Zhou Fangyu's face was ugly, and Zhou's father was also ugly. They didn't understand at all, how they were invaded silently.

"Hey, I originally planned to rest in this world for a while, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Let's go to the realm of the gods. Maybe there is the answer we need there." Zhou Fangyu said helplessly.

Everyone nodded, and at this time, they had to act together.

Who knows where the danger comes from?

What if you are assassinated?

At this time, a token suddenly appeared in Zhou Fangyu's hand.

"The token of the Truth Society? How?"

"It's a convening order, it's the convener of the leader of the Truth Society - now!"

Father Zhou was puzzled, but not surprised. When such a big thing happened, it was normal for the truth meeting to be anxious.

"Okay, let's divide the army into two ways. Dad, you go to the Truth Society to get information. Fuxi shouldn't be able to do anything to you, right? 35

"No defense, he doesn't dare to do anything to me, and he is not the master of the Truth Society."

"Well, that's it, I'll take them back to the realm of the gods. If there is danger, everyone will come back. This world is not big, so there should be no danger for the time being." Zhou Fangyu instructed.

"Alright, this is our base camp, let's go and see what happened first." Father Zhou nodded, his face was solemn, and judging from his years of experience in entering the Truth Society, it was definitely a big deal this time.

Zhou Fangyu and the others went all the way back to the realm of the gods, so naturally they didn't mention it.

Father Zhou came to the battlefield of gods and demons, a branch of the Truth Society.

"Have you heard? Something big happened. I heard that Lord Fuxi has betrayed."

"What are you talking about, such a big man actually betrayed."9

"You don't know, Fuxi is the hidden boss of the Truth Society. I heard that his strength has reached the dominant level, but he has been hiding his strength, and his status in the Truth Society is not too high.

"God, Lord, this is already the most powerful, so why did he join the Truth Society? Is it necessary?

"Who knows, this kind of powerhouse is not something we can understand. 35

Father Zhou listened to his conversation and exchanged information from time to time. Although everyone was bragging, they were actually exchanging information with each other.

Those who have listened must tell their own information.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it has to be about Fuxi, it can also be other valuable.

Father Zhou naturally revealed a piece of information, which won everyone's trust.

At this time, the various branches of the Truth Society were full of people.

"Everyone, welcome the sect leader to come." A voice sounded from the branch.

An illusory figure fell from the sky.

She was wearing a misty veil, her feet stepped on the Supreme Dharma bell, her face was veiled, she was dressed in brocade clothes, and her slender figure was prominent.

"Fuxi, this old boy still gave the circle, he actually betrayed the old lady, which is unbearable for uncle.

When she opened her mouth, her generally neutral temperament was undoubtedly revealed, which was not at all commensurate with her charming dress.

After the domineering side leak, there was a sigh.

"However, hey, it's unbearable, and I have to endure it. This old boy is actually a guy from another world, and the war is coming. We should have wisely guaranteed that after all, life is the most important thing, but unfortunately I tell everyone, even if If he is a god emperor, he must also participate in the war. If he does not participate in the war, he will die.

In this battle, if you don’t win, you will die. You are all old people of the Truth Society. Everyone knows my temperament. I usually don’t want to deal with these things.

Hey, what a pity! Du Fuxi is a stubborn old man who will die when he dies, and he still has this big tail, so it’s better now!”

After complaining, she coughed a few times, "After the chores are finished, let's get down to business. Originally, the Truth Society was a very loose organization. Everyone gathered together for intelligence and information resources. Now? The members of the Truth Society all give elder sister a face and help out. One can live as one. After tens of thousands of years, I hope you will all be here.

Ladies and gentlemen, say a word of treasure, goodbye. "

After speaking, her figure disappeared into the air.

"Hey, His Excellency Pope."

"What happened, what happened?

"Oh my God, the sky is broken, run for your life, if you want to die, you will definitely die.

"What should I do? What should I do? The Truth Society is about to disperse."

A group of people panicked. Who would have thought that the truth club, which has always been extremely strong, even wanted to get involved in the imperial capital, actually said that it was about to be dissolved.

What the hell happened?

Father Zhou was speechless, is this little girl the leader? It was the first time he saw it.

Also, what did you say?

What happened, the organization will be disbanded if you don't make it clear, can't we do it right? You said you were going to participate in the war, why do you feel like you are going to pack your bags and run away!


He also saw that something really happened, and even the Pope of the Truth Society did not dare to disclose it casually.

It seems that it may really be the battle of the main world!

"Everyone, although I don't know what happened, but strength is better than no strength. You might as well follow me. I have a showdown, and I will be the chief of Longyang City, Eastern Empire."5

"Haha, you can't do it, I also have a showdown. Weizhong, the head of the ninth regiment of the Shenmo War Zone, is also right, you can join my command, and I won't treat you badly.

Father Zhou couldn't bear it anymore, these are the powerhouses of the Truth Society. How many can you pull?

"Hey, a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, this god no longer hides his identity, I am the master of the gods, you follow me, and you will be immortal, and you will have the opportunity to live again in the future."


Zhou Fangyu contacted Wu Shuai as soon as he returned to the God Realm, but before Wu Shuai could reply, he was surrounded and captured by the garrison on the battlefield.

"Where did you guys come from? How dare you trespass on the battlefield of gods and demons? Could it be a spies from the demon world, take them down for me."

Zhou Fangyu revealed his identity, "Under the Eighth Regiment Independent Battalion Commander Zhou Fangyu, I have already contacted Wu Shuai...

It's a pity that the commander didn't care what he said at all, and acted directly.

"Arrest them all, whoever you are? Go back and talk about it. 35

Zhou Fangyu is helpless. It's not that he can't resist, but who knows what the situation is now, so he doesn't dare to make trouble.

He could only get hold of it.

Sitting in the cage, Zhou Fangyu was still silently recalling whether he did something wrong.

"Oh, little ancestor, why did you come here, why didn't you wait for me." Wu Shuai's voice sounded from their ears.

He actually only saw the news now.

"Old Wu, you are here, I want to kill you if you don't come." Zhou Fangyu looked at him speechlessly.

He was kind enough to go to him.

"I am Wu Xingtian, this is my trump card." Wu Shuai came to that general, even if the general knew Wu Shuai, he just gave a military salute and carefully checked his trump card.

"Report to the marshal, this prisoner has been handed over to your Excellency.


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