In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 159 : Wu Junhou is going to be unlucky! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

"Fang Yu, don't you know your old classmate?"

The girl asked with a smile.

Zhou Fangyu said in shock:

"How could I not know each other, don't you say my first love - Lin Yueshan?

The girl's face turned red when she heard Zhou Fangyu's words.

But soon, the girl smiled generously and said:

"When you were in high school, why weren't you so bold?

"I've waited for you for three years, and I haven't seen you confess to me!

That's right!

This girl is the girl Zhou Fangyu had a crush on for three years, Lin Yueshan!

Things are getting weirder.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't believe it.

Had a car accident myself.

Then I had a dream of becoming a god.

Then he woke up and met the girl he had a crush on.

It's all too coincidental.

But before he could think about it, Lin Yueshan suddenly pulled his hand.

"Great, I didn't expect to meet you here after seven or eight years. 35

"Come on, I'll take you back to the city. Let's have a meal together!

Zhou Fangyu had doubts in his heart.

But in the face of the girl who once had a crush on her, she still couldn't refuse the invitation of the other party.

The two got into the Beetle.

Soon back to the city.

At this point, it was just time for lunch.

Lin Yueshan brought Zhou Fangyu to the best Bund International Restaurant in S City.

The two were in the bright and elegant dining room.

While enjoying the rare food.

While chatting about the life of the past few years.

In fact, as long as Lin Yueshan is talking.

Zhou Fangyu's life before transmigration was extremely simple.

An ordinary college graduate, an ordinary job, living a "996" life every day.

Days with no end in sight.

No girlfriend, no future, no hope...

But Lin Yueshan seems to be a different kind of life.

She was admitted to a top domestic university and studied abroad for three years after graduation.

After returning to China, he immediately became the deputy editor and editor-in-chief of Fashion Weekly.

Then he became the entrepreneurial elite that countless people envy.

Has its own magazine and fashion clothing brand.

Now, I have purchased a 300-square-meter mansion in S city.

Live the life that all young people dream of.

"Have you been single for so many years?"

At the end of lunch.

Lin Yueshan asked suddenly.

to be frank.

Zhou Fangyu, who has seen and owned a goddess like Keisha.

An ordinary human beauty like Lin Yueshan could no longer arouse his interest too much.

But when I was ignorant in my youth, I felt throbbing towards Lin Yueshan.

Still deeply in his memory.

Therefore, when Lin Yueshan asked this sentence.

Zhou Fangyu was still subconsciously excited and moved.

But soon, he calmed down.

Sure enough, Lin Yueshan suddenly said:

"If you don't have a girlfriend, can we try to get along.

"I feel, so many years have passed. 35

"The only boy I still like in my heart is you!

Lin Yueshan's words.

It was what Zhou Fangyu had dreamed of hearing all his life.

But I don't know why, but it sounds dull at this time.

"Oh, really? That's a real honor.

"Thank you very much for the excitement and happiness you brought me when I was young!

Zhou Fangyu said suddenly.

Then, he stood up.

Lin Yueshan lightly arranged her hair.

"Although, from the moment you held my hand, I knew you were fake 々||."9

"Because Lin Yueshan has a serious cleanliness addiction.

"Even if she loves another person again, she will not pull him until he washes his hands. 35

"But I think the reason why you pull me is because I have fantasized countless times that this can happen!

"I really hope that everything in front of me is true, how wonderful that would be!"

Zhou Fangyu finished this sentence with a smile.

He suddenly turned around and rushed towards the dining room window.

This restaurant is located on the fifteenth floor of the restaurant.

More than fifty meters above the ground.

If Zhou Fangyu was still an ordinary human, he would definitely die if he fell.

But he still jumped out of the window without hesitation.

As his heartbeat increased rapidly, the wind whistled past his ears.

With the acceleration of gravity, he kept pushing his body to accelerate the fall.

The power in Zhou Fangyu's body suddenly burst out again.

The terrifying divine power swept the entire divine body.

The incomparably powerful God's Domain strength will surround the incomparably huge S City.

In an instant.

Crushed to pieces.

This is extremely real, so real that Zhou Fangyu was once addicted to the dream.

It was finally completely broken.

The majestic divine power and divine might finally returned to Zhou Fangyu's control.

God's Domain opened a huge space opening at this time.

The first to appear was not the incomparably loyal Alice, not Taiyi and Dijun who revered him like the Father God, nor those Earth players.

It turned out to be the nine gigantic dragon heads of Jiuying.

"Master Master, I didn't expect you to come out of the fantasy secret realm so quickly.

"It is very difficult for anyone to do this in the ancient times.

Jiuying's huge body quickly flew out of the God's Domain.

It looked at Zhou Fangyu and said with great emotion.

Zhou Fangyu was a little surprised and asked:

"Your body recovered so quickly?"

Jiuying laughed, and the white mist around the earthquake shook violently.

White fog within a radius of four or five miles.

When he smiled like this, the shock completely dissipated.

"Master Lord, it has been 45 days since you entered the fantasy realm."

Zhou Fangyu was shocked when he heard this.

"What? How is it possible?

"I'm in the so-called fantasy secret realm, and it feels like only half a day has passed!

Zhou Fangyu questioned.

Jiuying smiled and said:

"That guy Mirage, the most powerful ability, is this fantasy secret realm.

"I remember that during the Great Desolation, there was once a golden fairy who was trapped in his dreamy secret realm.""

"It took three Yuan Hui to come out from inside."

"And when the golden immortal came out, he thought that he was in the secret realm and only five or six days had passed.

"It is very rare for Lord Master to be able to get out of trouble after only 45 days.

