In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 858 Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain (Part 2)\r

Chapter 858 Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain (Part 2)

Or should it be said that Yang Jian didn't give him this chance. Originally, the pure water suppressed him. He resisted it with the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art. However, his cultivation base was too different, and it was the other party's geographical advantage. It is impossible to escape the end of being suppressed.

However, Fang Yu's demon-suppressing sword not only opened the pure water river, but also relieved the pressure on Yang Jian a lot.

Of course, he would not let this opportunity slip by, and he used his full power to use the nine-turn profound art, and then used his unfamiliar magic, heaven, and earth. A man a hundred feet tall suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.

Yang Jian used a three-pointed, two-edged knife to forcefully open the water prison that trapped the roaring dog. He scooped it out with his right hand, and protected it in the palm of his hand. Then he quickly flew up into the sky, trying to escape from the river of pure water.

"Want to go!" How could Jingshui let the other party get his wish? 197. The other party's physical body is very powerful. Once he leaves the Jingshui River, he can't be sure to suppress it without hurting the other party.

Then look at the two figures in the sky.

"Jinxian is not so provocative!" Especially Jinxian who has practiced the way of earth immortal, and dares to do something on the opponent's territory, this time Jingshui is really angry.

Because if it goes on like this, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of many people, especially Shennong City. Although I have some good relationships with the human race, I am afraid that if people know that I am so blatant against the human race, I am afraid It will arouse the resentment of the human race.

The Pure Water River, which was originally cut by the Suppressing Demon Sword, was quickly closed, and the two giant hydrating hands were pulling towards Yang Jian, holding each other tightly, and the water slowly turned into chains and began to move towards the height of a hundred meters. The Yang Jian wrapped around and walked away.

"What should we do, we are afraid that it is not his opponent, and I am afraid that the Dionysian curse will not hurt the opponent." If Jiujianxian didn't understand it, he was a fool. Although the opponent was angry, he never killed him.

However, they still don't know the reason why the other party suppressed the human race below. At this time, it is better to find out the reason.

"Although the reason is still unclear, the other party should not be that kind of monster clan, and the other party is not an evil person, but I always have a feeling that that person seems to have something to do with the water management?" Fang Yu had a feeling, It seems that Yang Jian has something to do with flood control.

"Control the water?" Jiujianxian was also puzzled.

Yang Jian was still struggling to resist, but he still could not escape the fate of being dragged to the bottom of the river.

"The former (bbea) generation, I don't know how my fellow human race offended you." Fang Yu tried to communicate with the purified water in words.

While in Shennong City, Yang Chan felt a familiar wave in the east, and was puzzled for a moment. Then, she took the lotus lantern out of Shennong City and flew towards the east.

Although it is only a slight fluctuation, this breath is very similar to his brother.

Today, Yang Chan's cultivation is not weak, and she is in charge of the lotus lantern. Although she can't use the fire of the beginning of the lotus lantern, at least there are still a few people who can provoke Yang Chan.

Hearing the words of the man above, Jingshui also knew that the other party should not be familiar with Yang Jian, but seeing that he was suppressing the human race, and the current situation of the human race, it was understandable that the other party would take action.

"It's better not to worry about this matter, so as not to cause trouble!" Jingshui still warned, of course, the real reason will not be clear for a while.

Fang Yu and Jiu Jianxian breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Jingshui's words.

"The other party doesn't seem to be an unreasonable person, and since this place is close to Shennong City, the other party should not be the kind of evil demon clan, or he would have been taken care of by the human monks of Shennong City." Jiujian said.

"Then let's ask why."

"Can the seniors tell me the reason for the matter, so that I can know what is right and wrong? 35

"This. Clean water is hesitant.

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