In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 341 Self-destruction to escape, the means of the powerful\r

He was hurrying on the road, and the group of people behind him were chasing closer and closer, and Zhou Fangyu was already feeling a little bit.

In desperation, he had to summon his own army of the underworld.

Human players and other races he is not willing to consume are his treasures.

Only these underworld armies are good cannon fodder puppets.

And as long as they can be stopped, they can't actually cause too much trouble for themselves.

After all, his strength is no longer weak. With various blessings, unless he is at the level of the Immortal God, he should not be able to catch up with Zhou Fangyu.

But that kind of powerhouse does not dare to show up casually. In the imperial capital, as long as a powerhouse of this level dares to take action, he will surely die.

They are in a very awkward position, strong, strong, but there are a large number of strong people above their heads.

Weak, not weak, after all, most gods are weaker than them, but they don't dare to mess around, ~ they only dare to obey the rules.

If they were killed because of something at this time, it would be called a loss of death.

Therefore, the shots are more powerful beings, and they do not directly offend the Imperial University, but only use the gods race to do things without leaving any flaws.

It is estimated that even those bigwigs do not know who they are.

If Zhou Fangyu was caught at this time, it would be a word, death.

Seeing that everyone was about to catch up, a group of skeletons suddenly landed on their heads, all covered in circles.

However, they had long expected that some gods would suddenly use this method to stop them.

Therefore, the killers who have been trained by special means have their own unique movement techniques.

I saw that they each disappeared in place with their own means.

When he looked again, he was about to catch up with Zhou Fangyu in front.

Suddenly, Zhou Fangyu's figure stagnated for a while, and then a large number of underworld creatures fell directly on their heads, endlessly.

They want to leave in an instant again.

But there is no way to do it, because there are so many undead creatures that they can't fly in the whole sky. They are all here, and countless undead are like a group of reckless men who are not afraid of death, constantly rushing over.

The ground can only do free fall.

But it also blocked most of the space.

"Shit." All the pursuers cursed out at the same time.

Never seen such a brazen person.

To actually use these lowly undead to deal with them.

Although everyone has a large piece of it, it is like snow, and there is no end to it.

"Waste." I don't know if it was the almighty who scolded angrily.

Then, Zhou Fangyu felt a terrifying suction force appearing from his front, it was a black vortex,

He felt that his soul was about to sink in.

The terrifying suction made Zhou Fangyu feel like he was moving forward like a muddy swamp, unable to break free.

"What should I do?" Zhou Fangyu felt a panic, he knew that this was a powerful shot.

As for it, isn't it just to save a thunder calamity, and it's not what I want to save.

Didn't he just go out for a stroll and challenge the Divine Soaring Sect, why did he target himself like this?

He watched the trees in front of him move madly.

Zhou Fangyu knew that after all, he was no match for the mighty means.

"Fuck." Zhou Fangyu scolded secretly, and his whole body burst instantly.

The sea of ​​blood does not dry up, and the blood drop is reborn.

Zhou Fangyu was reborn ten miles away.

There is a limit to his ability, but it is because he is only a newborn god who has such a limit.

If you improve your ability, this limit will also increase.


All the great powers who paid attention were stunned.

Unexpectedly, this little guy has this ability. Is this a puppet technique? Or what? It's very strange.

However, Zhou Fangyu acted very quickly, he endured the pain of the explosion, blew himself up again, and then disappeared ten miles away.

In this way, relying on this self-harm cheating, he finally arrived at the school gate.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly scolded behind him: "I qnmlb, dare to target the young master, sooner or later, the young master will come out to take revenge, you just wait, a bunch of rubbish, you can't see anyone better than you, today the young master is not dead, tomorrow , Xiaoye destroys you all over the place.

He arrogantly stood at the gate of the school and cursed at him behind him. He was not in vain at all. We also have backers behind us.

The scolding became more and more ugly, as if if he grew up, they would be in bad luck.

It seems that Zhou Fangyu will really do the same if he doesn't die now.

"Little bastard, Laozi just wants to see how you can destroy us all." Suddenly, a big hand quickly grabbed it, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu's nerves exploded in an instant. After the whole person exploded, he appeared in the school.

··For flowers...

Shouting to the people in the school: "Help, Grandpa the principal, someone is chasing me. Help, that person is too scary."

The president of Imperial College reluctantly appeared beside him, "Okay, don't play tricks, people have already left.

Zhou Fangyu immediately returned to his seriousness, "Well, have you figured out who it is?"

The principal was helpless, "You think they are all fools. Although they did it, the disguise was too good to find out."

Zhou Fangyu shrugged, "I'll just try it out, in case, I'm cool with scolding anyway. Huh... sleepy, go to bed.

He yawned and walked away quickly with the back of his head on his back.

The headmaster looked at the guy in deep thought.


At this time, the entire imperial capital had already exploded.

Those who dared to kill geniuses in the imperial capital have not appeared for tens of millions of years.

Either the door is destroyed or the house is raided, and few of them can escape.

However, just today, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, in the imperial capital, there are at least two great powers who have taken action. In addition to the dozens of races in the God Realm, there are at least a dozen immortal gods who have taken action.

Ordinarily a genius is not like this.

Why is there public outrage?

Mainly because of Zhou Fangyu's strength, he was able to resist the Nine Tribulations of Thunder Punishment.

In the world of gods, there are three types of thunder punishments, three, six, and nine.

Each kalpa has several different degrees of intensity.

Normal Thunder Tribulation/Double Thunder Tribulation/Thousand Times Thunder Tribulation.

Although Zhou Fangyu only doubled the Thunder Tribulation, it was the strongest Nine Tribulations.

This already shows his talent.

As for the thousand-fold thunder calamity, no matter how many calamities, they have never survived.

Because, that is called the Thunder Tribulation of World Destruction.

It means the thunder tribulation that will only appear in the face of the world-destroying evildoer.

The appearance of this kind of thunder catastrophe means that the world of gods will no longer experience an ordinary catastrophe, but a catastrophe that destroys the world.

So basically it can be said that Zhou Fangyu's talent is almost the strongest in the whole world.

It can be compared to the super genius of Zhou Baxian.

To say that at the beginning, everyone was just watching the fun. After he finished the thunder tribulation, everyone had only one idea, and he must not be allowed to survive.

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