In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 372 The stingy bigwigs, Zhou Fangyu's restraint\r

Zhou Fangyu's expression softened a little, he is not the kind of ignorant guy, since everyone's boss has spoken, he can't help but give him face.

Not to mention, it is Wu Qifeng's way of being a man, and it is worth his friendship.

Moreover, although he has not been able to perform his full work now, his own Divine Realm race is still intact, and the loss is not too great, which can be regarded as a consolation.

He can still support the loss of one or two hundred million.

Zhou Fangyu followed Wu Qifeng into Wumiao City, looked at the extremely dilapidated Wumiao City, and sighed: "I took it back, but how should I keep it here, this city is already abolished."

Wu Qifeng laughed and said: "Brother Zhou doesn't know anything, you are looking at the ruins of Wumiao City, but as long as we keep inputting divine power, the city will only repair itself, as long as there is a little time, it will be in good condition. Of course, Even if all of our gods are shooting together, it will take three days. "Seven, five, seven", now we just need to stay here with peace of mind

It is enough to divide half to restore the city, and it is impossible for the demons to gather troops again.

Zhou Fangyu asked curiously, "Why?"

"Brother Zhou doesn't know, now the Demon Race has advanced to the second line of defense of the Protoss, the Soldiers and Horses Domain. Where is the general Tiance General Divine Palace Invincible, one of the ten supreme gods of the Protoss, no matter how many troops they have, think It is absolutely impossible to break his defense, so they just pulled out the nails on the entire front line of gods and demons.

They are all trying their best to pull the nails out. How could there be time to come here? So, we are safe for the time being.

Also, don't think that our two brothers are vegetarians, I have already asked my ancestors for help. If the reinforcements are not slow and there are no problems, they will arrive within five days.

Hehe, no one can tell if these in-depth Demon Races will be able to go back.

Wu Qifeng was in high spirits. Although he was on the verge of death in this battle, as long as he survived as a disciple of the Wu family, he would have great benefits.

Taking back Wumiao City this time, as long as there is no accident in the middle, they can get huge benefits, which is why Wu Qifeng found that Zhou Fangyu had the slightest dissatisfaction and rushed to appease him.

To put it bluntly, now relying on Zhou Fangyu to defend the city, if he is a little unwilling, they will be very passive.

At that time, the credit will fly, and even they themselves will be greatly implicated.

"Brother Zhou, help me defend Wumiao City, half of the credit will be given to you.

You must know that as long as this Wumiao City is nailed here, it is a knife behind the Demon Race, and they will definitely fight back.

But this has to be maintained, and how much credit there is in this can be imagined.

As long as you help me, I promise that not only in terms of credit, but also in other aspects, my martial arts family will definitely reward me.


Zhou Fangyu didn't say much, "Okay.

Zhou Fangyu behaved very honestly, or cooperated very well.

Wu Qifeng told him that as long as they helped them defend the city of Wu Miao, half of the credit was given.

He didn't take it seriously, because he didn't think he could really get this kind of thing. When the war ended, there would be various constraints at that time. It was hard to say whether he could fully take the credit for retaking Wumiao City.

Although their ancestors were the commanders of a side marshal, he was not the only marshal on the front line.

Of course, the credit is there, and how many points can be obtained depends on the ability of their family.

And Zhou Fangyu is just a little shrimp, a fake guardian, and has no background worthy of investigation at all, maybe the old principal is one.

However, as the president of the academy, it's hard to say how much he can say in the military.

So, Zhou Fangyu doesn't mind and doesn't care.

He wanted to defend Wumiao City in order to kill more demons.

It is easier to defend a city than to attack it.

His tens of billions of people want to bite him, and don't think about it without five times the army.

So, he nailed it here.

Wu Hongfeng was always behind his brother and didn't speak much, but Zhou Fangyu always felt that he was very dangerous.

Yes, this person always gives Zhou Fangyu a sense of danger.

Although he didn't show it very much, he still made Zhou Fangyu feel that this guy had some hostility towards him.

Tiandao Hongjun is commanding many races of the gods to defend the city.

And the gods are outputting their divine power with all their strength.

This has been going on for three days.

The revenge of the demons never came.

Although it is safe, it feels like a storm is coming.

I don't know the specific intentions of the demon clan, but according to the information obtained by various spies sent by Zhou Fangyu.

Within a radius of ten thousand miles, there was no sign of any demonic action at all.

They seem to have disappeared.

This strange situation makes me feel very uneasy.

"Brother Zhou, great joy, great joy." Wu Qifeng suddenly broke into Zhou Fangyu's headquarters.

Here, Zhou Fangyu is studying the information obtained by various spies.

"Oh, Brother Wu, why are you so happy?"

"After knowing that Wumiao City was not destroyed, General Jingu personally took action to destroy the army of the demons that would commit the crime in the future, and the demon commander Qieran fled alone and disappeared. We are safe.

"Wait, what kind of cultivation is Qier'an? Zhou Fangyu is puzzled.

"Eternal Demon, what's wrong?" Wu Qifeng said with a smile.

"Has the ancestor of the Jingong bullied the younger?" Zhou Fangyu became a little uneasy.

Wu Qifeng's smile gradually disappeared, and he said nervously, "It seems that the big bully is bullying the small one. Do you think we will be attacked?"

He's not joking, it's called a fight between the big bosses above. If they are affected by Chiyu, it's not impossible.

"Maybe, why don't you leave first?

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, he got up and said, "Brother, I'll leave first."

He has already notified the Divine Realm army and hurriedly retreated.

Wu Qifeng also went out quickly, "Brother Zhou withdraw first, I'll be there soon. 35

The two of them acted very fast, and not long after they evacuated Wumiao City, the entire Wumiao City was photographed by a huge slap from the sky.

Yes, it is huge, as if the Lord is coming.

"Kid of the Wu family, count on you walking fast and give Old Man Wu a face."

3.9 A mighty voice spread throughout the battlefield.

The faces of Wu Qifeng and Wu Hongfeng were oozing with sweat. If it was delayed, they would be finished.

"Is it the Eternal God or the Supreme God?"

"It is supreme.

"Fortunately, my ancestor is the master, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get this face." Wu Hongfeng wiped a sweat.

Zhou Fangyu nodded with lingering fears.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise, he would not have such a big face.

"Brother Wu, this city of Wu Mourning has become a piece of cake, can it be restored? 35

"I'm afraid I can't."

"Hey, you got credit for flying like this?"

The three of them sighed and sighed here. Thinking of it this way, Zhou Fangyu got some benefits, and they didn't earn a cent.

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