"General, it's not good, it's the coffin bearer of the Demon Race, we are finished."

"Run, run."

Zhou Fangyu and General Qi shouted at the same time: "Don't panic, go back to the camp.

If you run around like this, if someone catches up, you will die.

Rather than fleeing to the camp, they could rely on the familiar terrain to fend off these demons.

General Hu is also an old general, and he shouted directly, "Turn back to the camp, scatter and escape, and gather at the camp."

The battle of the gods is like this. Every god race is a flexible warrior. In small-scale battles, there is no need to concentrate troops. Instead, choosing the battlefield flexibly is the most crucial magic weapon for victory.

Moreover, in a pursuit battle like this, there is a greater chance of spreading out and escaping.

"Teacher, what's going on, how come there are so many coffin-carrying slaves."

The coffin-carrying slaves of the Demon Race are the elite dead soldiers of the Demon Race. They are not only powerful, but also not afraid of life and death. The key is that their Demon Races are all selected from the same powerful Demon Race.

As for why they are called coffin-carrying slaves, it is because there is a huge protrusion behind them that looks like a huge coffin. In fact, that is where their magic core is, which is extremely huge.

They are commonly known as the invincible in the field, the existence of the army that breaks the ground.

This kind of elite dead man is simply not something that a battalion of Protoss warriors can deal with.

"I don't know, but in my experience, the coffin-carrying slave is huge, and under normal circumstances it is difficult to pass the city silently and go deep into the hinterland, but..."

The old general Qi Guodan did not dare to think about it any longer. Could it be that the city of Wumiao was actually destroyed?

Zhou Fangyu and General Hu also thought of this possibility.

But is this really possible?

Is the Protoss so vulnerable on the frontal battlefield?

Fighting against the Protoss who have been standing for tens of millions of years, is this about to be defeated by the Demons?

"The battle report that was sent to us yesterday was broken today?" Zhou Fangyu said incredulously.

Ordinarily, this is simply impossible.

"Although I can't believe it, it is indeed possible." Old General Qi Guodan said.

"How is that possible? Wumiao City is so strong, it is impossible to break the city in one day." General Hu shook his head, unable to believe it, there must be other reasons.

"What if there is a traitor?" Zhou Fangyu thought of a possibility. This is not an unheard of thing. No matter how strong a city is, it needs people to guard it. If there is a problem with the defender, then the strong city will be broken. .

Wu Miao City has stood on the battlefield of gods and demons for tens of millions of years. It has experienced countless wars. Naturally, it cannot be easily broken. However, it still changed hands several times during this period. Why?

Either the generals guarding the city are too useless to defend the city, or the enemy is too insidious, or there is an internal problem.

This time is probably no exception.

And being able to fall so quickly, there is naturally a reason, 80% is because there is a spy.

These are all guesses by Zhou Fangyu, and they belong to nothing. If there is a problem, I am afraid he cannot solve it.

They headed towards the camp, and the coffin-carrying slaves at the back chased after them.

Zhou Fangyu summoned a lot of skeletons at will, all of which are his god domain races, all of which are cannon fodder types.

Most of them now look like the skeletons of the demons, because he brought the corpses of the demons back to his realm and used them as food for the undead.

The undead's desire for fresh flesh and blood is endless, and the corpses of the demons are fresh, which is also very attractive to them. Coupled with the infection of the undead, many demon corpses have been transformed into dead bodies. .

Seeing Zhou Fangyu's approach, General Hu was not far behind. He threw out hundreds of elite Dominion races, which he deliberately cultivated, and it hurts to lose one.

The weakest are all in the fairyland, and the strongest have reached the perfection of the fairyland.

This kind of elite, he really can't afford to lose.

Relying on the delay of the God Realm race, they finally rushed back to the camp.

At this time, many soldiers had already returned, and everyone was actively preparing for the battle.

Although Zhou Fangyu's team had quite a few disabled people, there were quite a few, and they were all brought back by him.

After all, if you want to get close to him, those seas of undead are insurmountable.

The unique trick of the undead city wall made it impossible for these coffin-carrying slaves to approach him at all.

After entering the camp, Zhou Fangyu did not participate in guarding the camp, but fled into the dense forest outside the camp.

He needed to start the magic formation he had prepared in advance.

I didn't expect to have a chance to use it.

In the camp, General Hu calmly commanded the soldiers to guard the camp.

Now basically 80% of the soldiers who have returned, this camp can already be guarded.

"Start the formation." General Hu directly activated the arranged formation again.

This time it is not a magic formation, but a large defensive formation. As long as this formation can be activated, these coffin-back slaves will not be able to enter, and they can also have a chance to fight for their lives by relying on this formation.

"..Sir, Zhou Fangyu's team is gone. They won't run away, will they?"

"That is, since this guy came, the atmosphere of our camp has been ruined by him. If we run away again this time, we will really be broken."

"My lord, absolutely cannot forgive him. 35

Everyone suddenly quarreled, and General Hu frowned and looked around.

At this time, the old general came over.

"Don't pay attention to defending the city. According to my observation, this kid is very smart and won't dig his own grave."

General Hu nodded, "You should concentrate on defending the city, and don't talk about military affairs. If you disobey, you will engage in military law."



In the continuous roar, the formation of the entire camp was buzzing with a sensation.

These coffin-carrying slaves, like giant machines, smashed into the shield of the formation with their huge fists, forming ripples of words.

The key is that this number is densely packed, like ants, climbing on top of the shield.

(Zhao Lihao) "Teacher, can you hold so much?" General Hu was also the first to discover that these coffin-carrying slaves were so numerous, how could they be so strong.

"If you can't bear it, you have to resist, don't worry, this Supreme Yin-Yang Illusory Divine Formation is from the Supreme's hand, and with these coffin-carrying slaves, it is impossible to break the formation within three days.

General Hu's face turned pale, "Teacher, can you only defend for three days?"

Qi Guodan looked at him and scolded: "Three days is not enough, Wu Miao City is destroyed, the headquarters will naturally send someone to rescue, with the speed of the God Race, three days are enough for them to come to the rescue, what are they afraid of."

General Hu was not scolded to wake up, but his face became even more ugly, "Teacher, you don't know, now the headquarters has been moved from its original location for a long time, because of repeated defeats on the battlefield, Marshal Wu had no choice but to retreat the headquarters by hundreds of people. Wanli, if you count it like this, it will take at least ten days to rescue, otherwise we will surely die."

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