Chapter 940 Words of Curse (2)

In the Nuwa Palace, brother Fuxi was just sent back to Huoyun Cave.

Suddenly a wave of resentment rushed into the Nuwa Palace.

"This is?" Nuwa was still wondering what happened, but there was resentment in Nuwa's palace.

Nuwa immediately investigated the source of this resentment, and she knew that the source of this resentment was Zichao Song Nuwa Temple.

The water mirror technique was used, and then the scene in the shrine of Chaoge Nuwa was slowly revealed in the water mirror technique. From Di Xin's inscription to the later disrespect, he not only disrespected himself, but also disrespected his brother Fuxi. Nor respect.

In the end, it was an insult to the priestess in the Nuwa Temple.

Until the priestess was strong and directly committed suicide.

Di Xin's move can be said to have completely angered Nu Wa.

Although there was an angry look on his face, it quickly returned to normal, and then he said to the Nuwa Temple, which appeared in the water mirror technique: "Since you are so resentful, and this Emperor Xin is so unreasonable, it is enough for Yin Shang's temperament. If it is exhausted, then use the collapse of Yin and Shang to soothe your grievances.”

Although Di Xin is the current emperor, he is only a small mortal. He should not punish Nuwa himself, but directly respond to the curse of the priestess, and use Yin Shang's arrogance to calm the priestess' grievances. .

As soon as Nuwa said a word, the resentment of Nuwa Palace slowly dissipated, and a wandering soul in Nuwa Temple was also sent to the underworld by Nuwa.

Immediately, he ordered the boy Bixia to fetch the golden gourd in the apse.

Peel off the reed cover and use a finger. There is a white light in the gourd, as big as a line, more than four or five feet high. Above the white light, a flag hangs out, the light is divided into five colors, and thousands of flags are reflected in the light.


Since this demon flag was refined and sent to her, Nuwa has never really used it.

Since this Emperor Xin covets beauty, then let this Shang Dynasty be destroyed by beauty! Nuwa already has an idea on how to deal with Emperor Xin.

At the moment when Nu Wa used the demon banner, all the demon clans in the prehistoric realm felt aroused. However, Nuwa did not intend to summon the demons (imaginary number) in the prehistoric wilderness, but instead looked for a suitable demon clan by relying on this demon banner.

Taking the demon banner as a guide, all the demon clans in the wild flashed in Nu Wa's heart.

Finally found the right target.

Immediately waved the demon flag.

Within the human race's Kyushu barrier, a ruined city is inappropriate. It is full of trees and other vegetation. It is a wilderness. It can't be seen that this is a ruined city.

This place was once a famous place for the human race, the former Xuanyuan City, and the current Xuanyuan Tomb, but unfortunately it has not been called the holy land of the human race like Fuxi City and Shennong City.

・・For flowers....0

There are monsters practicing here.

And the target Nuwa was looking for was here. There were fox clan in Xuanyuan tomb, among which were three demon clan who were celestial beings.

Nuwa moved the demon flag, and the three demons disappeared into the Xuanyuan tomb.

"That Di Xin is also humane and protects the body, and ordinary demons can't get in." Looking at the three demons below, because they lived in Xuanyuan's tomb for a long time, they worshipped the Yellow Emperor for many years, and also helped the human race.


Not being targeted too much by the human will, he is using his own means so that Di Xin's human luck can't be targeted at him.

The three demons entered the palace to visit and said, "The holy life of the goddess is boundless!" One of the three demons is a thousand-year-old fox spirit, the other is a nine-headed pheasant spirit, and the other is a jade pipa spirit.

Since Yin Shang was exhausted, he naturally had to find a replacement.

Although the secret is chaotic, Nuwa is the mother of the human race, and it will not be much difficult to calculate the affairs of the human race.

Nuwa said: "The three demons listen to my secret order: Chengtang Wangqi is sad, and the world will be lost; Fengming Qishan, the Western Zhou Dynasty has already given birth to the Holy Lord. God's will has been set, and the number of breaths dictates. You three demons can hide their demonic shapes and support the palace. , Confuse the king's heart; once King Wu attacked Zhou, in order to help success, do not harm sentient beings. After things are done, you and others will also achieve positive results.


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