Just like this, he was led into Wumiao City.

Not long after he entered, a soldier led him in.

Looking at the Wu Mourning City at this time, it has long been dilapidated, and the city is even more barren.

It was only two days, how could it be so miserable.

Soon, a small general collapsed on the bed appeared in front of his eyes.


When Zhou Fangyu heard this voice, he instantly understood that this was the one who led him in.


"Sit down, little brother is in that camp? How did you get here?"

Zhou Fangyu smiled and said, "The general doesn't think that I am the pathfinder sent by that camp? What if reinforcements arrive. 35

"Cut, a group of cowards, I'm afraid they ran away when they saw the demons, and they came to support, haha..."

He laughed, and Zhou Fangyu also laughed. I didn't expect his statement to be so accurate. Yes, when General Hu really saw the demons, he kept reminding everyone that it was important to escape.

Wait, a bunch of cowards, don't they....

Zhou Fangyu showed an incredible look.

"Haha, the kid is very smart, yes, the fall of Wumiao City was because the new city owner fled, and the soldiers also fled, and we were the only ones who fled.

A look of resentment flashed in the eyes of the little general, the good Wu Mourning City, this is the most solid top-level city in the world of gods, it will be self-defeating without attacking and laughing off everyone's big teeth.

In fact, this Wumiao City is now like this, only all the ruins are left, as well as some of the soldiers of the gods guarding it, even this little general

They are all half-dead, and it is necessary to regain what has been lost.

However, the location here is great.

Behind Wumiao City is a towering Qin Lanshan, like a pillar of the sky, standing here, blocking the battlefield of gods and demons.

Wumiao City stands on the mountain and has a unique location. There are endless plains for tens of thousands of miles in front of the left.

In front of the right is Shan Qiushan, which is full of strange rocks, and it is not easy to march.

Directly in front of him is a river of magma, which draws out the geothermal lung fire that flows like a barrier, making people tired of it.

Such a super city where one husband is the only one who is in charge of Guan Wanfu is not able to open it, and he was beaten up like this.

It feels so sad.

This is also the reason why Zhou Fangyu has been reluctant to let go of this city.

No one could have imagined that Wu Mourning City would be destroyed so quickly.

Naturally, no one thought that someone could reach Wumiao City so quickly.

So this is the most fundamental reason why Zhou Fangyu can come in.

"Sir, are you 々||?"

"The first military envoy in Xiawu Mourning City, Wu Qifeng."

"Wu Qifeng, what is your relationship with Marshal Wu?

"That's the ancestor of my family.

Hey, it really belongs to a family, the martial family has a strict family education, and will not allow any clan to retreat on the battlefield at will.

This is also the reason why Wu Qifeng fought to the death here. If he goes back to die, it is better to die here and be a hero.

"General, your divine body?"

Zhou Fangyu looked at it carefully and was shocked. It was a miracle that he didn't die in such a dilapidated condition.

"Small injury, it just needs some time to recover."

Immortal God, really is Immortal God.

Counting him, and counting the immortal who fought against the demons outside the city, that is to say, there are already two immortals in this city.

The corners of Zhou Fangyu's mouth twitched slightly, and it was done.

"Can you tell me, little brother, how did you get here? What's going on outside? There are reinforcements." A glimmer of hope flashed in Wu Qifeng's eyes.

No matter how disdainful he was, he still hoped that reinforcements would come to support him.

Zhou Fangyu nodded, "I walked all the way, there are demons everywhere outside.

After that, he pointed to himself, "I am the reinforcement, the only reinforcement.

When he finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Everyone present just took him as a joke, and they were able to talk to him so patiently because they just wanted to know what the situation was from him. The answer they wanted was not about him being a reinforcement, but If you want real reinforcements, even a battalion is fine.

A bright light flashed in Wu Qifeng's eyes, suppressing everyone's laughter, he stood up from the bed and no longer pretended to be weak, "Little general is so confident, he must have the confidence to become a reinforcement, I don't know what the little general has. Is there a way to get us out?

Zhou Fangyu looked at him in astonishment. This guy turned out to be pretending, so it's easy to say, "Before answering your question, I want to ask one more thing, are all of your Divine Realm races exhausted?"

Everyone shook their heads and nodded, but Wu Qifeng said helplessly: "It's a lot, except for some seeds left, which are basically exhausted."

Otherwise, do you really think that their team of less than 1,000 people can hold the city of Wu Mourning for two days?

People are just watching the city break down, there is no need to waste time here.

Otherwise, just because the two of them are immortal, they will also die miserably.

There are definitely many strong people dispatched by the Demon Race this time.

"..that's good." Zhou Fangyu said this.

Everyone is angry, what does this mean? Curse us?

"I'm not really alone, I have a group of guardians. 39

Zhou Fangyu spoke the truth sincerely.

"Oh, what does the general mean?" Wu Qifeng's eyes lit up.

"That's right, these guardians of mine won't come forward easily, it's my family's rules. So, the God Realm race, I will come out, the strong will fight, you come. How about half of the military skills? Say yes, it's half me, half you. 39

Zhou Fangyu seems to have transformed into a merchant and hawker, and he is preoccupied with it.

"Not good." Wu Qifeng shook his head.

Zhou Fangyu frowned, is this guy insatiable, 50% is already his bottom line, no matter how low, this city doesn't care.

He looked at Zhou Fangyu sincerely, "If the general has the confidence to rely on the guardian to take down the city of Wu Mourning, we don't want the military merit, we give it all to you and the guardian, it is our (Zhao Li Zhao) sincerity. However, this recovery The glory of Wumiao City belongs to us."

His heart had already blossomed with laughter, and if he could survive and still get this city of Wu Mourning, how could his military merit be compared.

Having a layer of honor means that his future is limitless.

Zhou Fangyu was overjoyed and immediately agreed.

What can't happen to such a good thing.

Moreover, even if he was asked to take this honor, he would not dare to take it, secretly making a fortune, and not wanting to take the risk.

He understands the truth that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng.

Moreover, even if this city of Wu Mourning was taken down by his God Realm race, I am afraid that he would not dare to say that he took it down, otherwise, these people would not be able to slice and study him.

Better to be low-key.

Then Wu Qifeng called Wu Hongfeng, another immortal god outside.

They are all disciples of the Wu family, and they are brothers.

I have to say, their luck is really bad.

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