Zhou Fangyu shuddered when he heard this.

Three yuan meeting!!

Man, that's nearly 400,000 years.

This fantasy mystery is really terrifying.

But soon Zhou Fangyu became anxious again.

"I've been in Dreamland for so long.

"The remnant soul of Master Huanglong, as well as those golden dragons and divine dragons, won't be taken away by that guy Wu Junhou?!

Jiuying shook her head.

"Don't worry, Lord Master.""

"The remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren was guarded by a dragon secret treasure that Zulong gave him back then.

"Unless the opponent has the blood of the Dilong family, or is the descendant of the Dilong family."

"Otherwise, that secret treasure will never be broken or opened."

"As for those little golden dragons and little divine dragons, I can sense at this time that their auras are still above the East China Sea and have not disappeared."

"So, it should have not been subdued by other gods.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu let out a long breath.

Just when he planned to let Jiuying bring it.

When looking for that dragon treasure.

Suddenly, the entire Lost God Realm began to tremble.

"No, I smell ambergris. Besides, it's Zulong's ambergris. 35

"In those days, Huanglong Zhenren once gave some ambergris of the ancestor dragon to the first ancestor god emperor of the Eastern Empire.

"Why do you suddenly appear in this Lost God Realm?"

After Jiuying trembled in the Lost God Realm, she suddenly said in shock.

After Zhou Fangyu heard his words, he smelled a strange fragrance.

He hastily asked:

"What does the ambergris of this ancestral dragon do?

Jiuying immediately replied:

"Generally speaking, the ambergris of Zulong can help cultivators completely calm down!

"And then increase the speed of monks comprehending the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, help monks to break through bottlenecks and advance to a higher cultivation realm.

"But Zulong's ambergris has the breath of Zulong in it.

"Can open all the bans set by the ancestors. 35

"And the secret treasure that guards the remnant soul of Huanglong's real person can also be opened by this ambergris.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu immediately thought of Wu Junhou.

The Wu family where Wu Junhou belongs.

He used to be a minister of the Founding God Emperor.

This time, he entered the Tianjiao Tianjiao of the Eastern and Western Empires in the Lost God's Domain.

It is estimated that he is the only one who has the opportunity to obtain the treasure of Zulong Ambergris.

And from Wu Junhou can quickly find and conquer Mirage.

And use the mirage to trap Zhou Fangyu to see.

This Wu Junhou must have a certain understanding of Huanglong's real person.

But that's not surprising.

At that time, Huanglong Zhenren was a friend of the founding god emperor of the Eastern Empire.

The ancestor of the Wu family was the most trusted minister of the founding god emperor.

The Wu family has extensive records of the real person Huanglong.

is a very normal thing.

thought here.

Zhou Fangyu's annoyed palm released the power of terrifying law.

The forest on the surrounding ground was smashed to pieces.

But soon the forest was re-shrouded in white fog.

The damage caused by Zhou Fangyu's palm was completely invisible.

This made him feel even more depressed.

Is it this time to enter the Lost Gods Realm to explore?

I am determined to win the remnant soul of the real Huanglong, the golden dragon and the divine dragon.

Are they going to be taken away by that annoying Wu Junhou?

Although, Zhou Fangyu has recovered Jiuying.

This trip to the Lost God Realm is definitely not a loss, but a big profit.

But think of Wu Junhou that dog thing.

After this God's Domain expedition, it will pass through the remnant soul of Huanglong real person and those golden dragons and divine dragons.

The strength of God's Domain has experienced an explosive and huge increase.

Zhou Fangyu felt that his lungs were about to explode with anger.

He couldn't take this breath at all.

Fortunately, Jiu Ying's words at this time left another turning point for things.

66 Lord Master, I smelled it again, the concentration of ambergris in the air. "

"The person who ignited the Ancestral Dragon Ambergris is too weak."

"He reluctantly ignited Zulong's ambergris with the help of artifacts given to him by other gods.

"As a result, the burning rate of ambergris at this time is extremely slow."

"It is estimated that it will take at least two or three days to extract enough ancestral dragon breath from this ambergris by burning it, and then to open the secret treasure. 99

Jiuying finished speaking. (King's good)

Zhou Fangyu's heart immediately ignited hope.

"Then Jiuying, you quickly show me the way, we immediately rushed to the location of the secret treasure, hoping to stop that guy Wu Junhou in time."

Zhou Fangyu said excitedly.

But then, he saw the layers of mist around him, and said helplessly:

"I almost forgot. Wu Junhou, that dog thing, and Mirage, the killer."

"Even if we get there in time.

"If there is no quick way to break the Mirage Mirage. 35

"There's still no way to stop that guy Wu Junhou."

Jiuying shook her nine huge heads at this time.

With a smile, something spit out from one of the heads.

"Master Lord, don't worry about the mirage's illusion.

"When I was in the prehistoric times, by chance, I happened to kill a vicious beast.

"Get this baby from it."

"With it, it's easy to break the mirage's illusion.""

Zhou Fangyu took the thing that Jiuying spat out.

Looking closely, there are two bird-shaped characters written on it.

He couldn't recognize it, so he looked at Jiuying and asked:

"Is this treasure from that fierce beast?!"

"What kind of power does it have? It can restrain the mirage's illusion?

Jiuying heard Zhou Fangyu ask him.

He proudly recounted an old incident in the Great Desolation tens of millions of years ago.

After Zhou Fangyu heard it, he was completely relieved.

It turned out that the beast killed by the nine infants.

It turned out to be a kind of fierce beast famous in the Great Desolation.

With this baby on it.

Marquis Wu and his mirage are going to have bad luck!

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