In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 352 Legendary Rise S-level war mission, horror reward list\r

Everyone was boiling, as if they saw the rise of a legend.

Especially those guys who are about to reach the fairyland, or have even reached the fairyland.

They all have incomparable admiration and longing for the Heavenly Immortals.

They think they can achieve this level too.

This feat of accumulation and breakthrough in one fell swoop amazed everyone.

This time, her title of No. 1 in the Great Desolate Realm was no longer shaken.

Even if Hades the Hades can tie her or even defeat her, it still won't change that she is the first genius of the prehistoric cultivation.

She is a monument, constantly breaking through and attracting people to catch up.

"If one day, I can catch up with the peerless peers, this life will be worth it."

"Yeah, it's terrifying. Who said that women are inferior to men? This woman is far more than most men in the world. No, she surpasses all men by surpassing "Seven Four Seven"."

"I must catch up with her, the strongest people in the prehistoric world are actually two women, it's a shame, all men should feel ashamed.

"I already knew it would be shameful, but most people really can't catch up with them.""

There was a lot of discussion, the men's horror felt ashamed, and the women's pride felt excited.

This is a wonderful era, and women hold up half the sky.

Naturally, Zhou Fangyu didn't know that there was a surging undercurrent in the whole prehistoric world, and countless men started to cultivate like crazy.

They work harder, not afraid of life and death, day and night, so that one day they can catch up with this woman who is urinating on top of their heads.

Although she never cared about these things, she had become an image, an object that many men would envy and envy.

Just when everyone was excited.

Zhou Fangyu's announcement sounded again.

"The s-level war mission is released. In this mission, all participants will be rewarded. Except for military exploits, all participants will receive a magic weapon."

"New development features released:

Merit List, Breaking Army List, Auxiliary List, Wise List, Command List, Force List, Newcomer List, Breakthrough List, Death List.

For all lists, the top 100,000 people will be rewarded within one month after the battle ends.

The reward content can be queried after the list.

The first prize on the reward list is now announced: 1 unit of Supreme Divine Flame, 1 Heavenly Immortal Puppet, 1 Acquired Spirit Treasure (Armor Class)

Zhou Fangyu's reward is obviously something that will save the first life, although there will definitely be someone who will win two lists, or even three.

However, Zhou Fangyu has tried his best to widen the personal gap.

He established the auxiliary list, the newcomer list, the breakthrough list, and the death list.

All to give newcomers a chance to catch up.

Otherwise, the strong will always be strong, and sooner or later the flood will lose its vitality.

After all, most of the time people are still comparing themselves to each other.

In today's prehistoric world, there are a lot of resources, and everyone is not short of resources, and there is no vendetta.

It's pretty good.

So, Zhou Fangyu can only use these to stimulate them.

Set up a model, let many men and women confront each other, and then form a competition.

Even if it is a husband and wife, if one of them does not work hard, they will be left behind.

This is the situation now.

Cultivation is the first priority.

After promulgating the mission, Zhou Fangyu led the crowd towards the main camp.

With a population of more than 10 billion races, the demons who were so frightened were terrified.

Soon, the information that there was a large-scale attack of the Divine Realm race was handed over.

Zhou Fangyu and the others were aggressive, especially the many characters under the leadership of the three immortal-level bosses, rushing wildly, and all the demons they encountered were one-shot kills.

There are even many demons who have become dead souls under the sword without even seeing the human warriors.

There are many heavenly demons, not one of them is the combined enemy of the three heavenly immortal-level powerhouses.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince was instantly furious.

"It's you bastards again. I really think that my third child is easy to bully. If I invite a few leaders to come over, I can't do it. With so many troops, we can't stop these bastards."

He should be angry, he has already been beaten once.

If he loses again this time, according to the rules of the Demon Race, he will not only lose his position as a prince, but also be punished by his father, the Demon King.

Because the weak demons are not worthy of being called princes.

The demons do not need weak princes, and weakness is shame.

"Your Highness."

"I am here, Your Highness."

"What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Numerous demon leaders gathered around.

The third prince looked at them with some seriousness, "According to the scout's report, there is a group of God's Domain races that are killing us.."

"Then kill them, isn't it just right? I also said that this time there are too few gods to kill them.

A leader disdainfully said that such a small matter would be enough to let them all come over.

The third prince looked ugly, looking at them, he knew that if he said it, he would definitely be laughed at.

But now is not the time to do that.

"It's true that they should be killed, but there are too many of them, and they cooperate tacitly, and they can't be killed at all.

"How many?" Everyone was a little dignified. After all, this is a battlefield, and if you are careless, you will lose your life.

Ten to twenty billion.

"You mean 100 million?" a demon leader said uncertainly.

"Yes, more than ten billion."

"Damn, are we being overcast? 35

"Impossible, how could someone know about our actions, this time we should have gathered together by chance, and happened to come here to hunt."

"That is, who are these gods on the opposite side? Is it from that team?"

"It should be an old-fashioned team, go and see those God Realm races, you should know."

After some discussion among the leaders, it was decided that it would be better to go and have a look. After all, this is the time to die.

Although they brought a large number of people this time, 10 billion is really not enough.

When the third prince brought a group of demons to a small hillside, what they saw were various races in the mountains and plains, they were uniform, like one, no one crossed the line.


They pressed forward step by step, moving smoothly.

The most important thing is that almost none of the three angels can resist.

"This group of gods must be from that high-level team. They are so skilled in combat that they have all gathered into a formation."

"Well, I think these gods are very familiar with races, I am afraid that all the gods that can be found are here.

"Almost, I have seen many strange races, and there are many of these races that I have never seen before."

"That's the three god-level races of the gods? It seems that they have broken through on their own, because of their appearance and strength. This is not easy to deal with. 39

Several people discussed for a long time, but still did not discuss a useful solution.

They now have five peak demons, plus the third prince is six.

And there is only one on the opposite side, and that is Lai Bug.

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