In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 802 Flying through the clouds and driving the fog (2)\r

Chapter 802 Flying through the clouds and driving the fog (2)

Haotian had never doubted the Queen Mother, and it was also because Xingtian seriously injured him that he had to be reincarnated, which made him a laughing stock in the Three Realms.

Although the birth of several daughters in the last life is somewhat sudden.

"Anyway, let's bring them all back to Heaven first." The Queen Mother said.

"The matter of punishing the sky at the beginning has already disgraced the heavenly court, and this time it cannot be done arbitrarily." Haotian didn't do that. Although he was a little disappointed, he was the emperor of heaven, and he issued these heavenly rules.

Since someone should violate the rules of heaven, even his own sister will never tolerate it.

"And the child born by Xian Fanlian also disrupted the order of heaven and earth." Haotian was also really surprised after seeing Yao Ji's three children.

These children turned out to have taken advantage of the heavens and inherited the attributes of the gods at the beginning of their birth. Since there are no three disasters and five declines, it can be said that they are born with cultivation bodies, and they may not start as high as some heavenly beasts and congenital spirits.

But if he keeps cultivating, it would be astonishing. Of course, if this number is too long, it will be even more incredible. It will completely disrupt the order of the whole world~.

This is also the reason why the great masters of the heavens pay attention to the affairs of Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou.

He said so, but he said that he would send someone to take Yao Ji back, and Haotian had no choice for a while.

Emperor Donghua, Jiutian Xuannv, and Baihua Fairy are all of the highest cultivation bases. Even Haotian can't easily use them. However, if you want to capture Yaoji back, you always need a suitable person.

Taibaijinxing may be suitable, but his temperament is not suitable for such a thing.

There is no good candidate for this for a while.

"I think Marshal Tianpeng who is in charge of Tianhe is very suitable." The Queen Mother suggested a candidate.

Nowadays, there are quite a few demon monks and human monks who have joined Heavenly Court, but basically they are all at the level of immortal officials or heavenly generals, and the one who stands out is the Tianpeng marshal.

Of course, Marshal Tianpeng was not ordinary. He was the eldest disciple of Xuandu, the eldest disciple of the three sects. Today's Xuandu really no longer taught Taiqing, and now he has become the first Daluo Jinxian among the three sects.

Now known as the Grand Master of Xuandu.

"Alright, Taibaijinxing sent the order to let Marshal Tianpeng lead the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers to go down to the earth to capture Yaoji back, as for Yang Tianyou's family, send them all into Samsara.

It's not that the Jade Emperor is cruel, these three children naturally disturb the existence of heaven and earth. As the Heavenly Emperor in charge of the Three Realms, his greatest responsibility is to maintain the stability of heaven and earth.

··For flowers....0

It's not that the soul is scattered, but it is sent to the reincarnation, and he is not counted as killing it.

As for Yang Tianyou, but a small human race, Yao Ji should not marry.

Although there are also marriages in heaven and earth, but can they be comparable? Dijun and Xihe and Changxi, or Fuxi and Nuwa, this is something that ordinary monks can achieve. At least Yaoji's status is not low, so she must not choose this. A simple mortal.

In the previous life, he was only a monk who went to heaven, and he was also a mortal.

As for the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, it is also to show the power of the Heavenly Court, to let the monks in the floods see the ability of the Heavenly Court, and to warn the cultivation base in the Heavenly Court not to violate the Heavenly Law.

In the order of Haotianda.

Several saints are just paying attention, but it is not necessarily that they want to participate in it.

In addition to the two saints, one is the original Tianzun and the other is Zhunti.

Zhunti figured out that the Yang family was afraid that they would suffer. Unless it was the only few people in the prehistoric world, Haotian's order would be the orthodox of heaven and earth.

Thinking about the special qualifications of the second generation of immortals, Zhun Men just deduced a technique that requires a perfect "test body".


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