In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 570 Capture the corpse and screen the race\r

"Got it, it's so long-winded." Zhou Fangyu said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhou Fangyu's eyes looked into the distance, the huge divine fire essence directly attracted a large number of corpses to come here.

These corpses are all top-level powerhouses, so they rushed over and directly collided with the army of dog-headed demons.

Zhou Fangyu was at the back, and called out a team of top human race experts.

Their mission is only one, to capture the corpse.

Since you plan to come here to make a fortune, you must be fully prepared.

I have to say that there are many terrifying corpses here, and soon they will be completely surrounded by dense corpses.

Looking at these terrifying corpses, Zhou Fangyu did not dare to slack off. These things do not have any wisdom, so it is not particularly troublesome to capture.

In addition, these human races were specially trained by Zhou Fangyu, and each of them was a master of fishing. On the battlefield, the corpses attacked the kobold frantically, and even ate the kobold on the spot.

Soon, the first corpse was caught by him.

Looking at this huge corpse, thousands of people from a large human team were directly caught in it.

Countless sleepy demon chains locked the corpse.

These are made of those meteorite irons.

At that time, I thought this thing would be useful, and I used it on this sleepy demon chain.

But even pure power is not so easily trapped.

Zhou Yue looked at the huge corpse with the same expression on his face, "Hehe, Dad, you can do this! Let's look at me next."

He stood in the passage of God's Domain and the like, directly opened the chains of the corpse, and let him absorb the divine power and innate spiritual energy that came from the God's Domain.

Watching the corpse gradually regain consciousness, and watching the little thing Zhou Yue, he subconsciously grabbed Zhou Fangyu and threw it into his mouth.

Hehe, obviously a guy with a chaotic camp.

"Remember this race and kill it directly." Zhou Yue muttered to himself, and directly broke away the huge palm, and then pointed a beam of light, this guy was instantly killed, killing the soul.

Such a weak guy simply couldn't withstand his random blows.

"Father, what should I do about this?||?" Zhou Yue shouted at the passage, holding the huge corpse of the dead body.

"Throw it into God's Domain and someone will take care of it." Zhou Fangyu returned.

The corpses of these corpses are all good things, but they can extract a lot of master-level origin.

"Okay. 35

In this way, one by one, Zhou Fangyu is also calculating the loss of the kobold.

It has to be said that the chaotic corpses here still occupy the majority, and their first impression of awakening is to attack the Protoss in front of them.

Naturally, he couldn't keep it, so Zhou Yue killed him directly.

After killing nearly a hundred of them, they finally found a guy from the lawful camp.

He also wanted to attack the first time he woke up.

But when his attack was about to fall on Zhou Yue, he subconsciously dodged, which also cost him his life.

"Under Cody Longtai, this fellow Daoist, but you saved me?

He said this to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Fangyu was overjoyed, flew over, and saw that he was indeed a god.

"I don't know which Protoss power is. If you don't talk about it, please go to my God's Domain to rest first, and then explain it to the Lord." Zhou Fangyu ordered someone to invite him into his own God's Domain.

Ordinarily, other gods should not be allowed to enter their own divine realm, which would be equivalent to exposing their own divine realm.

However, he has special rules, and he is not afraid of other races entering his domain.

On the contrary, those who enter their own God's Domain will be suppressed by themselves, and they may die miserably.

Because in God's Domain, it is impossible to open the world of God's Domain again.

In that case, it is very possible that these Protoss powerhouses can only be suppressed by themselves here, or even killed by themselves.

With the first beginning, Zhou Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, even if it wasn't a waste of time.

The capture of the corpse naturally continued.

He discovered one thing, that is, basically, among the hundreds of corpses, there will be one or two lawful powerhouses.

Don't know why, but, apparently most of the people who come in here are evil guys.

There are even many strong demons.

In order to survive or to improve themselves, they entered the chaos to find opportunities, but got lost here.

It is conceivable that if there are no fixed coordinates, do not easily go deep into the chaos.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be completely lost here and will never be able to get out again.

At this time, I recalled my trip to find the demon world, and I was really lucky.

"God Lord, the dog-headed demon has suffered heavy losses, do you need to mobilize the human team?" A human warrior came over, it was Hades, the supreme powerhouse of the human race. Recently, the relationship between the two has heated up sharply. I often go to the realm of the gods to comprehend all kinds of knowledge, and naturally I have been discussing some issues with Pluto.

During this time, Pluto's pursuit became more and more obvious, and his feelings became more and more hot, so Zhou Fangyu didn't know how to deal with it.

He couldn't refuse, and he didn't dare to agree.

No, after the loss of this group of kobolds, I plan to leave. "

After a lot of calculations, about a hundred lawful camp powerhouses have been collected, quite a few.

Moreover, his nearly four trillion kobold warriors have been exhausted, so his kobold demons only have one trillion elites left. These are all carefully selected, and he does not intend to lose them here.

So, it's time to stop.

"Hades, you take the Terran warriors to withdraw first, I plan to end this battle."

Zhou Fangyu sent the Hades away.

He didn't look at her resentful eyes and pretended not to notice.

"Come back, Zhou Yue." Zhou Fangyu looked at Zhou Yue, he was very tired, after all, one could be easily killed.

But when there are too many, Niu Ye (Nuo's Zhao) will be exhausted.

After all, this is a chaotic space, and there is no place to supplement the massive divine power that dominates.

Zhou Fangyu has enough divine power in his divine domain, but he will not use all of them quickly, after all, he still has to be prepared for accidents.

Zhou Yue didn't have the strength to speak a long time ago, so he directly opened the space of the God Realm and got into it.

Zhou Fangyu did not leave this place very far. This is the particularity of the chaotic space. If you are far away from here, you are likely to get lost and lose your sense of the realm of the gods. Without the logo, you need to reposition, and you need to use divine power. The use of divine power will attract corpses, and if there are corpses, they will be attacked, so that they cannot concentrate on positioning, they cannot leave the chaotic space, and they can only be trapped here.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to come to Chaos Space alone.

He didn't delay, and went straight in.

As for the kobold, he only took back part of it, and the rest can only be handed over to these corpses.

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