Zhou Fangyu walked on the street of the school, where he felt safe for the first time.

It's too bad, I don't dare to go out.

If he leaves the school, he will definitely be assassinated.

He can handle ordinary assassinations, but what if the dead man above the immortal gods comes?

In the case of such a large gap in realm, it is impossible to make up for it with talent.

So, instead of going out to die, stay home and be safe.

He also sent a message to Kaisha and Wang Haiyan, telling them not to leave the school recently, preferably not the dormitory.

Because he was very suspicious that these guys would use them to make a move, so he would have a hard choice.

Next, he still has to practice quietly. When he reaches immortality or even higher, he doesn't believe that these guys dare to shoot him casually?

It's a pity that Ah Li didn't even see her face.

Hey, she is really developed, is it so difficult to see her "Seven Four Zeros"? It feels particularly unpleasant.

I know her clearly, and I am very familiar with her, but I can't see her, that kind of torture is too uncomfortable.

"Are you, freshman Zhou Fangyu?" A teacher suddenly stopped himself.

Zhou Fangyu froze for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm not."

The teacher nodded, suddenly changed his face, and a black breath spurted out of him.

The terrifying magic energy made Zhou Fangyu feel a little nauseated.

Just when he was about to explode, Zhou Fangyu shot.

He directly punched his demon head, took out the demon core, and pulled out the realm of the gods.

Yes, just for a moment.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the headless corpse in his hand.

A high-level demon, killed by Zhou Fangyu.

Very relaxed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, Madd, thought that his breakthrough had become rubbish, it turned out that the enemy was too powerful.

He continued towards the dormitory, he knew that someone would come to deal with it soon.

Before reaching the dormitory, Zhou Fangyu was stopped.

I saw my teacher Bucky looking at me excitedly.

"It's good, it's really good, I will say that you are the son of a god emperor. The old men still don't believe it, so let's believe it now. Hahaha"

He burst out laughing, mouth-wateringly happy.

Zhou Fangyu looked at him helplessly.

"Teacher, you're not here to praise me, are you?"

"Of course not, do you think I look like the kind of person who brags? Mr. Bucky looks like a nouveau riche.

"Then talk about it.""

"Worry, worry, you child, you are too impatient. I came here this time to take you with me.

Zhou Fangyu froze for a moment, "I? Get out of here??

He took a few steps back and looked at Mr. Bucky carefully.

"Are you Mr. Bucky? In this situation, let alone leaving, it's difficult to get out of the school. You won't be controlled, right?

"Fuck, bah bah bah, crow mouth. You know the fart, do you think the school is safe? I don't know how many spies have come in from outside. If the deadly shot, you don't even cry. Ba. Teacher Ji gave an analysis.

Zhou Fangyu could sense something, he said tentatively, "You mean, this time, there is an opponent in your line?"

Teacher Bucky was silent for a while, then nodded.

Zhou Fangyu sucked in a breath of cold air, this is troublesome, it means that there may be a time bomb around at any time.

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Fangyu had the feeling that there were enemies everywhere.

"Listen to me, follow me, go to a place, wait for you to come out, don't be afraid of them."

"This..." Zhou Fangyu looked at the villa in front of him and Mr. Bucky with some regrets.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Mr. Bucky, wait for me.

"Okay." Bucky wondered, this guy didn't even ask where he was going?

Suddenly, he heard a loud bang, and after that, he saw that the villa in front of him was lifted up and walked towards him step by step.

After that, he saw that the villa was gradually taken into the God's Domain.

Zhou Fangyu watched all this with satisfaction.


He felt that this time it was stable, maybe he could see Little Ali, but he was more likable.

"By the way, where you are going this time, there is the holy girl Rongli of the Divine Sky Sect that you want to see." Teacher Bucky said leisurely at this time.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, overjoyed in an instant, and hugged Teacher Bucky wildly, "Damn, teacher, you are so kind, amazing.

She actually had a chance to see Ah Li, I don't know if he still recognizes her, how is she doing now? In the Divine Sky Sect, you can't bear it.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Bucky couldn't help it, how could this guy be so stupid.

"Hey, yes, where are we going?

"The battlefield of gods and demons.


Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, he has never heard that the demons can still fight the gods? The demon ancestors have been sealed..

"I'm surprised, I was also surprised at the beginning, such a powerful world of gods has not been able to exterminate the demons and allow them to develop. It is supposed to be impossible, but it is such a possible thing, but it has become possible. ." "Mr. Bucky looked helpless.

"Oh, so what happened to them?"

"The Demon Race can already be tied with the God Race, you know why there are so many Demon Race puppets in the God Realm now, because the Demon Race is so strong now that the gods in the God Realm have lost their minds to resist.

Zhou Fangyu was silent, he didn't expect that things had collapsed to such an extent?

He suddenly scolded: "It's so miserable to still fight infighting, it deserves it.

Teacher Bucky was silent, this situation is really chilling.

But there is no way, now the two empires of the East and the West are not giving in to each other, and the infighting is serious.

The proliferation of demon puppets has become a climate. It is not that they cannot be forced out, nor that they cannot be removed, but that they are afraid.

In addition, the imperial nobles are gearing up to fight for hegemony, internal and external troubles!

Let's just say that this time, such a large-scale killing of geniuses is almost impossible, but it does happen. What should I do? The Empire is not even willing to come forward. There is nothing they can do about school.

It's a pity that someone who can cultivate a strong person is often killed halfway through.

This is also Zhou Fangyu's crisis. Almost all the strong people in the school are dispatched, and even the principal who rarely takes action is angry. Otherwise, do you really think that Zhou Fangyu's self-destruction can escape 3.9?

It's too naive, if that's the case, what immortality, domination, is all garbage.

This time I went to the battlefield to take shelter from the military, and now only the military bosses can shelter Zhou Fangyu.

The royals are strong and dry, and they are already like yuba!

If they can't be trusted, they can only survive on their own. This is also what the old principal means. There's no way. It's not easy to live, and it's even harder to grow up. You can only rely on Zhou Fangyu to work hard!

In the military's territory, at least the demons are very difficult to intervene, and the major forces do not dare to do anything casually.

"Okay! Let's go, it's useless to talk too much." After Mr. Bucky finished speaking, he opened a door with Zhou Fangyu.


"Hehe, I don't have this ability, it's the old principal's method, let's go!

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