Aki Tomoya, who didn't know what he was going to face, was still looking for Kato Megumi in the classroom.

"It's really strange, how can such a pretty girl be so inconspicuous?"

When the bell for the next class rang, Amaki Tomoya, who had been looking for a break, was very confused, but he could only give up. You know, the next class is math class. Hiratsuka Shizuka is only violent on the surface. But their math teacher is different. He has a Mediterranean and squinty look all day long, but he is ruthless when it comes to punishing people.

Amaki Tomoya didn't want to go to the blackboard to write math problems for a class, so he hurried back to his seat, sat upright, and pretended to be studying very hard. As expected, the Mediterranean teacher entered the classroom on time, looked around, and asked

"Is Su Yun the only one who didn't come? Then let's start the class."

Seeing that Mr. Mediterranean didn't care about Su Yun's absence, the students in the class had different expressions.

One of them was Da He Taiyang, whom Su Yun had been thinking about for a long time. What's wrong with this guy? Shouldn't this guy Mediterranean usually go to Hiratsuka Shizuka, the violent girl, to arrest people? Why didn't he make any moves today? Da He Taiyang was very puzzled, but he looked very normal.

"By the way, students, I want to test your learning results. I will write a few questions on the blackboard, and then ask a student to come up and help me solve them."

After that, Teacher Mediterranean wrote several unusual questions on the blackboard: summation symbols, complex numbers, derivatives, probability problems, it can be said that any of these questions is enough to kill the Japanese high school students.

After writing, Teacher Mediterranean looked around and pretended, then called the students he had decided to call.

"Ohga Taiyang, please come up and answer these questions and give everyone a demonstration."

Ding! Ding! Dong! Ohga Taiyang, who was still thinking about whether to go to the baseball club or the track and field club after school to see the girls' long legs and enjoy the real life, felt that his heart was about to stop beating at this moment.

"Teacher, I.........."

""Student Ohga, are you trying to say that you don't study hard?"

Seeing that Teacher Mediterranean was more aggressive than usual, Ohga Taiyang had no choice but to go up. He also had to maintain his sunny and cheerful persona.

Fifteen minutes passed, and Ohga Taiyang had only written one word,

Jie. Teacher Mediterranean had no intention of letting him go down, as if he was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Seeing the whole class staring at him like a monkey, Ohga Taiyang felt a little embarrassed, and cursed Teacher Mediterranean madly in his heart."

Why doesn't this old dog die yet? Damn it, damn it, I will make him pay the price, damn it!" The students in the audience could never imagine that the sunny-looking Ohga Taiyang was even more twisted than Tomoya Amaki in his heart.

While Ohga Taiyang was cursing Teacher Mediterranean, Su Yun finally arrived at his class.

Unlike the guilty conscience of other late students, Su Yun did not choose to enter from the back door, but directly pushed open the main door of the class.

Teacher Mediterranean looked over first when he heard the noise, and when he saw that it was his classmate Su Yun, he immediately squeezed out a kind smile from his stiff face.

It was because he wanted to improve too much. The position of the head of the mathematics group was too tempting. At his age, he had given up hope at first, until yesterday, the principal pulled him into a group.

That group included all of Su Yun's teachers except Mr. Hiratsuka, and the principal assigned them some tasks in the group.

The shrewd Mr. Mediterranean immediately knew that he had to serve Su Yun well, and he would get a big promotion and salary increase.

Finally, God paid off, and Su Yun noticed his efforts as soon as he came to school.

""Student Su Yun, please go and sit down. The teacher has been waiting for you for a long time. Let's take a look at Da He's test-taking skills in this class."

Su Yun was not surprised by Teacher Mediterranean's reaction. He could hear his impatience from the teacher's tone. So he nodded and returned to his seat as if he was taking a walk.

At this time, the students in Su Yun's class looked at Teacher Mediterranean's almost flattering behavior, and their brains, which were not smart to begin with, froze directly.

"Why, why should Su Yun not be punished?"

"Teacher Mediterranean is too biased!"

"This is unfair to Da He!"

Dissatisfied voices came from all over the classroom, but Teacher Mediterranean was not affected by them.

"Shut up! Whoever is whispering, come up and do the questions."

The students who had just stood up for Da He shut up instantly, and Su Yun, who watched all this with a smile, felt that the students were not only hypocritical, but also not very smart. They couldn't even do the questions, but they were still standing up for Da He Taiyang.

It was really funny, just as ridiculous as Da He Taiyang came up with a profound question-solving skill for solving Chinese characters in one class.

Their parents bowed to people in the society just to support such a group of young and ignorant boys and girls. Su Yun despised this.

Of course, what he despised was not only their ignorant hearts, but also the character of those who participated in school bullying but didn't know their mistakes. The local environment and climate nurtured the local people. This saying is really true. Su Yun really couldn't have a good impression of most Japanese people, but there were still some characters that surprised him.

In the impetuous atmosphere of the whole class, a girl with delicate features in the corner was still silently doing the questions.

Su Yun recognized this famous saint from his previous life. He knew that Kato Megumi's grades were not outstanding, but she was willing to study hard, which could be seen from her liberal arts grades.

As for science, it really depends on talent. The science exams in Japan are different from those in Su Yun's home country. You can't just do a lot of questions to get your score up. You really need some brains.

Therefore, although Kato Megumi's grades were not high, Su Yun didn't hate or despise hardworking people. Presumably, most parents were like him, thinking that their children just needed to work hard. How many people could do that?

However, compared to academic performance, he was more concerned about the unusual aura of Kato Megumi.........

Just like that, while Su Yun was thinking, time passed slowly.

In this weird atmosphere, Da He Taiyang finally made it to his own dawn.

Ding-ling-ling, as the bell rang, the whole class breathed a sigh of relief. However, Mr. Mediterranean was still a little reluctant, but he couldn't go on. After all, the next class was not a physical education class. For this, he decided to brush up on his favorability in the end.

"Su Yun, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I like excellent students like you."

Su Yun naturally knew that it was not right to hit a smiling person, so he replied to the teacher:

"Okay, I will."

After hearing Su Yun's reply, Teacher Mediterranean left with satisfaction.

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