In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 348 The third spy, the demon puppet\r

Just as everyone was spitting bitter water at each other, the general of the third camp finally walked in.

He was sweating coldly on his head, and his expression was flustered.

"Captains, please report any losses. The squadron leader is responsible for statistics, and I will report it immediately. In this situation, the third battalion's positions have suffered serious losses, and the recruits have also suffered a lot. If you have any good suggestions, please tell me quickly. Say.

Obviously, he was terrified and wanted to restore the loss, but unfortunately, this look of grief and helplessness made the generals have no such thoughts.

Zhou Fangyu's heart moved slightly. At this time, wouldn't it be a great opportunity to get ahead. If he had any good suggestions, he might be able to soar into the sky.

The resources of the army are always tilted towards the top, and soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers.

However, he is a new recruit, and he doesn't even know the specific form. How should he propose it?

He thought of one thing, that is, even their relatively complete team has returned, so the other teams probably won't be trapped in one place.

If all the other positions were lost, why was their main battalion still intact, and they could wait for the battalion commander to return?

Zhou 11 Fang Yu looked a little ugly, he thought of a possibility, he just hoped that it would not be the truth.

Zhou Fangyu looked around, if the enemy wanted to kill them all, they would definitely need to place insiders.

Who is the insider?

Zhou Fangyu looked at the people around him suspiciously, feeling that these people were definitely spies.

He carefully checked everyone's movements.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of a way.

"General, I have something to say." Zhou Fangyu pointed and stood up.

"Oh, who is this? A newcomer." The three-battalion general said with some disdain, just a newborn god.

Tianhu interfaced, "It's someone who was transferred by the command and reminded me to take care of him."5

He aggravated the meaning of the command.

This is also true, but it is not nonsense.

The three battalions general's eyes lit up, this is a good way to make up for the merits.

"Oh, tell me what you think, little brother."

"General, the villain has an urgent military report. The villain found out that there are demon spies and even demon puppets among us."9

As soon as these words came out, everyone was like a frying pan.

"Bastard, who doesn't know that our army is the safest place, how could there be spies and nonsense.

"Boy, consider the consequences before you speak, do you know what the consequences of saying this are?

"We are all fighting with the demons, how can we be the lackeys of the demons?"

Zhou Fangyu has long noticed the changes in the crowd.

In an instant, he had already inferred that although the atmosphere of the crowd was abnormal, some were nervous, some were afraid, some were not afraid, and some were angry.

In short, all kinds of changes were seen by him.

He was sure that there was indeed in it, and it was very similar.

In this situation, if someone suspects that he is a spy of the demon race, it should be aroused, but some gods have overreacted.

Moreover, intentionally guide him towards the opposite of everyone present. Why is that? It's not about focusing less on yourself.

Of course, there are some idiots with underdeveloped limbs and simple minds.

So, Zhou Fangyu looked at the crowd and said to the three-battalion general: "General, please allow you to move and talk."

His action made the people present even more nervous.

At least ghostly nervous, who knows if this kid really knows something.

The three battalion generals were about to agree when suddenly a captain said, "General Lai, be careful, the Tianhu team is intact, maybe they are the spies, and there are even demon puppets inside, deliberately preparing to use this as an excuse to assassinate you."

Zhou Fangyu sneered and shouted at the man, "Idiot, I know you are not a demon spy or a demon puppet, but you will undoubtedly give them a chance, if I don't tell the truth, who can guarantee us To be able to get out alive, I dare say, with every point of hesitation, we are more in danger.

Even the people here have demon spies, you dare to say, does our headquarters really know about the affairs here?

The man was silent. He was definitely not a demon spies and puppets. He made this reminder just in case. If something happened to General Lai, it would be really over, and the group of dragons without a leader would be really desperate.

Even if General Lai is trash and trash again, he is appointed by the headquarters and has the real right to mobilize everyone. Moreover, no one dares to question and disobey him. This is the army, and they truly obey orders, even if the order is shit.

After Zhou Fangyu's reminder, he already understood that he had done something stupid, at least not very smart.

But he doesn't regret it, because it's not that there is no such possibility.

The general of the third battalion was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "This is impossible, unless even the people in the headquarters are spies, this possibility is too low.

Also, I did get some notices to take care of certain new people, although I have never seen who this new person is. "

"Come here." The three-battalion general said to Zhou Fangyu with a smile.

Zhou Fangyu laughed. Although this person was a little stupid, he also had some judgments of his own. No wonder he was able to become the general of the third battalion.

Not a complete waste.

He pointed to the one who just spoke, and then pointed to a few people around 743.

Every time he pointed, the man shivered.

No wonder they weren't surprised that everyone he was referring to had problems.

They know it.

At this moment, these people attacked in an instant and attacked the people next to them.

Then several black magic energy shot into the sky.

At this time, the general of the three battalions suddenly took action, and the breath of a peak god broke out in an instant, and the black demonic energy was held in his hand.

"Hey, there are indeed demon puppets, these ghosts really don't know whether to live or die.

He said to everyone: "Now, everyone gathers and prepares to break through.

Yes, Zhou Fangyu has just stated his judgment and countermeasures.

He just didn't expect these demons to be so impatient, and they appeared just after a blast.

He actually ordered it for a long time, and it was all random. Those people just responded a little too much or didn't respond at all, and he felt that something was wrong. No, after a try, they all gave their prototypes, and I don't blame them. .

Because we made our own plans, if they didn't make a decision, we would just do it directly and control them first.

Just as they were about to break through, the surrounding demonic aura was revealed.

Zhou Fangyu sighed, he was really guessing.

They should have come for the generals of the three battalions.

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