In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 160: The Wu family has planned a million-year conspiracy! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

After the fusion of the Lost God Realm of Huanglong Zhenren.

The area of ​​the Lost God's Domain today.

It is more than a hundred times larger than the Lost God Realm of previous years.

Up to 10 million square kilometers of continents and virgin forests.

It is surrounded by a huge ocean with an area of ​​300 million square kilometers.

And in the depths of this ocean, on an inconspicuous island.

Seven or eight arrogant gods are commanding their divine race.

Fight with countless terrifying dragon blood trees.

These dragon blood trees are all watered by the blood of the emperor dragon family.

A powerful plant spirit that has just grown.

Each dragon's blood tree possesses incomparably terrifying power.

Countless branches as powerful as a dragon.

And invincible physical strength.

Therefore, even if it is the God Realm race of the initial stage of Human Wonderland.

It is also very difficult to cope with.

What's more annoying is that these dragon blood trees can move freely within a certain range.

So different from other plants.

Unless you escape the island quickly.

Otherwise, the dragon blood wood will be besieged sooner or later, using their terrifying numbers.

You will be completely submerged in countless ferocious branches.

Slowly strangle you to death, then swallow it completely.

It is precisely because these dragon blood trees are so difficult to deal with.

Even the dozen or so arrogances on the island are already the most powerful young gods in the Eastern Empire.

Still under the siege of these dragon blood trees, it is difficult to protect oneself.

Wanting to counterattack is simply a fool's dream.

And in the center of these dozen of Tianjiao.

A tall, noble young god.

He was looking in front of him greedily.

On the crown of a huge dragon's blood tree.

That bead that shone with a rich blue dragon energy.

There is a blue dragon beside him.

Occasionally puff of clouds.

Let the fog in the lost gods gather more and more.

And in front of this extravagant young god.

A huge artifact - Medicine King Cauldron.

A terrifying divine flame is being released.

Constantly roasting a piece of ambergris floating on the tripod.

A terrifying high temperature.

The air around Yaowangding was seriously distorted.

But burn on this piece of ambergris.

But it can only let it exude a strange fragrance.

There is simply no way to ignite it all.

And the dragon ball on the huge dragon blood tree crown.

After absorbing this strange fragrance.

The cyan dragon energy emitted is getting stronger and stronger.

Give 603 people a feeling that they may crack at any time.

"This bead has finally been opened. When I conquer the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren, the entire Lost God Realm will be under my control."

"At that time, all the things that Huang Longren left behind will be mine alone..."

Wu Junhou thought excitedly.

After more than 40 days of searching.

Wu Junhou followed the instructions left by the ancestors of the Wu clan.

Finally found the dragon treasure left by Huanglong Zhenren.

That is, the dragon ball on the dragon blood tree in front of him.

According to the will of the ancestors of the Wu clan.

Before the fall of Huanglong Zhenren.

I once met the founding god emperor of the Eastern Empire once.

Tell the Founding God Emperor that his Lost God Realm will be a million years later.

The world should be robbed!

At that time, a destined person will enter his lost realm.

Get the Dragon Treasure he left here.

At the same time, it will also be removed from the remnant of his soul.

Obtain the secret of how to break through the strength of the God Realm to the God Emperor Realm.

At the same time, after the fateful person conquered the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren.

You will also gain access to all the treasures left over from his Lost Realm.

At the same time, get the surrender of all dragons in the Lost God Realm.

It can be said that the remnant of the real person Huang Long has been subdued.

Not only can it make a god's strength skyrocket several times in an instant.

One can also be offered to a deity.

The avenue to the sky beyond the realm of the god emperor.

In the thousands of years of history of the gods world.

Only the strength can surpass the gods of the god emperor realm.

There are only 5 in total.

And most of them are legends, and there is no specific record at all.

The only one with real records.

It is the real Huanglong.

Therefore, the remnant soul of the real Huanglong and the value of the lost domain.

As high as Lian Wu's ancestors, the top officials of the empire.

Can't help but be moved.

I don't know how this old guy did it back then.

There are relevant records about the detailed conversation between the real person Huanglong and the founding god emperor before his death.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Wu clan was quietly removed from the relevant records of the family of the god emperor.

completely erased.

And the founding god emperor after the fall of Huanglong Zhenren.

In less than two years, it was because of a war with the founding god emperor of the Western Empire.

Accidentally fell into the abyss of death.

