In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 371 The War Begins, Pangu Shows His Power, Victory\r

The demon powerhouses were basically restrained by the captains of the Protoss.

The rest is the slaughter of the God's Domain race.

In the early days, Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race still had an advantage, after all, they belonged to the fresh army, and their combat power was at the peak.

However, as the battle continued, the demons on the field did not decrease, but instead had a feeling of killing more and more, and the Hades and the others were a little frightened.

Zhou Fangyu made a decisive decision and used the prepared killer.

"Bu the Twelve Ancestral Witch Capitals, the gods and gods, call the real body of Pangu."

The voice of Tiandao Hongjun fell, and the blood of the Wu clan bowed and prayed to donate their blood.

Now this batch of witches has been carefully selected by Zhou Fangyu, who specially cultivate the bloodline concentration, in order to arrange this magical formation.

As soon as Pangu's real body appeared, he immediately began to crush all the demons present.

For these worm-like guys, Pangu's real body will be wiped out with a wave and a step.

And the opponent's Demon Race has absolutely no countermeasures.

Neither is a worthy opponent.

Just the size of the body crushed the demons. I don't know how much.

With the real body of Pangu, he rushed forward indiscriminately in the Demon Race group, and there was no chaos.

It also completely disrupted the formation of the Demon Race, and they panicked, trying to escape from Pangu's pursuit.

However, in the face of such a strong Pangu real body, even those extraordinary demons could not resist at all, and could only retreat in despair.

As for the higher-level demons, they can't take action even if they are restrained by the gods.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Fangyu's war leeks were extremely excited, and the rewards for this battle were even more terrifying.

Not only will there be a bloodline bonus, but also an infinite supply of divine flames.

Of course, there is still a limited supply of Supreme Divine Flame. It is true that his current output still cannot go up. Intermediate gods can only produce double the Supreme Divine Flame every day, that is, two units of Supreme Divine Flame. If the level is raised again, I believe that there will be more divine flame output in the future.

Zhou Fangyu looked overjoyed when he saw that the war situation had changed towards him.

But seeing the loss of those human race warriors still made his heart aches.

These are all his warriors, fortunately, they have cultivated hard. In this battle, I am afraid that they will lose hundreds of millions.

He saw this heavy loss in his eyes, and it hurt in his heart.

He decided that he must cultivate super strong.

Especially the remnant souls of various powerhouses, they must be allowed to make a choice, surrender or perish.

There is only one way.

His enemies are getting more and more, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he has to find more retreats.

"Kill." Zhou Fangyu couldn't stand it anymore, and another genius he liked has fallen. These are all his treasures, how can they all be lost here.

"One turn, with a golden body."

"Second turn, smell the sky.""

"Law Heaven and Earth.

Zhou Fangyu turned into a little Pangu and began to slaughter recklessly on the entire battlefield.

After he borrowed the ability of the barbarian god, the ability of Fa Tianxiangdi has been improved dozens of times.

This makes him almost invincible on the battlefield.

At least as long as the Consummation Deity and the Ultimate Deity do not attack, no one can break through his golden body defense.

The leader of the demon race was even more anxious than him, but, seeing his demon cubs die and get injured, he couldn't help at all.

Even dealing with the Wu family brothers is a little hard.

No way, these two are also immortal gods. In a two-on-one match, he does not have the advantage, but the disadvantage is obvious.

"Wu Qifeng, you're deceiving people too much." He yelled, and one hit and two made him very hurt.

"Gu Quan Kuan, you old devil, cunning like a ghost, don't you want our brother's immortal material? Come on, kill me, ha ha ha!" To keep this old devil, it would be great if he could get his immortal substance.

"Protoss, you wait, the old demon, I will go to the rescue, you wash your necks and wait." Gu Quan Gu Kuan roared, the whole person backed sharply, and fled to the distance.

From time to time, a wave of demon races will be put away. These are the elites he summoned, and he doesn't want to throw them all here.

As soon as the old devil left, the demons were defeated like a mountain, there was no way, the rules of the demons, the leader runs, the demons can run, and they will not be punished when they go back.

This is also the main reason why the devil escaped and the devil soldiers had no fighting spirit.

Watching the underground demon soldiers dispersed in a hurry, Zhou Fangyu became anxious, "Don't let them run away, kill them all."

Having paid such a high price, it is impossible for them to run away if they want.

Zhou Fangyu is not a gentleman, he is just a villain.

He directly ordered the elites in the Divine Realm race to pursue and kill.

・・Ask for flowers・

Not afraid of them fighting back.

And the remaining demons were miserable, especially those peak demons, extraordinary demons, perfect demons, and even extreme demons who were restrained by the top powerhouses of the Protoss, all were dumbfounded.

After their level, the gap between them has become quite small. If they escaped, they would be digging their own graves.

That is to say, as long as these demons dare to leave their backs to their enemies, it will be a one-hit kill.

So, the devils cried.

"General, help.

"Gu Kuan, if you dare to escape, the commander will not let you go."

"Damn it, damn it.

Although they struggled desperately, they only escaped for one or two.

This demon army was completely abolished.

No way, the army of ten or twenty thousand lost these top powerhouses and their demon race.

It's like cutting off one's arm, and trying to kill it again will be difficult.

However, after losing Wu Miao City, he must have no chance to kill him again.

If the Demon Commander didn't kill him, he would be extremely lucky.

In the end, the army of demons only let him kill more than half, which is not bad, nearly ten billion demons.

This is indeed enough for others, but for Zhou Fangyu, who has come up with a trump card, he feels that it is not worth it. Such a big move is for these merits.

But now that he lost half of it, it really made him angry.

But there is no way to do this, fortunately, those Demon Race powerhouses are basically left behind.

The merits of these powerhouses are also his, and they are in their agreement.

However, those powerhouses who saw many Protoss directly left things behind.

Zhou Fangyu's face was gloomy, and he was considering whether to kill all these people.

It wasn't his reason that Wu Miaocheng couldn't keep the left and right, as long as there was meritorious deeds.

Just when he was thinking, Wu Qifeng strode forward.

"General Zhou is really strong, with so many races in the God Realm, how many super strong people must follow, admiration, admiration.

I said yes, all the merits will be given to you. I only need fame, but these brothers are all old people who have followed me. I am afraid that it will not be good for them to take out the demons I killed myself. In this way, I will make the merits and materials by myself. I hope Brother Zhou doesn't care about it, how about it?" Mouth.

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