In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 354 The battle lost 100 million, the distressed Zhou Fangyu cried\r

Go to Zhou Fangyu to put away all the races of the God Realm and lie down leisurely in a corner.

He is counting, counting the harvest of this battle, and it is nearly one billion battle merits, this time there is no need to divide it with them, it is all his own.

There are also many magic soldiers and magic cores.

These are all interchangeable.

As long as they return to the Protoss headquarters, they will be able to exchange a large number of magical weapons in the logistics office.

The confidence that he wants to smash the pot and sell iron is here.

First of all, he adjusted the time flow in God's Domain to synchronize them with the main world.

This will give you enough time to prepare.

He and others have been fighting for so long, so he must go back to rest.

The third camp has not been lost. I believe that this is considered to have made up for it. It should not be regarded as a defeat, but a draw.

This result is not satisfactory, but it is not a big loss.

As long as he returns to the headquarters, he will be able to exchange for a lot of benefits by virtue of his military exploits.

After waiting for ten days, he can still produce a large part of the Supreme Divine Flame.

At that time, I will give everyone a reward, and a large number of Heavenly Immortal Realm powerhouses will appear again.

All are natural breakthroughs, not counting hair plucking.

Moreover, although the loss was not small at the beginning, after the appearance of Pangu's real body, the battle has progressed all the way.

When Zhou Fangyu counted the losses, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately became furious.

"One hundred million, and one hundred million soldiers died?"

"Yes, the host, the system statistics, there is absolutely no mistake.

He was stunned, seeing that the loss was not so much, it was actually 100 million.

Is this the cruelty of war?

Injuring the enemy one hundred and oneself injuring eighty.

He was crying, he was crying terribly.

These are all his leeks, they will be gone before they are cut.

What can he do?

Even if it is lost, there is no way out.

He can only comfort himself, this is war.

However, it still hurts.

Zhou Fangyu covered his heart, trembling uncontrollably.

The cultivation of these God Realm races has cost him too much experience, so it is natural to not let him rest assured.

Especially seeing that the guy who is number one on the death list actually died four times.

After he was resurrected, he rushed to the battlefield again.

Because of his death, his strength dropped to the lowest point. After he came out again, he rushed up again, but was directly cleaned up.

This soldier didn't mean to die, but he was red-eyed.

The battle continued, and General Lai led his men to fight happily.

The remaining demons are not a problem at all, so their enthusiasm for fighting is even higher.

Zhou Fangyu finally finished counting the losses.

This time, the direct battle lost 100 million, most of which were beheaded by those peak demons and their elite demon races.

The rest is actually not a big loss, especially under the real body of Pangu, the battle is like playing a family, and one kick is a piece of demon elite.

The peak demons were also sent flying with just one punch.

Too bad it didn't hurt them.

There were also a lot of other battle damages. The magic weapon lost 70 million pieces, and most of them were worn out.

The loss of the gods is huge, more than one billion, and they are all dead puppets.

Armor, various potions, talismans, elixir, and more.

This loss is a small matter, not a big loss.

Seeing these losses, it is still within Zhou Fangyu's tolerance.

These things are converted into divine flames, fearing that there are as many as tens of billions.

However, the military exploits obtained are equally huge, but they cannot be realized temporarily, so they will not be counted for the time being.

He jumped up, looked at the battlefield, and rushed in directly.

If you can kill one more, it is one, and the life will be more meticulous.

He was not willing to give up the reward he had received.

Time passed little by little.

Soon all the demons were cleaned up.

Many gods laughed, and they survived.

Survived under the siege of so many demons.

"I don't know which team took the shot, but they didn't leave their names 々||.

"Yeah, with so many powerful races, it may be a large veteran team above two."

"They are really strong, especially their cooperation. They are all of God's Domain races. How come there is such a big gap between what we cultivate and what others cultivate. 35

"Actually, what I envy the most is nothing else, but his few Heavenly Immortal warriors, they are all pure Heavenly Immortals, as long as he continues to be a dog, he will definitely be able to become a great power. 35

"Yeah, it really makes people envious and jealous, but can't hate it.

If it weren't for them, these gods would have been wiped out long ago.

At the critical moment, countless soldiers were desperately trying to hold back the fleeing demons.

Otherwise, how could the battle end so easily and kill so much.

Zhou Fangyu also quietly walked into the team and listened to their discussion.

Tianhu saw Zhou Fangyu, "How is it? Have you been rewarded for military exploits again?"

Zhou Fangyu did not refute, but nodded directly.

The other Seventh Squad guys were instantly frying.

"...Heh, I'm very suspicious, is it because some of your guardians have taken action, Daoist, yes, this is a common habit of the big family."

"Hey, your surname is Zhou, isn't it a royal family? Oh my god, I never heard that the royal family has a number one like you. Are you an illegitimate child?"

"It must be, otherwise how could you have a guardian."

Everyone speculated whether Zhou Fangyu was really the son of a big man.

In the end, everyone seemed to agree that even if Zhou Fangyu was not the son of a big man, he was protected by a super strong man with a guardian.

Don't underestimate this born god. .

Moreover, Zhou Fangyu's own strength has also been recognized by everyone.

A newly born god who is not afraid of death fights on the battlefield where so many high-level gods are haunted, and there is no accident, he is already a miracle.

Zhou Fangyu sneered, don't worry, there are still many things that surprise you.

This time, he didn't mention his military exploits, neither did the other soldiers, and everyone didn't need charity from others.

General Lai gathered everyone (Zhao Ma Zhao) together.

Although it sounds like a big win.

However, among the many teams, the Tianhu First Team came out, and the other teams suffered heavy losses.

Although General Lai tried his best to stop those demons from the beginning.

But still lost many existences above the high-level gods.

There is no way around it, war is so cruel.

After all, the appearance of Zhou Fangyu has reduced their losses a lot.

In the third battalion, only thirty-five big cats and kittens were left.

There is one complete team, one half-disabled team, and the rest are scattered individuals.

There are more than 100 teams, and only a few are left.

The squadron was already crippled.

Now this loss makes General Lai cry without tears.

Although he won't go to a military court, I'm afraid he won't have any good fruit for such a huge loss.

But at least he didn't lose ground.

He's already reported, as long as the switcher arrives, they can go to rest,

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