In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 801 Flying through the clouds and driving the fog (1)\r

Chapter 801 Flying through the clouds and driving the fog (1)

Now that it has been decided, it is natural to leave soon.

There is a cultivation base in itself, and there is no need to pay attention.

Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou took their three children directly to the direction of Shennong City. Although the Holy City of Human Race may also make Heavenly Court jealous, it is not as safe as Haohaijie.

"Mother, where are we going?" Yang Zhao, as the eldest brother, asked, and he always felt something was wrong.

Yaoji didn't want to tell the matter, so as not to worry the children. After all, this matter was just a warning from Taoism, and the elder brother may not be heartless. Yaoji was sitting in her heart with 157 thoughts.

"Zhao'er, don't you always think that our family lives in a remote place? This time we plan to live in a human city." Yang Tianyou said to his three children, because of Yaoji's identity, some cities are not interested in some immortals. The suppression of the monks is also increasing.

So they lived some distance away from the human city.

"Mother, are we going to live in that human city?" Yang Chan asked as a young girl.

The three of them are not ordinary mortals. As the second generation of immortals, their qualifications are also very outstanding, and Yang Tianyou has taught him martial arts since childhood, and he has also laid a solid foundation at a young age (bbea).

"What we are going to this time is the holy city of the human race, Shennong City." Yao Ji said.

When Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou took their family to the direction of Shennong City, they did not know that the great powers of the heavens were paying attention to them.

In the heavens, Haotian looked gloomily at the scene in the Haotian Mirror.

"Yao Ji, after all, I have lived up to my expectations for her." As the eldest princess of the heavens, Haotian originally only wanted Yao Ji to love her, and she never expected Yao Ji to do anything.

But when Xing Tian attacked Heavenly Court because of Chiyou's incident, he was not completely healed because of the influence of Ming He's preaching at the beginning. Although he was in the Heaven Realm by virtue of the highest human karma, even Xing Tian who had broken through was not him. opponent.

But it also expanded the injury, and it is impossible to get better in a short time.

Immediately, I thought of the method of reincarnation, and here I have to mention the gravel world that the great powers of the heavens intercepted from the world of Hengsha. With their "help", it is constantly evolving, and then it is merged into the underworld.

Unifying a place of reincarnation, these gravel worlds have become a good place for reincarnation practice.

The reincarnated Haotian finally felt that although Tianjie had added a lot of monks, the top strength was really too small. He wanted to exchange the secret of Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array, but there was nothing to trade with Zhou Fangyu Tianzun. .

Moreover, once the Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array is captured, it is also depriving Emperor Ziwei of his authority, which is really inappropriate.

With the help of the opportunity of reincarnation, Haotian re-refined the "ten little suns" that Zhou Fangyu had given him as the Sun Star Lord, and became a real Sun Star in those gravel worlds.

Makes its power increased a lot.

But this is not enough, and the several daughters that the Queen Mother and his reincarnation gave birth to are also extraordinary now. It is the Jinxian cultivation base that further enriches the strength of Heavenly Court, and then Yao Ji.

The Queen Mother mentioned that Yao Ji went down to earth to practice, and Haotian also thought about it. Now Yao Ji's cultivation is really not enough to see, it is time to urge her, but he did not expect that Yao Ji would be moved after she went down to earth. heart.

"Yao Ji violated the rules of the sky. If today's rules have become the majesty of the heavens like me, if one is not handled well, I am afraid that they will become the laughing stock of the Three Realms." Although the Queen Mother had some hesitations in her heart at the beginning, she was ruthless for the sake of the road. .

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