In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 368 The Fall and Persistence of Wumiao City\r

Along the way, he encountered several waves of demon patrol teams. He directly copied the talent of the old Twitter. Under the chameleon, no one could see the three of them, but they also had to slow down.

Everything shows that Wu Miao City has really fallen.

As he approached, Zhou Fangyu was a little overjoyed.

Because, he saw a huge city of Wu Mourning, like a moat, appearing in front of his eyes.

Here, there is still a battle, and the demons are still attacking the city.

Yes, Wu Miao City was not lost.

However, it was also lost.

Because the city gate has disappeared, and there are ruins everywhere.

The various formation runes depicted above have long since lost their effect.

Only a group of elusive gods and powerhouses are constantly hunting down the demons here.

Most of them are existences above the peak gods.

There is no battle of God's Domain races, I don't know if it's finished or what.

Immortal God also personally shot to kill these demons.

And these demons are also happy to consume their physical strength, obviously planning to kill them with one 11 hits when they are tired.

There should be no demons around, because Zhou Fangyu and the others came here, even if they covered their breath, if there were demons, they would be noticed at once.

But no one noticed Zhou Fangyu and the others. Obviously, the demons here stayed here to kill these trapped Protoss powerhouses.

It is also a sad thing to consume their energy and spirit and be consumed by these low-level demons.

Zhou Fangyu didn't know the leading warrior, but, seeing that they were still dashing without fear of life and death, Zhou Fangyu had the urge to rush out.

However, he still held back.

Who knows if these Protoss are bait and deliberately seduce people like Zhou Fangyu.

"Go back first." Zhou Fangyu said quietly, backing away slowly.

Zhou Fangyu quietly retreated to ten miles away and hid.

The patrols in other places are very strict, but here, it seems to be relaxed, which is afraid that it is dark under the lights.

"What should I do?" Wu Jing was worried, although they fled here, although it is unclear what method Zhou Fangyu did, but they are still safe here.

However, there are too many demons here.

They will be discovered when the protection is not in order. At that time, it will be called Tian Tian should not respond, and the ground will be ineffective.

"My lord, it's better to do this, let's try to sneak in to understand the situation and what's going on. If we can save them, we'll save them. If not, then we'll retreat. It's too dangerous here.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, but nodded again.

He looked around and said, "The demons must have other bigger actions. The ones who stay here are all small soldiers. Although the number of these demons is large, they are not necessarily strong.

What if we can find a way to swallow them up and re-occupy this Wumiao City?"

Zhou Fangyu is very ambitious, and actually wants to eat a fat man in one bite.

"But, does it really work?" Wu Jing and Huang Zhan both had ugly expressions on their faces. They were not new recruits entering the battlefield. If they wanted to swallow so many demon warriors, they were not capable of 18 billion gods. taken down.

You must know that the number of demons here has exceeded tens of thousands.

Each Demon Race has at least one million Demon Races.

What kind of concept is that, that is to say, with the addition of the demon race, the number of demon races here is several times that of Zhou Fangyu's god domain race.

Hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands does not seem like much.

Billions and hundreds of millions can be revealed.

Not to mention tens of billions.

I don't know where Zhou Fangyu got the confidence of the snake swallowing elephant.

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it, or start all over again. If you don't succeed, you will become a benefactor.

Zhou Fangyu has decided to make a big bet, he bet is that there is no super existence here.

They must have done other things, otherwise, these gods and warriors here would be finished long ago.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu is excited, if he can take this place, he can't imagine how big the impact will be at that time.

"My lord..." Wu Jing wanted to persuade, but was blocked by Zhou Fangyu.

"Get ready, we'll go in at night."

It is still early, and when the red sun sets and the red moon rises, it is the best time for them to enter.

Although the demons might be stronger at that time.

But under the cover of the red moon, they will be more secure.

Just like that, Zhou Fangyu and the others rested in a safe place.

Listening to the screams that came from the city from time to time, even the hard-hearted people would be shaken.

How many gods are still resisting, he doesn't know.

He knew it might be the best time from time to time, but he couldn't help it.

Although he shouldn't have so many feelings for these gods, he couldn't bear the feeling of pity on each other and the grief of the rabbit and the fox.

Especially these guys who are all their own compatriots in the bloodline or other aspects.

He couldn't completely ignore it.

"Sir, who are you?" Wu Jing and Huang Zhan asked nervously when Zhou Fangyu stood up and was murderous.

"No wait, go in now." Zhou Fangyu's tone was firm and unquestionable.

Wu Jing and Huang Zhan nodded at the same time, "Okay."

They instantly understood what Zhou Fangyu meant, and they were also a little excited.

Who doesn't want their superior to be a kind-hearted god?

The three of them walked inside so cautiously.

Originally, Zhou Fangyu wanted to rush into it directly.

757 later thought that if he rushed in at this time, it would be easy to be besieged by others, and he might not be able to save anyone and even put himself in.

Instead of this, it is better to detour behind, there may still be a chance.

Besides, looking at the appearance of those gods, there might be other reasons for fighting so desperately.

Zhou Fangyu shook his head, instead of guessing, he quietly touched it.

They didn't move fast, but before they could get close to the city wall, an explosion sounded suddenly.

Not far from the side, a demon warrior was blasted out. His appearance was extremely miserable, as if he had been struck by lightning.

This scene scared Zhou Fangyu to stop quickly, neither advancing nor retreating.

People have long started to guard against these invisible demons.

"Boy, take eight steps to the left, five steps forward, and three steps to the left."

Zhou Fangyu's eyes flashed when he heard this voice, someone found him, he was instructing him to enter.

I have to say that he is quite lucky, otherwise, if he was killed just now, he would be finished.

Although he's not that fragile.

However, when he was bombed, he was in a panic, and it was estimated that he would end up being hacked to death by the chaos demon.

"Continue to move forward nine steps, take one step to the left, move forward..."

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