Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment. Damn, they have become prisoners of others. When did it happen? Is this a mess?

He glared at the general angrily.

Good guy, people didn't pay him any attention at all, which made him embarrassed.

Wu Shuai looked at him helplessly, only to see him walking over with a wry smile, crossing Zhou Fangyu, holding Zhou Yue's hand, "Little hero, you're back, I've been talking for so long, where did this kid kidnap you? went.

I'm missing a strong man like you now!"

Zhou Fangyu shattered the handcuffs holding them in contempt, then turned his head and left in disdain, "Xiao Yueyue, let's go, Daddy will take you to eat candy."

"Hey, okay, Dad, let's go there to eat, how come I never let me eat it every time I say it. 35

"It's okay, this time it's accurate.

Looking at the figures of the two leaving, the embarrassed Kaisha and Wu Shuai stared blankly at each other, not knowing what to do.

"What are you looking at? Chasing?" The nest chicken got angry and ran away with the two girls.

Wu Shuai also chased after him.

"Don't go, Xiaoyu, Brother Xiaoyu is wrong, look, didn't you just not greet you? You don't know how troublesome I have been recently, if there is no more dominant-level powerhouse to help me, I will You can all die.

He complained, but Zhou Fangyu ignored it.

After he was tired of talking, Zhou Fangyu asked, "What kind of world is invading?"

"Have you met? Are there other gaps?" Wu Shuai was shocked and asked Zhou Fangyu in horror!

"No, I guess." Zhou Fangyu shook his head.

"Don't lie to me, kid, this is a matter of life and death." Wu Shuai said solemnly.

"Che, do you think I'll make a joke about this? I'm really guessing, so just say yes!" Zhou Fangyu cast a disdainful glance at him.

"Okay, let's go back to the camp first and talk while walking." Wu Shuai looked at the sky and dragged Zhou Fangyu towards the camp.

"You may not believe it, you know that Fuxi is the guy who intercepted us halfway.

He actually united Miao Chang, Long Yuan, and more than a dozen demon clan masters to jointly open up the chaos space. ""

"Um, what's the matter? It doesn't seem to be that serious, right?" Zhou Fangyu asked in confusion.

"You haven't realized it yet, then I'll tell you in detail." Wu Shuai looked at him in surprise.

"In this way, the world of God's Domain is regarded as a space, and we become the first dimensional space.

The main world is regarded as a space, which we call the second dimension space.

The chaotic space, which is a little higher than us but not too much higher, is called the partition space.

If the two main worlds intersect, it will not have an immediate impact, but will have a cut off interaction.

It is the chaotic space blending with each other.

In fact, at this time, the two main worlds are actually not in any danger.

However, if the main world wants to take the initiative to invade here, it must come to the main world through the partition space.

If you don't open the overworld, they'll never have a chance.

Even if you open it temporarily, you won't give them any chance,

But Fuxi did a big thing. He used two divine swords to completely open the space channel and open a permanent portal.

This is equivalent to lighting a bright light. If they want to attack here, they will find this world and invade this world through this bright light.

Got it? He's already betrayed, get it? More

Zhou Fangyu was stunned and had some indigestion. He had long felt that this Fuxi was mysterious and did not have any intentions, but he kept hiding his identity. What was this for?

Now he wants to understand, it turns out that people's original purpose was to open the door of the main world.

And why did he take Yuantu Abi's two swords alone, it was for this.

However, Zhou Fangyu still doesn't understand, what is he doing? Is he really not Fuxi?

So who is this person who got on Fuxi's body?

Are you from another world?


After thinking a lot, the answer I got is that the real war in this world has begun.

"Why do the demons support him? Are all the demons fools?

"Hehe, no, on the contrary they are very smart.

Do you know why this world has never broken through to the realm of the king of gods after Zhou Batian?"


"Because, after Zhou Batian, the way of heaven in this world has completely collapsed into countless fasts, and that's why so many worlds have been created, whether it be the demon race or the god race, they are just the former main world races.

It was only because the world collapsed that so many main worlds were formed.

But after so long, the masters of the Demon Race couldn't wait any longer. They would rather integrate into other heavenly worlds than wait any longer. "

"But, but..." Zhou Fangyu wanted to say something, but couldn't.

"Hehe, they are all selfish guys.

Do you know why the demon Rahu has been suppressed in the God Realm?

Because this is an exchange made by the senior leaders of the gods and demons, the gods do their best to suppress the ancestors.

The Demons do not interfere with the Protoss and let the Protoss survive.

Otherwise, do you really think that the Protoss are the opponents of those terrifying Demons?""

"So that's the case, I want to ask, what was the name of the former main world??"

Zhou Fangyu was a little puzzled and nervous, and he didn't know if his guess was right.

"The world in the past was called Honghuang."

"Sure enough?" Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself.

"Even if it's a flood, it's still not broken." Wu Shuai sighed.

"Honghuang is a main world, why is it broken?" Zhou Fangyu asked nervously.

This question has been in his heart for too long, so long that he doesn't know how to find the result if he wants to find out.

The only people in this world who know about the prehistoric world are the top-notch old people.

"This, let's start with the oldest battle between the righteous and the devil, let's not talk about this matter, it doesn't make sense to talk about 3.9, let's deal with the present first, if this battle can survive, I'll tell you again, just treat it as I owe you a story." Wu Shuai gave Zhou Fangyu a meaningful look, then turned and left.

"What should I do?" Zhou Yue thief looked at Zhou Fangyu.

"What else can I do, go to camp.

To be a deserter at this time is to die. "

Zhou Fangyu scolded with a smile, turned and followed.

The others were also relieved, following the two masters, it would be safer after all.

What happened this time was really beyond their expectations.

Unexpectedly, this guy Fuxi did it.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Fuxi still used the hearts of these rulers. In order to become stronger, the demons are unscrupulous, let alone the sense of belonging to the main world.

They owe no friendship at all.

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