In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 574 Dealing with the two women, I definitely can't afford you\r

In fact, they also understand that their strength is too poor now. In the chaotic space for so long, if you want to fully recover, it is not an overnight thing. There is no ten or twenty years, and you want to fully recover the combat power of the master level. , is almost impossible, which is why they can't beat Zhou Yue, and they can't even hold a few rounds in the hands of others.

It is really too powerful a decline in strength.

Just like Zhou Fangyu said, you can go out to investigate the situation outside, while your main body can restore time in the realm of the gods.

Of course, if the flow rate is different, they will take it as a joke. You must know that such a divine domain requires a great understanding of the laws of time.

That is the law of time, the most terrifying law, no life, or the world, can escape the invasion of time.

You know, even if you share the same life with heaven and earth, there will be a day when heaven and earth will be exhausted.

So, can you really be immortal, eternal?

No, you are just eternal and immortal in this world.

The world is gone, and you are gone.

This is also the reason why the invasion of another world, the whole main world will be so turbulent.

Because whether it is the will of the world itself, 11 or the creatures in the world, it is a very serious event. If you lose, you have to die, without any exception.

After many masters wanted to understand, they said at the same time, "Then let the adults arrange it."

"My name is Zhou Fangyu, the immortal god of the gods, everyone can call me Xiaoyu." Zhou Fangyu was a rare modesty.

He did not dare to be too presumptuous. Although he had saved their lives, he still had to observe the necessary etiquette.

When they make trouble, it will be miserable, and there is no way to restrain them.

After pacifying these masters, Zhou Fangyu left the realm of the gods.

"The nest chickens? What about Kaisha and the others?" Zhou Fangyu asked suspiciously.

Since coming back, this guy has become their bodyguard.

"Hey, my lord, the mistresses seem to be angry."

I saw him pouting in one direction.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned for a moment, then looked over in embarrassment, only to see the two women hugging and crying.

He hesitated, wasn't he beaten at this time?

But if it doesn't go, it's also uncomfortable to watch them cry.

"What's wrong? That bastard bullied you, and I'll castrate him." Zhou Fangyu walked over, looked at them carefully, and shouted indignantly.

"Pfft, then you castrate yourself." The two women sprayed instantly and laughed angrily.

"Hey, when did I offend you?" Zhou Fangyu said with a smile when he saw them smiling.

"It's not you, why, find a mistress on the front foot, and go to your divine realm without us on the back foot, do you still care for a few little girls, why are we so miserable, how can we fall in love with such a philanderer like you, we I'd rather die."

The more the two women talked, the more angry they became, and they cried out loudly again. The more they talked, the more they said that Zhou Fangyu had really done something that was sorry for them, and they cried even more sadly.

Zhou Fangyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Hey, don't cry, I do know that Rong raccoon, but we have nothing to do with each other, just treat it as an acquaintance before, and don't even become an acquaintance in the future.

As for taking Zhou Yue back to my God's Domain, there are big things to do, you don't understand, the real powerhouse will search for souls, if you are involved, I really can't regret it, so I don't want to let you get involved in these things.

Don't think too much, just stay here in peace. "

The crying of the two women stopped immediately. After listening to him, they looked at each other and said, "Hmph, although you are very tongue-in-cheek, we will not forgive you easily. You are now officially entering our observation period. If there is anything wrong with us, don't blame us for kicking you and find another one, right, Yanyan?"

"En, yes, I listen to Sister Shasha."

Zhou Fangyu could not laugh or cry, "I swear by Zhou Fangyu, I will never let you down, okay?

"It's almost the same, let's go." The two women nodded with satisfaction, turned and left here.

Nest Chicken, the bodyguard, quickly followed.

Zhou Fangyu called out Zhou Yue, "It seems that we need to arrange a few strong men to retaliate against them, I'm afraid it won't be too safe in the future!

What he thought was that in the future, together with this war, if they were exposed, they would be targeted, and sooner or later there would be danger. Instead of regretting it later, it is better to prepare early.

"Well, my little mother has to be protected, but I can't leave your side, otherwise I'm afraid those rulers will have other ideas.

Zhou Yue's words made Zhou Fangyu sigh secretly.

"Yeah, but don't be in a hurry. Go to the main camp first and find the military commander. I don't know how the front line arrangement is going?"

Speaking of which, Zhou Fangyu can only be regarded as a marginal figure, his role is not small, but it is not as big as imagined.

Speaking of which, although the two worlds are fighting a war, it is the decisive battle at the top level that determines the outcome.

Therefore, Zhou Yue's role in their eyes is much stronger than Zhou Fangyu.

Moreover, Zhou Fangyu wanted to ask them how to deal with Luo Hu's affairs.

The time has come. If Rahu is rescued, will it be detrimental to the Protoss.

Instead, it would be more useful to find a way to conquer Rahu first.

"Well, it's better to go see that old man." Zhou Yue nodded.

The two headed towards the camp.

When the 907s arrived here, the camp was under martial law.

From time to time, a dominant-level powerhouse appeared around, heading towards the inside.

All are the top powerhouses of other small worlds in the main world.

Each one is not weak.

When the guard saw Zhou Fangyu, he was very respectful, "Sir, you are here, please.

Zhou Fangyu was surprised. It wasn't like this before. It was a bit of a surprise. "Well, what about Wu Shuai?"

The guard respectfully handed over a medal with a very special appearance, and replied, "I am receiving those managers from other worlds in the camp, the lord said, in the future, when the lord comes, he will go directly to the camp to find the military commander, I have been too busy recently. , I'm not happy to announce that set."

After speaking, he handed the badge to Zhou Fangyu.

Zhou Fangyu nodded, "Alright, it's more convenient. 35

He looked at this guy with some surprise, a little familiar, "What does it have to do with Wu Qifeng?"

The guard said excitedly, "The son of Wu Qifeng, Wu Shiling. I often hear my father talk about the lord, saying that the lord is a legend.

"Well, not bad, work hard, the future is bright.

Zhou Fangyu took out the ten-unit master source and handed it to him, "Since it is the son of an old friend, I will give this to you, and there is nothing good about it. 99

"Hey, I don't dare to say yes, my grandfather knew that he would break my leg." Wu Shiling's face changed greatly.

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