In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 941 Nezha's Birth (Part 1)\r

Chapter 941 Nezha's Birth (Part 1)

Zhou Fangyu noticed it from the moment Nuwa waved the demon flag.

"The Tribulation of the Conferred God has finally officially started."" Zhou Fangyu has been paying attention to the trend of explaining and intercepting the teaching.

On Chanjiao's side, they saw two more people worshiping Chanjiao, or to be more precise, one person and one demon, with familiar names, one is Jiang Ziya of the human race, and the other is Shen Gongbao, who became a leopard demon from Kunlun Mountains. .

"Sure enough, "260" was printed to prove the guess. Fellow Daoist Shen Yuan is Shen Gongbao." A figure opposite Zhou Fangyu said, which was seven points similar to Zhou Fangyu's five-element avatar, but wore an emperor robe.

It was Zhou Fangyu's good corpse, and also Emperor Ziwei, who came back for the deity's plan.

"Daoist Fellow Shen Yuan, it's been a long time." It can be said that he was the first Taoist friend he met in Honghuang.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help thinking of the time when Tianxing Island was used as a square market.

Because it is not 100% sure that Shen Yuan will be reincarnated as Shen Gongbao, the variables are not considered.

"But even if there is any change, it should be beneficial to us. After all, he will be worshipped in the future." Emperor Ziwei (Zhou Fangyu Shanshi) said.

In the Fengshen Tribulation, Shen Gongbao worshipped into the Jiaojiao court in the later period, and the interception Hong Jin joined the Western Zhou side because of Princess Longji, but he could not escape the list. Of course, Shen Gongbao is more famous between the two. .

Now Zhou Fangyu is not sure that the battle of the gods will "go" according to what he knows.

"What's the action of Master Tongtian?" Zhou Fangyu asked his good corpse.

"I called the disciples, but it was just a rough warning." Saying that, Emperor Ziwei shook his head, somewhat disappointed by Tongtian's actions.

"Nowadays, there are quite a few disciples who are intercepting the teachings on the Yin and Shang side. Even though most of them are ordinary disciples, if the door is to be closed, it is best for these ordinary disciples to be recalled."

Of course, Emperor Ziwei also understood the meaning of the sky. After all, there were too many disciples, and he was still concerned about a few direct disciples.

Even if Zhao Gongming died on the list for three nights, Tongtian would not be moved.

Even though Wen Zhong, a disciple of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, died on the list, he was still unmoved.

Until the Virgin of Fire Spirit died in the hands of Guangchengzi, Guangchengzi's three-year-old tour of the palace, angered the disciples who intercepted the teaching, and Tongcai had to go down the mountain and set up the Immortal Execution Formation.

The Virgin of Fire Spirit was killed by Guangchengzi, obtained the magic weapon Jinxiaguan, and went to Biyou Palace in order to pay the golden crown.

Chan Jiao has also seized many magical treasures that intercepted the sect, such as the most powerful Sanxiao Empress's Hunyuan Jindou, but they have not seen Yuanshi Tianzun send someone to return it. Why is he here to send Guangchengzi to return the treasure?

In the end, even the four swords of Zhuxian fell into the hands of the disciples of Chanjiao, but Tongtian did not recall the four swords.

Here, Zhou Fangyu had to be suspicious of Tongtian's actions, so he didn't want to drag his plans to the battles between the Immortal Executioner and Wanxian Array.

"Of course, if there is a little bit of conspiracy theory, Tongtian wouldn't have set his sights on the monks in the East China Sea." Emperor Ziwei pinched a black mark and placed it on the chessboard, expressing his guess.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu was silent for a while, and it was not impossible, after all, there were many monks from various sects in the East China Sea today.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Fangyu said: "No matter what the saints think, in short, we can just take care of our own plans.

As long as he does not face 4.0 against multiple saints at the same time, Zhou Fangyu feels that the success rate is still very high. Now that the good corpse has returned, then the Zhou Tianxingchen Great Array can also be used. Although it is not the complete array of the demon court, it is also infinitely powerful.

After exchanging information, Emperor Ziwei said goodbye, turned back to the heavens, and was about to place the restored stars above the Nine Heavens, as well as preparations for the Zhoutian Star Array. Can be described as not low.

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