This leads directly.

The last words left by the real Huanglong in those days.

Only (bbdj) the ancestors of the Wu family know.

Even the current God Emperor of the Eastern Empire, as well as other high-level powerful families.

Don't know anything about this.

This is also why the Lost Domain of Reality Huanglong appeared this time.

The current god emperor of the Eastern Empire, although he sent a big man like Sima Yun to come.

But I didn't pay too much attention to the main reason for this.

It can be said.

Because of the legacy of the ancestors of the Wu family.

millions of years.

The Wu family has been waiting for the appearance of the Lost Realm of Huanglong Zhenren.

For how to send family children into the realm of Huanglong.

How to Find Dragon Treasures in God's Domain

How to open the secret treasure of the dragon family and conquer the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren.

And finally got everything left over from the lost realm of Huanglong.

The Wu family had already made all preparations.

This is also.

Why did Gabriel and Sima Yun discover Huanglong's remnant soul?

When proposing to suspend this Lost Gods Domain expedition.

Wu Junhou's reaction was so excited.

And by all means, insist on the reason to continue the activity.

Because, Junhou Wu knew it for a long time.

Huanglong Zhenren's remnant soul is not in danger at all.

Instead, it's a huge opportunity.

This was also why he could immediately find the Mirage when he entered the Lost God's Domain.

and subdue it.

Then use Mirage.

The reason for the complete isolation of the entire Lost God Realm from the outside world.

to be honest.

All this is something that the Wu family had planned for a long time.

Wu Junhou is just the luckiest Wu's son.

In the year when he became Tianjiao, he could participate in the Lost Gods Domain expedition.

The Lost Realm of Huang Longzhen happened to appear.

He also naturally became the best candidate in the Wu family to complete this million-year plan.

And according to the plan of the Wu family.

After Wu Junhou subdued Huanglong Zhenren's remnant soul and gained control of the entire Lost God Realm.

All the other young deities who entered the realm this time.

will be completely killed by him.

Even their Wu family.

Take hundreds of years.

Secretly in the major cities of the empire, these vassal Tianjiao were cultivated.

That is, he is now surrounded by Wu Junhou.

The young gods who helped him fend off the dragon's blood wood attack.

Wu Junhou did not intend to let them go.

Also weed them all down.

The reason for doing so.

It was because the Wu family had already planned it.

After Wu Junhou obtained all the inheritance of Huanglong Zhenren.

Just make every effort to improve your strength, become a god emperor as soon as possible, and even surpass the god emperor.

by that time.

He Wu Junhou and Wu clan, how could they be willing to continue to be subservient to others?

Can't say.

A civil unrest is about to start.

Then place the throne of the emperor of the Eastern Empire.

Take it from the current Eastern Empire God Emperor.

Let the Wu family become the imperial family of the Eastern Empire!


Everything about the real person Huanglong.

Wu Junhou is not allowed to leak the slightest bit.

In order to prevent being discovered by the current emperor of the empire.

Before he has grown into a god emperor, or even surpassed a god emperor.

They shot to destroy their Wu clan.

Just after Wu Junhou was doing his future to become an existence beyond God Emperor.

Lead the tens of millions of gods in the Eastern Empire and conquer the Western Empire.

Invade the demon world.

When you truly become the only supreme dream of the heavens and the world.

Suddenly, a terrifying humming sound came from outside the island.

That is the violent air vibration sound that a huge object makes when it is flying.

Wu Junhou frowned.

Look up to the outside of the island.

Sure enough, I saw the sky shrouded in white clouds.

There was a large, vague shadow.

From far to near, it flew directly towards the island.

The mist created by the Mirage seems to have no effect on this shadow.

Wait for the shadow to fly over the island.

Only then did Wu Junhou see clearly the appearance of that huge black shadow.

This turned out to be an incomparably huge dragon-headed beast.

A huge body that is more than ten miles long.

The scales that look extremely hard and the huge dragon tail are terrifying.

All showed the horror of this beast.

But the most frightening thing is that this beast actually has nine dragon heads.

Each dragon capital is extremely ferocious and fierce.

At first glance, it is a powerful beast that cannot be easily provoked.

Wu Junhou was right.

This one in front of him!

It is already from the peak of the fairyland.

The ancient beast that just broke through to the great perfection of the fairyland - Jiuying.

Time goes back more than an hour ago.

Zhou Fangyu has just escaped from the fantasy realm.

