In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 573 Shocking the major powerhouses\r

Zhou Fangyu doesn't blame their greed.

After all, this is human nature, but it is absolutely not allowed to kill here.

"Zhou Yue, anyone who kills will be killed without mercy." Zhou Fangyu said softly.

"" Zhou Yue's face was solemn.

"Benefactor, you are finally here. Why did it take so long to come? We are so anxious." An old man with a white beard came tremblingly in front of Zhou Fangyu, followed by a group of dominance-level powerhouses, all watching gratefully. he.

These are Protoss powerhouses, and many of them are master-level powerhouses who have disappeared in history. Zhou Fangyu has even seen their achievements in textbooks.

Many have made great contributions to the realm of the gods.

The other races that were not from the God Realm were behind them, looking at them with suspicion.

"God clan, why do we enslave our demon clan, this matter needs to be explained clearly, otherwise, if "Nine Zero Seven", how can our demon clan explain to the clansmen!" A demon clan stepped forward angrily.

He was holding a half-goblin in his hand.

Zhou Fangyu looked at him disdainfully, "These are only God's Domain races, did you see them as Demon Races?""

"You, you, this is obviously a half devil.

"Wrong, this is a kobold, just with the blood of the demon race."

"But. 35

"Cough, dad, do you want it?" Zhou Yue expressed a slaughtering gesture.

This action lifted the spirit of the demon clan, and thought of this guy's ruthless appearance.

He has the lives of tens of thousands of rulers in his hands, and that is at the ruler level. Even if it's just an unconscious corpse, it's not so easy to deal with.

"Forget it, they just admit their mistakes, whether they want to rob my God's Domain race.

After Zhou Fangyu said this, he stared at the people around him.

"I know that everyone is jealous of my Divine Realm races. Whoever did it to them, stand up and I will save your life. Otherwise, if I find out, you will be reborn."

This threat can be described as not too small or not, they just don't want to be reborn casually, so they don't want to die.

Otherwise, he would have committed suicide.

Threatening them with this now makes them hesitant.

"Ahem, powerful gods, I killed some mice without thinking, please forgive my rashness, it's really delicious, I haven't eaten these bloody food for a long time." An eagle with blood in the corners of his mouth The human race stood up.

Zhou Yue stepped forward and wanted to start.

Zhou Fangyu stopped it, "Those who don't know are not guilty, I forgive you once, and next time, kill without mercy."35

"I also hunted some blood food, and I will return it to you." A demon said indifferently.

Zhou Fangyu watched him kick his teeth and throw out a human finger.

He nodded to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue didn't leave any ink, he went up to hold this guy down, and killed him on the spot.

He didn't even get a chance to argue.

"Damn, what do you mean, why do you want to kill him, damn it, you agreed to spare his life! A group of demons shouted, their eyes flashing red light, obviously wanting to do it.

Under the pressure of Zhou Fangyu's Dao of God's Domain, they were directly crushed to the ground.

At this time, they discovered that they were actually suppressed, and they were suppressed so ruthlessly that they didn't even have the ability to do it.

Their eyes were instantly blood red, and they wanted to break out directly and break free from this bondage.

Zhou Fangyu sneered when he saw their appearance, did he really think he was afraid of them?

If it wasn't to prevent accidents, even Zhou Yue wouldn't have to bring it.

"After eating my God Realm race, you are still so arrogant, do you really think that your demon race can do whatever you want? The disaster was caused by you, I thought it would be useful to keep you, but now it seems that they are all unfamiliar wolves, Kill them. 33 Zhou Fangyu gave an order.

Zhou Yue directly broke their fighting bodies and killed them on the spot. The other races were stunned and looked at Zhou Fangyu nervously, for fear that he would do something to him.

Zhou Fangyu looked at them, and his tensed face suddenly showed a devilish smile, "Don't be nervous, these guys are damned, after you go out, everyone will know, stay well, I will not treat you badly. 35

"Protoss powerhouse, whether we can leave here, although we are very grateful that you saved us, but we still hope to go home and have a look. If you have any requirements, just mention it, we can satisfy you." A rift clan bowed and saluted.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you either. If I have ill intentions towards you, just kill them. Why should I save you? Now, the whole world is in a great crisis..."

Zhou Fangyu told them about the disaster and the current situation in detail.

"Damn, how can the abominable Demon Race do this, this is also the world they live in, and it was given to outsiders like this, don't they know the pain of homeless homeless people?

"Yeah, these demons are simply harming others and not themselves!"

"I didn't expect that I had only been trapped for tens of thousands of years, and such a bad thing would happen. The powerhouse of the Protoss asked us to go out and kill the enemy."

"It's time for us to be born. Anyone who invades my homeland will be killed."

All the races are very angry, clamoring to go out for revenge.

Zhou Fangyu suppressed everyone's discussion.

"It's not the time for you to be born. In this way, you can release your clones and follow me. Now that the aliens have not entered this world, we must preserve our strength. We can only let you play at the most critical time. Moreover, you all It is the master level, and it has not fully recovered its strength yet. What I mean is that it can allow you to recover your strength in the realm of the gods.

Because the flow velocity in my God's Domain is different from that outside, you can recover your strength faster.

Moreover, with so many of you strong, hiding in the dark is better than hiding in the light.

Everyone is silent, if it is a clone that goes out, it can be 3.9.

Most of the masters have secret techniques, if you forcibly transfer your main body to your avatar, you can, but you need to pay a certain price.

In fact, this is also the result of Zhou Fangyu's careful consideration, because in his opinion, the master class can no longer be restricted by force. They have their own thoughts and their own considerations. If it is not in their own interests, they will absolutely not. will match you.

People don't move, just feel that they don't need to pay such a big price.

The current situation is like this, Zhou Fangyu took the initiative to release them as a clone, even if he gave his sincerity.

And he explained his own wishes, just to keep them in the realm of the gods as a trump card in the dark.

In order to catch aliens off guard.

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