In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 365 Fighting, Terrifying Zhou Fangyu\r

"What, how can the marshal relocate to the headquarters, isn't this handing over this place to others?" The old general Qi Guodan was shocked.

"Teacher, there is really no way. After you disappeared, the elites of the Protoss were wiped out in a battle. Otherwise, with my immortal existence, how could I have become the battalion commander? No matter how excellent Zhou Fangyu is, How is it possible to enter the old camp?

Teacher, times have changed. "General Hu was a little frightened and panicked, and for the first time he clearly felt the approach of death.

The old general Qi Guodan was silent, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "If only I didn't lose that city back then."

General Hu shook his head, "No, it has nothing to do with you. Before this, the Protoss began to be at a disadvantage, and after that, it was just accumulating disadvantages."

"Forget it, it's a day if you can keep it for a day, what if someone comes to rescue?" Qi Guodan was helpless, didn't expect the Protoss to be at such a big disadvantage?

For a while, there was mourning in the camp.

Zhou Fangyu saw that half of the coffin-carrying slaves had been put in.

He opened the formation again.

Just after he opened it, he deliberately put the coffin-carrying slaves in, just to put some pressure on the camp, so that they could not pay attention to the battlefield outside.

There were about 1,000 coffin-carrying slaves, and he put in about 500 people.

I don't know the exact amount, but it's probably about the same.

The rest were temporarily blocked by the psychedelic formation.

The silent coffin back slave leader looked indifferent, "It's an illusion, it seems that it can only be piled up in numbers."

Demons are not good at forming formations, but there are many of them.

The general formation has a limit on the number of people and strength, and if it exceeds its maximum carrying capacity, it will overload and collapse.

That's what he intended to do.

His idea is good, but will Zhou Fangyu give him this chance?

Obviously not.

These demons suddenly felt a strange vibration behind them. Originally, they thought that their teammates didn't care, but when the hideous head stretched out in the dust, the demons were horrified.

"It's the God Race, and the God Race is behind.""

"Quick, challenge, and summon the demon race."

"Fight to the death, fight to the death." The coffin-carrying slave roared angrily.

All the coffin-carrying slaves directly summoned groups of demon races.

Their demonic race is similar to theirs, only one size smaller, and it looks extremely strange.

Each coffin bearer has summoned nearly a million small coffin bearers.

The terrifying battlefield is full of little coffin slaves.

This scene was watched by Zhou Fangyu.

He laughed. The biggest advantage of his God Realm race is all-round development, and he is extremely dominant in hunting and killing this single race.

These coffin back slaves are powerful, strong, not afraid of death, high defense and so on.

All have a characteristic, that is, they have a great reliance on their demon bodies.

This is similar to Jiuzhuan Xuangong, which vigorously develops the power of the body, and the physical damage explodes.

Therefore, whether it is a human race or other races, it is not completely without advantages against such coffin-carrying slaves, at least Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race can resist one or two.

And his winning rate is that he still has many magical races.

The Archangel Clan, the Sea Clan, the Dragon Clan, and the Spirit Clan all restrained these Demon Clan.

So a strange phenomenon appeared on the battlefield.

When a human race is fighting against a demon race, a magical race will inevitably appear beside him, and it is easy not to shoot, as long as it is shot, it will kill them.

Coupled with the number of Zhou Fangyu's terrifying God Realm races, these demon races could not be resisted at all.

"Roar, stand up, stand up. 33

"Damn Protoss, how can there be so many, this is the big god who shot?

"My lord, give me strength."

The leader of the coffin-back slave roared bitterly. He didn't expect that he would be knocked down by the sea tactics.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the two pinnacle gods standing straight and a little serious.

"This is my secret, you know?

(bbdj) Wu Jing and Huang Zhan, the two peak gods, looked serious, "Understood, please let us follow the captain. We can swear to prove it.

They were shocked with longing, Zhou Fangyu's strength is beyond doubt, if they follow him before he rises, they believe that one day, they will have a chance to be reborn, which is their expectation.

Zhou Fangyu nodded, "Follow me, you won't lose anything, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

He took out two units of Supreme Divine Flame and gave them to them respectively.

"This is the Supreme Divine Flame, I believe you have all heard it, eat it, it is good for you."

Wu Jing and Huang Zhan's faces flashed with shock. They had gone through countless battles and had seen many treasures. He actually took out this kind of treasure that the Supreme Being of Freedom spends energy to condense.

Doesn't this mean that he has a lot of such treasures in his hands, what kind of genius, local tyrant, monster is he.

You have to ask them if they ever had the idea of ​​greed, of course they did, but after Zhou Fangyu summoned countless races of the gods, they immediately dismissed the idea.

Because it is absolutely impossible for them to win him among so many races of the gods.

Besides, you can guarantee that such a powerful Zhou Fangyu has no other treasures.

Such a thigh, do not want to hug, do you have to die?

As long as he is not blinded by profit, he will make friends with Zhou Fangyu instead of being enemies.

Zhou Fangyu looked at the battlefield, and from time to time he threw out his divine power to protect some geniuses who were almost killed.

He attaches great importance to his own Divine Realm race, and is unwilling to waste one casually.

These are ripe leeks, still waiting to be harvested.

And Hades the Hades, the peerless wind method, the insect master, the three-eyed gentleman, etc., the new and veteran powerhouses were slaughtering frantically, just to compete for the first prize that seemed to be someone.

All, what those demons saw was that countless gods were rushing wildly, as if it was good to dig a piece of meat from them.

The flesh and blood of this real demon will be poured into the underworld, and there will be rewards. The bones will be thrown into the underworld, and they will become skeletons, waiting for recovery, and there are rewards.

Even their demon souls and demon cores have various functions.

These demons were eaten cleanly by Zhou Fangyu like livestock.

"Come on, this is my reward.""

"Damn, that's mine, leave me a bone.

"You idiots, want the whole, the whole will not work.""

Looking at the crazy appearance of these people, Zhou Fangyu had to say, these people are really crazy.

I don't know how long it took, these coffin-carrying slaves were cleaned up.

Looking at this maze, there is still half of it, it's time to clear it up.

Zhou Fangyu took the head of the coffin back slave leader and handed it to Wu Jing.

"Go and draw them out. 35

"Yes, my lord." Wu Jing knelt down on one knee and respectfully took his head.

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