Open your own God's Domain space channel.

It was discovered that Jiuying, who was already dying, was the first to fly out of the space channel.

At this time, Jiuying has not only completely recovered,

And the strength is still from the peak of the fairyland.

It was directly promoted to the Great Perfection of Human Wonderland.

Just one step away, you will be able to break through to the first level of the fairyland.

But soon, Zhou Fangyu realized what a huge price he had paid for it.

It turned out that in the 45 days that he entered the fantastic secret realm made by Mirage.

His divine domain should have produced more than 900 million divine crystals.

But because of the more than 20 million divine crystals produced every day.

10 million divine crystals were automatically converted into innate aura by the core of the divine domain.

For the cultivation of all the races of the gods in the prehistoric gods.

It costs 500 more Divine Crystals every day.

Transformed into innate spiritual energy to restore Jiuying's injuries.

At the same time help him improve his strength.

so that.

Finally, Zhou Fangyu's god crystal, directly from more than 900 million.

It dropped directly to more than 225 million.

After he came out of the fantasy mystery.

Knowing this, he almost didn't feel bad for him.

Fortunately, after Jiuying's strength broke through this time.

Not only became Zhou Fangyu's strongest fighting force.

At the same time, he also told him many secrets of Huanglong's loss of the realm of the gods.

About the location of Huanglong's remnant soul, and how to unlock the dragon's secret treasure.

Jiuying is very clear.

This made Zhou Fangyu feel a lot better.

But just as Zhou Fangyu thought that he could rely on Jiuying.

Directly find Huanglong Zhenren's remnant soul and dragon treasures.

Be the biggest winner of this Lost Gods expedition.

Jiuying suddenly smelled the smell of roasted ancestral ambergris.

Guess it instantly.

Someone must have found the Dragon Treasure.

Moreover, the ancestral dragon breath in the ancestral dragon ambergris is being collected.

I want to use the breath of Zulong to open the dragon's secret treasure.

Zhou Fangyu instantly guessed that this person must be Wu Junhou.

I want to take Jiuying immediately and prevent Wu Junhou from opening the dragon's secret treasure.

But then, Zhou Fangyu thought of the terrifying fantasy realm of Mirage.

He has entered this secret realm once.

I know the power of this kind of illusion.

Even if his strength is actually far beyond Wu Junhou.

Jiuying is a powerful being who can hang down all dragons in the Lost God Realm.

But if you can't find a solution to the fantasy mystery.

They couldn't stop Wu Junhou's plan at all.

But just when Zhou Fangyu was in trouble.

Jiuying gave him a huge surprise again.

"Master Lord, the mirage's mysterious realm is powerful.

"But in the prehistoric times, there was a powerful divine beast that could restrain all illusions in the world!

"In the beginning, I once encountered such a divine beast."

"And also killed it, and removed the most precious part of its body - the eyes. Take it off and keep it to this day.

"This kind of divine beast is the wild beast - the ink-eyed Pixiu.""

"Pixiu originally possessed powerful supernatural powers to ward off evil spirits and break illusions! 99

"The Black Eyed Pixiu is the one with the strongest illusion-breaking ability among all the Pixiu."

"Their eyes have the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, and they can see through all falsehoods."

"So, as long as you bring this black-eyed Pixiu eye.

"The mirage's dream mystery is completely ineffective!"

Afterwards, Jiuying turned a crystal clear, black jade-like eye.

In the hands of Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu was overjoyed when he got this black-eyed Pixiu eye.

Immediately let Jiuying lead the way.

Flying towards this inconspicuous island in the huge sea area of ​​the Lost God Domain.

Because of the existence of the treasure of ink eyes.

Even the mist that the Mirage spit out was completely useless.

Zhou Fangyu is within ten miles.

All the fog is automatically dissipated under the action of this ink eye.

The vision of Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu returned to normal completely.

The two soon came to the sky above the island where Wu Junhou was.

Wu Junhou saw Zhou Fangyu appear.

Immediately increased Yao Wang Ding's urging efforts.

Make the burning of the ambergris quicker!

At the same time, he shouted to the surrounding retainers and gods:

"Immediately use the Heavenly Explosive Body Cultivation Technique and kill that guy in the sky for me."

The arrogant gods who guarded Wu Junhou immediately responded:

"Yes, my lord!"


They are facing their own God Realm race.

A strange, eerie spell was uttered.

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