In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 351 Live broadcast breakthrough, shocking barbarian gods, peerless horror\r

The breakthrough of the two was arranged on the live broadcast by Zhou Fangyu, and everyone except them knew that they were breaking through.

You can also directly see all the expressions on the two of them.

Fenghua is peerless and cold as frost, and the savage gods are ferocious and terrifying.

The two figures are in stark contrast.

In any case, the breakthrough of the two made everyone envious.

Especially the many guardians of the human race, they received large-scale support from the human race, but their strength has been stuck at the pinnacle of the fairyland.

This kind of suffocation cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"I don't know if the barbarian god and the peerless goddess can break through, I'm looking forward to it.

"I heard that when a fairy becomes a fairy, it means that under the fairy, all are human, and above the fairy is the fairy. I don't know what realm this fairy is."

"Today, I see that the fairyland is the same thing. Many of us in the fairyland can surpass the order to cut the sky-immortal."

"Hey, you are a little arrogant, you don't know, it is said that those angels are forcibly catalyzed, and there are not many real angels. 35

Zhou Fangyu is naturally clear, why many peak gods do not have many powerful gods in fairyland.

Because the cultivation of Heavenly Wonderland is too difficult, not only need a lot of support, but also need countless talents.

Every existence that can achieve Heavenly Immortal Realm is an existence with outstanding talent and extremely high comprehension.

The reason why Zhou Fangyu values ​​the barbarian gods so much is not because he has learned the nine-turn Xuangong, which is a god-king-level technique. For ordinary god-level races, it takes a lot of effort to understand it, let alone practice like a barbarian god. very proficient.

In fact, these can be said clearly in a few words.

The barbarian god may not feel it himself, but Zhou Fangyu, who has seen a lot of genius, immediately sees that he is the kind of real wise and foolish existence.

He cultivated diligently, knew little about foreign things, and even had a difficult life. After he came out of cultivation, it was cultivation, as if he was born to cultivate for the sake of cultivation.

Only such a person can be called a genius, but no one is stronger than him just by focusing on the word.

As for the peerless elegance, that is commonly known as a lunatic. When he cultivates, he is not crazy like a human being.

Coupled with the terrifying incomparable understanding, his cultivation is naturally a thousand miles a day.

But there is no way to break through.

Why? First of all, the concentration of aura in the prehistoric world was too low.

This is the biggest 'restriction'.

Second, it is the upper limit of the prehistoric world. Hesitantly, Zhou Fangyu has never reached the realm of the gods. Therefore, the prehistoric world's heaven has been suppressed by the main world.

Therefore, when Zhou Fangyu became a god, there was a possibility for everyone to break through.

This is an increase in the upper limit of the entire prehistoric world.

Only then did Hades make a strong breakthrough, and only then did Barbarian God and Peerless live broadcast again.

With the stimulation of the three of them, I believe that everyone's enthusiasm for cultivation will be heightened again.

As long as everyone can speed up the cultivation, although it may take a little longer, as long as everyone is willing to work hard, there is absolutely hope that they can break through.

Zhou Fangyu was also anxiously waiting outside. This time, it was just the two of them to stimulate everyone, and everyone would have to have a peerless battle that shocked the world.

This time, Zhou Fangyu also thought about a lot of rewards.

All are substantial rewards.

First of all, it will be ranked first for military exploits, first for breaking the army, first for assisting, first for wise men, first for command, first for military force, and so on.

There will also be various rewards such as Divine Flame Divine Weapons, Divine Puppets, etc.

This time Zhou Fangyu smashed the pot and sold iron, and he also arranged for them.

This time, Zhou Fangyu has made a lot of money in planting leeks. With this time, he hopes to break through a few more and stimulate everyone.

Of course, he will also establish some examples, absorb the breakthrough of the Supreme Divine Flame, or break through on his own, he will give different rewards.

In fact, absorbing the Supreme Divine Flame will improve their talents.

It's just that Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to mention it, because he was afraid that everyone would attach too much importance to those Supreme Divine Flames, and instead he was unwilling to cultivate on his own.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Fangyu intends to set up some models, those models that can break through to the gods on their own.

Unfortunately, it has not been found yet.

In fact, the generation of Supreme Divine Flames is still very few.

There is simply not enough supply.

Zhou Fangyu had spent a lot of effort in accumulating these few drops.

If you want to make them all use it, it is naturally not easy.

In the end, it's up to you.

There are so many firsts, and most of them are on their own.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking wildly, with a savage god who was bound to break through, he shouted angrily, and an incomparable power spurted out of him.

・・Ask for flowers・

He was extremely strong, but during this breakthrough, his stature soared again, and a little giant appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Looking at the terrifying figure, everyone was horrified.

They saw with their own eyes that his skeleton rattled and his muscles bulged like a little giant.

He didn't stop until he rose to five meters. His body was soaring, and his clothes were all torn apart, leaving only a ragged sound.

But like this, he slowly shrank back while everyone was shocked.

He exhaled and returned to his original state.

However, everyone no longer dared to underestimate him, and of course, no one ever underestimated him.

The barbarian god is in high spirits, full of energy, and his eyes are shining like a dazzling sun.

It seems to be stimulated by the peerless elegance, with one finger to the sky, the sword spirit in the hand, the body's qi soaring, and countless sword qi shooting out, like a leaking balloon.

Unable to hold back her strength any longer, she slashed out with a sword, and half a crack was cut in the sky, as if it had been cut out of chaos.

This terrifying pick up went straight to the horizon, and it didn't go away for a long time.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu was a little surprised to see that the originally radiant breath was sucked by her, and the breath was swallowed by her whale again, and her body swelled like a balloon, constantly drilling to and fro. , as if to burst her.

"Actually, we have to continue to make breakthroughs. It's wonderful and wonderful." Zhou Fangyu gave a thumbs up. This little girl is really a genius in cultivation, and she doesn't want to waste even a little chance.

As expected, he is a genius in cultivation, but he took advantage of this breakthrough to make a great accumulation.

She has been in the fairyland for so long, and she is the first. She is gradually being overtaken by others, but she is not discouraged. She even took this opportunity to consolidate her foundation and solid foundation. Only then did she make this breakthrough. .

She seemed to know that on the day she had a breakthrough sooner or later, she didn't waste any time and energy looking for problems.

She has always been confident that she can definitely become a fairy, and she will succeed sooner or later.

Therefore, she succeeded, and even made breakthroughs one after another, directly reaching the middle level of Tianxian.

It's a feat, a breakthrough, and terrifying.

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