In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 349 General Lai's Past, Zhou Fangyu's Escape Again\r

"Laitougui, you bastard, I finally caught you."

"This time, let me see where you are going.

A voice rose leisurely from all directions, somewhat familiar.

When Zhou Fangyu and the others walked out of the camp and saw the extremely familiar peak demon, everyone was stunned.

Isn't this the pinnacle demon who has been beaten and escaped by them?

Why is it back.

And, no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

"It's you, His Royal Highness the Third Prince of the Demon Race." A trace of fear flashed in General Lai's eyes.

This guy is notoriously brutal and terrifying, as long as he is staring at him, there is no immortality, because this guy is extremely vengeful, and every time he is bullied, no matter how much he pays, he will take revenge.

When General Lai thought of this, he was helpless and embarrassed. Others were also unlucky. During a certain support, he accidentally destroyed the third prince's beloved magic princess, so he was targeted. Although the veteran battalion soldiers who had been arranged from the general headquarters, fled to the recruits to be the battalion commander.

He was still chased and killed here.

It's quite revengeful.

"General, we must break through." Zhou Fangyu reminded.

"Hey, it's too late, if it was this guy, he would have arranged it long ago. It's a pity, it's a pity, I've escaped for so long, and I'm scared every day. I thought that I would finally be able to go back alive, but I didn't expect that I would still be chased. Killed here, God is not letting me live, I rely on the bear, is it really greedy for life and fear of death? I just can't die, I am afraid that I will die, my brothers and friends, no one will take care of them.

Xiaohui, Dongcheng, Xiazi,...I'm sorry for you guys, my brothers are here to see you. 35

Where did he mutter to himself, as if frightened, but after hearing what he said clearly, Zhou Fangyu felt a burst of sadness.

Here, everyone has their own story.

He suddenly had a grim expression on his face, "Since you have come to us, you should be prepared to break the net. Today, I will let you see how powerful the last ghost killer in the Ghost Character Camp is 々||.

After he finished speaking, the red-clothed evil spirits appeared behind him, and red and black lines appeared on his body. After that, he saw these red-clothed evil spirits directly begin to rush towards him.

"This, the general is actually from the ghost camp.

"Oh my God, I heard that the Ghost Character Camp has been destroyed. 35

"It is indeed lost, and now they should not be able to find such a special race of the gods."

"I heard that they are very terrifying, the existence of one person destroying the group."

"In the end, it wasn't that they were surrounded and killed, and the gun hit the first bird. 35

Even the gods have exploded, and everyone is ready to fight to the death.

But seeing General Lai's sudden outburst of power, they were all surprised. General Lai, who usually seems to be very weak, actually has such a strong strength.

Everyone was overjoyed. They all took out their own housekeeping skills and rushed towards the demons.

Zhou Fangyu quietly hid aside, and under their cover, broke through.

Everyone naturally didn't mind, because no one felt that a newborn god could play any role here, so they let him move freely.

You can't let a guy with a lot of potential be buried with them.

Therefore, everyone was covering Zhou Fangyu intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to send him out safely.

It has to be said that this group of people are a group of lovely gods.

They simply gave up their lives, saying that they would leave a seed for the 3rd battalion of recruits.

So Zhou Fangyu easily highlighted the encircling circle.

But this time, I wasn't so lucky, and there were no chasing people.

This time, he directly attracted the pursuit of dozens of high-level demons.

Zhou Fangyu sneered, did he really think he ran because he was afraid of you?

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu walked directly towards a depression.

He knew that there was the best place to be a battlefield.

His speed soared, leaving these demons behind.

"Quick, catch up with him, this kid can't run away."

"A newborn god, he doesn't have so much divine power to support him with such a high-intensity acceleration, to catch up with him.

"0507, you two, use the secret technique to catch up with him, and use all your strength to surround and kill him with the demon race.

The two demons came out in response and directly killed Zhou Fangyu.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the demons, Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, because the sudden appearance really scared him.

Zhou Fangyu directly resisted their two heavy punches and flew out.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu summoned countless God Realm races, and the two Demon Races did the same.

However, when their respective races came out, the terrifying number scared the two Demon Races and ran away.

It's a pity that the two guys who just used the secret method and the demon body is very empty have long had no chance to escape.

Zhou Fangyu made a strong attack, and the God Realm race was like a bone scraping knife, directly killing those Demon Realm races layer by layer, killing them all.

At this time, he directly hid most of the gods' races.

If he scare away these demons, wouldn't he lose a lot this time.

Sure enough, when these guys saw that Zhou Fangyu was going all out to kill the two demons, they were angry.

. Very courageous, just struggling to the death.

"How dare you stop and work hard? This kid is not bad, he dares to fight and work hard.

"Unfortunately, the fortune is bad, and people have been tricked."

That's right, in their opinion, Zhou Fangyu is a hapless person, and he was tricked by General Lai.

They directly summoned the demon race, and then joined the battlefield.

"Hey, layers of nesting dolls? Interesting." Zhou Fangyu laughed, and he directly summoned the team that had already been ambushed.

He needs to end the battle quickly and go to the support camp.

When Zhou Fangyu summoned the race of the gods, the battle was almost over.

Moreover, under the layers of dolls, these demons were basically besieged by Zhou Fangyu.

It is impossible for them to resist.

Zhou Fangyu's armies of all ethnic groups were uniform, cooperated tacitly, and acted step by step. Coupled with the strong charge of the human guardians, many demon elites suffered heavy casualties.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu felt a sudden surge of power.

"Ding, the system prompts that your gods' race has broken through the barriers of the gods, and the power of the gods has improved in a small range."

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, and upon closer inspection, it turned out that Hades, the king of the underworld, finally broke through to the Immortal level.

Yes, after completely absorbing the Supreme Divine Flame, this guy's strength has been greatly improved, and he actually directly broke through the peak of the fairyland, becoming the first talent to break through the heavenly immortals.

Such a person, please bring me a stack.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu was a little moved. He seemed to have another reward that was not issued. Although the battle was over, he didn't have time to issue the reward at all. The battle was too intense.

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