In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 569 Key Races of the Demon Race\r

This is the so-called strong, but they are all selfish villains.

Zhou Fangyu also didn't know how to evaluate them, these guys are so shameless, they have no responsibility at all.

After the group arrived at the camp, Zhou Fangyu found that the place was loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

"Will the news spread?" Zhou Fangyu asked.

This is actually no less than the war of world destruction. If the main worlds do not resist together, this world will be over.

It's the kind that gets screwed easily.

"Yes, of course, we are already active on the Demon Race side, and we are trying to find more allies to come over. I am so anxious to pick you up this time, just for this matter, I hope you go to the Demon Realm to find more for us. Allies, although gods and demons often go to war, this time we are also fighting to protect our homeland. Everyone has the same goal, so we should abandon our previous hatred and agree to the outside world.

You know, the fighting power of the Demon Race is super strong, without them, the battle would be lost in half.

Moreover, you don't want the demons to be kidnapped by those abominable 11 demon rulers.

Zhou Fangyu was speechless, he knew that there was no good thing, and he was actually asked to go to the demon world, but he only made the oath of heaven and would never step into the demon world.

Didn't expect it to be broken so quickly.

"I know you're worried about the oath of heaven. We just use your image to promote it. After all, you have acquaintances over there, can you introduce one or two?" Wu Shuai smiled like an old fox.

Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, I won't go to the devil world myself!"

Wu Shuai said with a smile: "Don't worry, we won't mess around."

Zhou Fangyu smiled and said, "Well, I really have a little brother from the Demon Race, but I don't know if they still recognize me as the boss. If I failed, I dared to ask someone to kill me after I said harsh words. It's embarrassing and embarrassing. 35

Although he was embarrassed, there was a smile on his face.

Wu Shuai breathed a sigh of relief. After he arranged Zhou Fangyu, he left in a hurry.

Zhou Fangyu sighed, the situation doesn't look good!

However, those alien races should not come in soon, after all, where are so many corpses gathered.

Moreover, the demons should not be stupid enough to let those corpses enter this world. After all, there are so many powerful existences at the master level. If there is cholera in the demons, I am afraid that a few demons will not be enough to kill.

Don't think that these guys will help the world, who knows what they think after staying for a long time.

Not necessarily all corpses have goodwill towards the races of this world.

After all, many dominion-level powerhouses enter Chaos, and most of them are cornered.

So they hate the world far more than kindness.

Of course, it is not so easy for aliens to break into this world. After all, it is not so easy for them to enter this world at one time. There are so many corpses outside that need to be dealt with.

As long as the demons can block this portal, then those aliens can only clean up those corpses, and this would be a big sin.

Many corpses choose to be corpses in order not to lose this body, otherwise, who would come here to suffer.

Therefore, most of the undead members are more intense.

So the first obstacle for these aliens to enter the chaotic space is these corpses.

I just don't know what to do with these aliens.

However, Zhou Fangyu felt that he should do something.

With so much Dominion-level combat power, it would be a waste to send it out to be killed.

Does anyone know how many of them are lawful?

If most of them are lawful camps, it would be a pity to be cleaned up by foreign races.

Thinking of this, he felt that it was better to be careful and work hard.

But going to the devil world is definitely unrealistic, after all, he has oath restrictions.

Therefore, we can only open a small passage in the God Realm.

After attracting Zhou Yue, he expressed his thoughts.

"Dad, the idea is good, but with so many, how much can you wake up, isn't it too dangerous.

"It's not dangerous, I just want to enter the chaotic space and subdue these corpses, it's still up to you. I'm sure there's no danger! Zhou Fangyu smiled.

"Uh, this is not good?" The black line on Zhou Yue's face, this is to use him as a coolie!

"Why, can you help?" Zhou Fangyu got angry.

"Help, can't help?" Zhou Yue was speechless, it turns out that Zhou Fangyu also has a time to be fooled!

"That's good, let's go, we won't bring the nest chickens this time, the two of us are enough. There is still danger, aren't you afraid?" Zhou Fangyu said narrowly.

"Che, do you think the young master was frightened?" Zhou Yue gave Zhou Fangyu a look of contempt.

Zhou Fangyu's face darkened, he grabbed Zhou Yue's collar, grabbed his own shoes, and hit it.

"I asked you and my young master, and my young master, to be able to endure it?" Zhou Fangyu's anger was completely vented.

Zhou Yue yelled, but did not dare to refute.

The two women watched them walk away from a distance, and Kaisha smiled, "These two fathers and sons are both children!"

"En, it's always noisy." Wang Haiyan nodded.

Zhou Fangyu found a remote place, right behind the camp, which was far away.

"Yueyue, open up the space.

In fact, Zhou Fangyu can do it himself, but it's just a little harder.

Zhou Yue didn't write any ink, just waved his hand, and he made a space portal come out.

Zhou Fangyu walked in directly.

Zhou Yue followed closely behind 903.

"How do you do it, Dad?"

"You have only one mission for a while, I will find a way to restrain these corpses and throw them into my divine domain.

You are responsible for checking whether these underworld corpses belong to the lawful camp after they regain their senses. Do you understand what it means? As long as they are harmless to this world, they are considered lawful. Those who come out and attack you will be slaughtered directly, and the corpses will be thrown into my divine domain. ""

Speaking of which, Zhou Fangyu killed all the people he caught at the beginning, but he didn't expect that.

However, he did not dare to restore their sanity. Who knows what strange abilities they will have. What if they make a mess of their own domain??

So for Zhou Fangyu, a safe body is the most useful.

So many master corpses, whether it is the source, or making various treasures, have a great effect.

"Okay, daddy, just look at it. After 35 weeks, the more you agree, it's not difficult. After all, these corpses are actually not too strong, and most of them are at the low point of their strength.

"Hey, shall I start?

After Zhou Fangyu finished speaking, he opened the Divine Realm, and then countless dog-headed demons got out of here, and a huge sun lit up on his head, which was made of divine fire produced by divine power.

"Dad, you can take it easy." Zhou Yue's face was not very good-looking, and there was always a bad feeling.

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