After the Mediterranean teacher left, Su Yun knew with his lower limbs that someone was going to make trouble.

He saw several people from the current group who had a good relationship with Da He Taiyang came to his desk.

"Su Yun, you are so mean. You have such a good relationship with the math teacher, but you don't even know how to help the sun."

"Yes, yes, you should know that Da He has spoken to you before."

Su Yun ignored this and just looked at the words written in chalk on the side of his desk:"Second Dimension Otaku"

"Who wrote it? I will only give you one chance. Tell me the name of that person."

Da He Taiyang saw that Su Yun's face was not right, so he planned to go up and continue to be a good guy, and disgust Su Yun who had been watching his good show for a long time in class.

"Su Yun, that classmate had no ill intentions. She just transferred her hatred for An Yi to you. Don't blame her."

"Oh? Da He classmate, you are so kind, then kneel down in front of my desk and apologize, before I change my mind." As soon as the voice fell, Su Yun used a trace of murderous aura inherited from Sukuna to press Da He Taiyang. He was unwilling to suffer any grievances.

Unlike the previous times when he used his eyes to pressure people, this time Su Yun was not polite to Da He Taiyang. If he hadn't had fun, Su Yun would probably kill him directly.

Da He Taiyang, who was enveloped by Su Yun's murderous aura, felt as if he saw his grandfather who had been dead for many years. He was waving at him, as if saying, come and accompany him. With adrenaline secreted crazily, his thinking suddenly became clearer, and his eyes were clearer. He knew that he had to do what Su Yun said at this time, otherwise he would really die.

In the surprised and puzzled eyes of the whole class, Da He Taiyang knelt down without caring about his dignity, and kept muttering in his mouth

"Mr. Su Yun's desk, I was wrong, please forgive me..........I really know I was wrong."

Su Yun smiled with relief when he saw this scene.

"Isn't this something that can be done well?"

"Hey, what did you do to Da He?"

""Shut up, shut up quickly, I did all this voluntarily, I’m sorry to Mr. Desk." Da He Taiyang, who was stunned by the murderous aura, was a little unconscious at this time, but he also understood that for the sake of his own life, he had to make his shitty friends shut their stinky mouths.

Seeing that Da He had driven him away, his friends in the real-life group would not ask for trouble. Since he wanted to go crazy, let him go crazy. Who knows what’s going on today.

The math teacher and Da He Taiyang were like they had taken the wrong medicine.

The whole class looked at this absurd and weird scene. Da He Taiyang was still tirelessly kowtowing to Su Yun’s desk to apologize.

Finally, Fujimine Akane from the hot girl group couldn’t sit still anymore. You know, Da He Taiyang is the person she likes.

The boyfriend she had before was only because that guy was a good friend of Da He Taiyang, so she used this to find out more information about Da He Taiyang.

It’s just that because of the robbery yesterday, Fujimine Akane broke up with him, but it’s also good this way, she can pursue Da He classmate openly, and now is a good time to improve his favorability. Fujimine Akane encouraged herself.

""Student Su Yun, I don't know what leverage you have over Taiyang, but the school won't ignore you if you continue to do this. I advise you to stop and apologize to Taiyang."

Fujimine Akane came to Su Yun and said with a righteous look on her face, while looking expectantly at Da He Taiyang.

"But wasn't Da He clearly apologizing for what he did to my desk? Do you want to say that it wasn't him who did it?"

"Yes, it wasn't the sun that did it, it was me, so what? Isn't this the truth? What can you do to me?"

Teng Fengqian puffed out her chest, looked at Su Yun with disgust, and then said fearlessly

"Really?" Su Yun looked at the guy in front of him with a strange expression, then put two fingers together and pointed them at the confident and puffed-out Fujimine Akane.

But before Su Yun could use the"solution", Da He Taiyang, who had just been kneeling and apologizing, rushed towards Fujimine Akane like a mad bull.

How could a girl withstand the full-force collision of a young and hot-blooded boy?

Fujimine Akane hadn't reacted to what happened, and was knocked away by Da He Taiyang like a sack. Her head hit the corner of the table heavily. Although the corner of the table was protected and not sharp but blunt, it was not an easy blow for Fujimine Akane.

"You stinky cousin, don't take me with you when you're going to die. Why are you interfering in my business without permission? Damn it!!"

Even after hitting Fujimine Akane hard, Da He Taiyang still felt unsatisfied. You know, when this guy was talking about Su Yun, the desperate feeling of death in his heart was intensified. Knowing that

Fujimine Akane caused him not only not to get Su Yun's forgiveness, but also made Su Yun want to kill him even more,

Da He Taiyang cursed directly beside Fujimine Akane who was knocked down by him.

At this time, Fujimine Akane who was hit also reacted. She felt that standing up for Da He Taiyang was simply a waste of time.

At this moment, the girl's love turned into bubbles in front of her personal dignity. Not to be outdone, Fujimine Akane, with red eyes, started to curse at Da He Taiyang.

Soon the two of them escalated from verbal conflict to physical conflict. They fought in the classroom without caring about their manners, pulling hair, slapping, and scratching people with their nails..........

The two wrestled for a long time, and no one in the class stepped forward to stop them. Their good friends even quietly retreated behind the many classmates who were watching the show.

Finally, the dean heard the noise and rushed over to separate the two people who were entangled.

"What are you doing? Are there any rules? Don’t you know this is a school? Bring your parents to see me after school."

"Director, this is actually all Su Yunyin......."

"Shut up, you have no right to talk here, bring your parents to see me after school."

A member of the live-action group who wanted Su Yun to be punished was dumbfounded when he saw this.���How come the dean favors Su Yun?

After having Da He Taiyang and Fujimine Akane pulled out of the classroom, the dean looked at Su Yun.

"Su Yun, I'm sorry to have embarrassed you. This is all due to my poor academic management. Don't worry, I will take you down and keep a close watch on you for the next two days."

Su Yun waved his hand nonchalantly to show that he didn't care. Anyway, he didn't feel a bit aggrieved, but watched a good show. Seeing that Su Yun didn't care, the dean smiled.

"Well, classmate Su Yun, I’ll be leaving first. If you have any problems in the future, please feel free to look for our teachers. The teachers all like excellent students like you."

After saying that, the dean left in a hurry. He wanted to go back and think about how to deal with the two problem students who dared to provoke Su Yun. The whole class who witnessed everything, no matter how stupid they were, knew that Su Yun’s background was not ordinary.

It seems that they can’t bully him at will in the future. The remaining students in the class thought to themselves

(children who are reading, please rest assured that in the future, those students who participated in bullying Su Yun and the students who spoke to Da He Taiyang earlier will live very painfully every day, and then die tragically in an"incident". I think some readers may feel a little uncomfortable reading this, so the author hurriedly explained humbly)

To put it bluntly, they themselves had no grudge against Su Yun, it’s just that Su Yun’s appearance is much better than theirs, and jealousy is at work.

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