In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 353 Fighting, Pangu's real body reappears, the demons are defeated\r

They can say that they occupy the absolute advantage of high-level combat power.

But in the face of so many races in the God Realm, they didn't dare to say what they dared to do.

They don't have that kind of courage and confidence.

Several people looked at each other in dismay. However, it would be too embarrassing to just run away.

"Fight with them." The mouth was not forgiving, and many demons echoed in anger.

So, when many leaders together, they are nothing but death.

Everyone draws out a part of the demon race and fights with them.

After all, if you want them to work hard, there is always a price to pay.

As for who they are, they are naturally the Demons and Heavenly Demons.

The third prince was very satisfied. He was a little surprised when he looked at the many high-level demons and extraordinary demons who were infuriated.

Under his 'leadership', under the leadership of several super-powerful peak demons, a formation was formed from the rear of the encirclement, slowly waiting for the arrival of the major races of the gods.

When Zhou Fangyu secretly led the Divine Realm race to penetrate the chaotic team of demons in front, he directly fought with those elite demons.

He immediately silenced the three Heavenly Immortals, all of which have passed the stage of forcible stimulation.

Everyone is enthusiastic, and there is no need to guide.

Moreover, the other party has a peak Tianmo to do it. If he is not careful, his Tianxian warrior will be gone.

Isn't that tricking him??

So, when he asked them to withdraw, no one dared to refute anything.

Seeing those warriors in the fairyland beheaded by the peak demons, Zhou Fangyu was deeply distressed, and he roared.

"Puppet the Twelve Capitals of the gods and gods, summoning the real body of Pangu.

Under his command, countless witch warriors contributed their blood essence.

Soon, with the help of the system, a real body of Pangu was summoned.

With his help.

Those peak demons turned their heads and ran.

Yes, with the condensed blood of many Wu clans, this Pangu avatar formation is more solid and stronger.

There is no way to fight against those peak demons.

In other words, under the Immortal Demon, no one can resist.

Even the immortal demons would not dare to say that they would definitely defeat the real body of Pangu.

Therefore, under this great formation, which was becoming more and more courageous, and its strength was constantly increasing, those Demon Races could not form an effective resistance at all.

The only pity is that those peak demons can't catch up with them at all.

Running too fast, and disregarding his fighters.

"My God, who is this terrifying giant?"

"What a powerful war, do we have such a strong person here?

"Can you actually match the powerhouse of the peak or even the immortal realm?

"Everyone, let's do it, this time we're going to have a good time."

So many gods, under the leadership of General Lai, began to fight back.

Especially General Lai, he likes to fight, just because he keeps his usefulness in order to live up to most of the soldiers who died for him.

But when they beat the Reserved Dogs, it would be too much for them to retain their strength.

As a result, countless people began to slaughter frantically.

Vent out the pain of being besieged and killed just now.

"Third prince, let's go, there's nothing left to cherish here.""

"Yes, Your Highness, it's just a failure."

"Third prince, you can't retreat from this battle, otherwise, everyone will really be finished."

Many heavenly demons cried out for their fathers and mothers, and they were embarrassed.

On the other hand, the third prince, not afraid of running away, continued to cheer up and let them fight with him.

"Devils, follow me to kill the enemy." Under the protection of the guards, the third prince continued to hunt and kill the low-level God Realm race.

Originally, many demons were disdainful in their hearts, so were they so timid?

However, as the fight went on, they discovered that the other peak demons had stopped taking action.

No one can deal with this Pangu real body, and they can only deal with some high-level gods, extraordinary gods.

So some of the powerhouses in the Demon Race looked at each other at the third prince who was also fighting.

They were ruthless in their hearts, and at the same time stepped forward to surround the third prince.

"Your Highness, break through. 39

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?

"Damn. These peak demons are pitting us.

After shouting Su Sheng, a demon suddenly began to curse and curse, and it was not his fault, because he found out that the third prince was actually a living magic puppet.

He actually tricked them into fighting.

This made the demons have a bad impression on him.

Those peak demons have long since escaped without a trace.

Only they are still spending their lives here, fighting with others.

Under such circumstances, most of those extraordinary demons and high-level demons were finally wiped out by Pangu's real body with a terrifying death rate.

Others run away if they can, and will never be sloppy.

Zhou Fangyu didn't plan to use Pangu God of War.

However, the opponent's top-level combat power is too much, and if you don't use it, the loss may be even greater.

So, he had to use it.

Naturally, in this battle, the Wu clan and the human race must be compensated for their meritorious exploits.

After that, we can only see how to deal with it after the battle is over.

As the battle progressed, many strong men gradually emerged.

Moreover, Zhou Fangyu's real-time list is constantly showing various changes.

Some people killed high-level demons, and their combat power soared.

Some people break through, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Some people died in battle, some made great achievements.

After seeing the peak demons disappear, the three 747-level celestial fighters started a frantic attack.

Although Zhou Fangyu is kind,

However, retreating before the battle had already made the three of them ashamed, especially Hades, the Hades, who was the first to break through, and also had the title of God of War. She herself should not, nor should she retreat.

So after returning to the battlefield again, they started a frantic fight.

Hades, the king of the underworld, slaughtered rapidly, like an aurora, madly shuttled among the demon races, and the warriors of the demon race were smashed into scum.

Fenghua Juedai no longer felt distressed about his clothes, and began to fight with blood, hoping to recover his debts a little.

The barbarian god is violent, and has once again transformed into a little giant, hunting wildly in the demon clan, and no demon clan is his opponent.

In the face of such a powerful barbarian god, many powerful demon races were hunted down.

It looked like it was about to kill the enemy.

Zhou Fangyu immediately began to lead the team to retreat. Of course, the military exploits were reserved for him.

It's the same routine again, although they must have doubts, but they don't care anymore, after all, it really has nothing to do with him.

He didn't want to reveal his identity, no matter how they guessed, as long as he didn't take the initiative to admit it, no one could be sure that he did it.

Moreover, he was just a newborn god, so it was easy to explain.

The big deal is that you are lucky, you have been favored by others, and given these military exploits, who made you not have this luck?

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