In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 859 Reunion after a long absence (1)\r

Chapter 859 Reunion after a long absence (1)

As far as clean water is concerned, he doesn't really want to be enemies with the human race, but he doesn't want to let go of Yang Jian's reward.

The demon-suppressing power in the opponent's divine sword and spirit treasure is not an ordinary divine weapon, and I am afraid that it is not a simple person among the human race. Although the opponent is an immortal, his cultivation base and battle are never linked.

In the face of Fang Yu's inquiry, Jishui doesn't know how to deal with it~.

But Yang Jian spoke.

"Two daoists, thank you for your help, but if you are not their opponents, you should leave quickly. Please also ask the two daoists to help you go to Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, and ask my master Jade-Ding Zhenren to come and rescue me." 9

Although Yang Jian struggled to resist, he was still slowly pulled into the river, and seeing the opponent seemed to be easy, he knew that the opponent's strength was much higher than his.

The two fellow Daoists who came to help, although they had some means, were still not the opponents of this demon god. At this time, Yang Jian could only think of asking his teacher for help.

When Jingshui heard Yang Jian's words, he was also surprised. The other party even had a master. Although the Twelve Golden Immortals were a little more famous, it was more because of his teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun.

The name itself is not big, and it is said that there are countless golden immortals in the wild.

Jingshui was only surprised that there were cultivators who dared to accept Yang Jian as a disciple despite the possibility of being surrounded and suppressed by the heavenly court.

"What should I do?" Jiujianxian asked Zhou Fangyu.

The other party doesn't seem to be an evil person, and it seems that he has some grudges with the other party, so his actions are very different from the monsters who were making waves in the river before.

Zhou Fangyu is also thinking, the other party looks more like a personal grievance, and their strength is indeed not the opponent's opponent.

"Forget it, I have already intervened in it, as the other party said, let's find his teacher for help!" After all, the other party is a member of the human race, and his cultivation base is not weak. At this time, he can unite as much as he can. , It is also helpful for flood control.

Zhou Fangyu and Jiujianxian are planning to leave here, planning to go to the Yuquan Mountain that the other party said.

At this time, a ray of light came in this direction, and at the same time, the sky covered with dark clouds because of the wind and rain turned out to be rapidly clearing, the sun's light shone out, and rainbows appeared one after another.

A woman holding a jade lantern is standing in the sky, it is Yang Chan who has just arrived.

Another person came.

However, Zhou Fangyu and Jiujianxian stopped and looked at the people who came, and they were a little surprised, because the woman who appeared was familiar to them. Isn't it Yang Chan who first entered the prehistoric city and browsed Shennong City?

・・For flowers....0

The opponent's cultivation base is so high.

Jing Shui was also a woman looking at the sky. He had already sensed the other party's escape, but he didn't expect the other party to have such strength.

Then he looked at the jade lamp in his hand.

It seems that the method just now was also used from this jade lamp, which seems to be a very powerful spiritual treasure.

Bao Lian Deng knows that there are very few demons who are Nuwa Lingbao. Except for a few demon gods from a long time ago, the current demons probably don't remember. After all, after the treasure was distributed, Nuwa mostly used red hydrangea to fight.

So Pure Water couldn't help but the jade lantern in Yang Chan's hand was the innate spirit baby lotus lantern.

Is it another helper? The move of the other party to come represents that he may be on the opposite side of himself.

The strength of Jinxian in one is also forced to make water purification vigilant.

As for Yang Chan, who was looking for a familiar strand of Qi to go in this direction at first, she soon discovered this technique of calling for wind and rain, and at a glance, she could see that this was a phenomenon that magical powers did not occur naturally.

This is near Shennong City and next to Haohaijie, is it really worthless to dare to use a large range of magical powers here?


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