid of that Wu Qianjun, would this place become like this?"

"I don't know what's going on with that guy.

"I went to the junkyard to find you at night, and he stopped me and talked nonsense for a long time."

"I didn't feel right, so I broke through his block and rushed to the scrapyard. 95

"But there's nothing there but traces of your power.""

"That Wu Qianjun left when he saw this situation.

"I came to your house to find you, I sensed the breath of your entering the realm of the gods, and knew that you were safe. I was about to leave.

"That Wu Qianjun suddenly rushed to your house like a madman, saying that he would rush into your God's Domain and fight your God."

"I definitely can't watch him commit the murder!

"Just got into a fight with him right here.

"Unfortunately, in the city, there is no way to completely let go. 35

"Otherwise, I'll take care of this old boy on the spot.""

"In the end, it just hit him hard and drove him away."

Speaking of this, Bai Qi couldn't help complaining:

"You kid, you became a god so fast, you didn't learn a lot! 35

"I don't even know how to erase the breath of entering the realm of the gods. Isn't this waiting for a powerful god to fight with you?

When Zhou Fangyu heard Bai Qi's words, the cold sweat on his forehead fell.

If it wasn't for Bai Qi's presence just now, Wu Qianjun really rushed into his own domain.

At that time, he was in the process of becoming a god.

How it will end is really hard to say.

Moreover, Wu Qianjun is a real old-fashioned true god.

It is not that a child god like Zhang Bo can be compared.

Even Zhou Fangyu's god domain races are huge in number, and they are not afraid of death.

But he was about to do it with Wu Qianjun.

It's really hard to say who will die in the end!

"Thank you, Senior Brother Bai Qi, for your life-saving grace!"

Zhou Fangyu thanked very seriously.

Bai Qi nodded with a smile and said:

"It's still considered that you have a conscience. In the future, when you really become a god, or even a god king, don't forget me as a senior! 35

Zhou Fangyu smiled and said, "No one will forget you, Senior Brother!

"By the way, when you enter the realm of the gods, how to erase the information of the gods, you must know it, brother?!"

"Junior brother, every time I enter the realm of the gods, I have to worry about being battled by gods! How can you bear it! Teach me this technique!"

Bai Qi was amused by Zhou Fangyu's thick skin.

"Okay, my life-saving grace, that's how you repay me, isn't it?

Zhou Fangyu laughed and said:

"As long as I protect myself, can't I repay your kindness in the future?"

"What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it! 35

Bai Qi rolled his eyes, took out a prismatic crystal, and threw it into Zhou Fangyu's hand.

"Put your divine power into the crystal, and soon you will learn how to erase the breath that enters and exits the realm of the gods!"

"But let me tell you. This technique only works for the gods below the high-level gods.

"The gods in the realm above the high-level gods have the power to forcibly break through time and space.

"In front of them, you'd better not think about getting into the realm of the gods, you can escape.

Zhou Fangyu nodded and took the prismatic crystal excitedly.

Then immediately put his divine power into it.

It was the same as the secrets of the exercises he had purchased before.

In an instant, a flood of information poured into his brain from the crystal.

Soon, Zhou Fangyu mastered seven or eight ways to hide the breath of entering and exiting the realm of the gods.

Generally, these methods are after entering the University of the Gods.

Things to buy and learn from schools.

Now with Bai Qi's help.

Zhou Fangyu learned these skills in advance.

It also allows him to not be casually intruded by other gods after he enters the realm of the gods in the future.

Force him to fight.

See Zhou Fangyu learn the tricks in the crystal.

With a wave of divine power in Bai Qi's hand, the prismatic crystal returned to his hand.

At this time, he changed his words and said seriously:

"Okay, stop gossip. The reason why I have been waiting for you at your house.

"There is one more important thing to make clear with you face to face. 35

Zhou Fangyu looked at him with a serious face.

He also became serious and listened carefully to what Bai Qi was going to say next.

Bai Qi said:

"In this preliminary round, because of your sudden emergence, you eliminated all twenty-five arrogances, which triggered hostility towards you from a large number of powerful families!

· · Flowers ·

"At the same time, the vigilance and suspicion of the demons may have been aroused!"

"We found that a large number of candidates who participated in the competition mysteriously withdrew after the preliminary round."

"Because there are too many people who have withdrawn from the competition, and it is impossible to detect the magic in them. 35

"After the analysis of the expert team of the Anti-Magic Bureau, it is estimated that the demons have arranged for the candidates responsible for the execution of the beheading plan to mix with these retired candidates and withdraw from the league together."

"It is estimated that it is difficult to find hidden demons through the league.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu smiled embarrassedly:

"I also want to keep a low profile! But twenty-five arrogances are besieging me alone. I can only think of a way to get them all in one pot. I didn't expect such a big commotion!"

Bai Qi said angrily:

"Do you think of a solution? Your solution is too dark."

"It's just murderous!"

Zhou Fangyu smiled helplessly.

How could he have imagined that the players could come up with such a coquettish operation.

He is also very helpless!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Bai Qi didn't bother to worry about it, and continued:

"Given how much has changed today!"

"The director of the Anti-Magic Bureau and the guard Zhe Lie Dao have discussed it and decided to change the original plan."

"First of all, the time of this league was greatly shortened on the grounds that a large number of candidates from the league had withdrawn from the competition.

"From the previous 30 days, it will be shortened to tomorrow to decide the championship, runner-up and third place, and then completely end the league."

As soon as Zhou Fangyu heard this, the league time was going to be shortened, so he hurriedly asked:

"Then my championship reward won't shrink, will it?"

Bai Qi was almost choked to death by this sentence.

"What time is it? Are you still concerned about the championship reward?!"

Zhou Fangyu said confidently:

"I'm just an orphan, not a son of a rich and powerful family!

"After becoming a god, the power of this god's domain will improve and develop, and the necessary fairy and martial arts props, secret books, special buildings..., I have to do it myself!

"If the championship reward of this league has shrunk!"

"How many Divine Crystals do I have to spend to buy so many things in the Immortal Martial Realm?

Bai Qi said helplessly:

"Alright, alright, you're right.

"Don't worry, none of your champion rewards will be missing you..."

"Grandma, it's like you've won the championship..."

Speaking of which.

Bai Qi slapped his forehead, feeling that he had said something stupid.

Zhou Fangyu is now a first-level child god.

One-on-one hitting those high school brats is like hitting a mosquito with a cannon.

Isn't this champion in his bag?!

Thinking of this, Bai Qi said angrily:

"Zhou Fangyu, don't interrupt me! There is another important thing that I didn't tell you!

Zhou Fangyu hurriedly shut up and nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully to the teachings of "Senior Brother"!

Seeing that he was being honest, Bai Qi said one thing.

It made Zhou Fangyu extremely shocked and caught off guard!

But it was something that made him very excited.

"This second thing, for you, is definitely a great thing."

"This is something that Master Zhe Lie Dao has spent a lot of energy trying to win for you!"

"Also, this matter has a lot to do with the true god I brought to protect you!"

Bai Qi said mysteriously.

Just when Bai Qi was about to say the specific content of this matter.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly felt that the surrounding time and space were completely frozen and frozen.

Look through the big hole in the wall of his bedroom.

Even in the sky.

Speedy spaceships, shuttles, and pedestrians walking on the street.

They were all completely frozen in place, motionless.

Zhou Fangyu was shocked when he saw this situation.

A god or demon who can freeze time on the main plane.

The strength is absolutely amazing.

Could it be that there will be another battle tonight!!


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