After the dean left, Su Yun was very satisfied to see that all the students had returned to their seats and done their homework.

These kids should behave themselves and obey him. That was the way it should be. However, one person surprised Su Yun. The yellow-haired Ye Shan did not go back, but came to him.

"Su Yun, can you spare Da He? Without him, the atmosphere in the class would be......"

"Stop, stop, stop!"Su Yun interrupted Ye Shan and said to him in a mocking tone.

"What do you think would have happened if I was by Yukinoshita's side when she was bullied in elementary school?"

The truth in Su Yun's words made Ye Shan look ashen. He didn't want to plead with Su Yun for Da He, a scumbag, anymore. He lowered his head and returned to his seat. It was finally quiet. After punching Da He Taiyang hard, Su Yun felt refreshed all over.

But he needed to adjust his mental state, because better things were still to come.

Su Yun thought about the cursed spirit he had drawn. That weak cursed spirit actually had a spell, and the effect of the spell made even Su Yun terrified. No one could accept the consequences of being hit by this spell, not even Sukuna. Su Yun was confident.

System lottery storage place:

Low-level cursed spirit (holding a spell, appetite transformation: using emotions and common sense as nourishment, it can transform the appetite of the person hit, making things that were originally disgusting become extremely tempting, lasting for one day, if the difference in spell power is too large, the spell will not work) (Status: released)..........

Not long ago, when passing by the women's restroom, An Yilun suddenly felt very hungry, and there happened to be an alluring smell coming from the women's restroom.

An Yilun was unconsciously attracted by the smell, which was even more fragrant and sweet than the best chocolate he had ever eaten............

Su Yunban, who had just calmed down, was awakened by an unknown scream outside the door.

""Aki Tomoya went into the women's restroom and ate shit!!!"

Although Su Yun didn't dare to provoke him, most people still dared to join in on Aki Tomoya's performance. After the scream, Su Yun's classroom was suddenly empty, and even Kato Megumi, who was studying hard, couldn't help but go out to watch this guy who defied the heavens.

"Ugh, ugh"

""Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh."

The students who rushed to the front row upon hearing the news regretted that they were in such a great seat for watching the show because it was so disgusting. Tomoya Aki stuffed a bunch of fresh food into his mouth and dyed his teeth yellow.

The female student at the front almost cried when she saw Tomoya Aki eating with relish. Her pretty face was full of grievances towards Tomoya Aki's perversion.

She had just finished class when this perverted man rushed in. Fortunately, she had already wiped her butt, otherwise she would have died with Tomoya Aki.

"Classmates, what are you looking at? Why don't you have a bite?"At this time, Aki Tomoya looked reluctant, as if he was holding a treasure.


The female students finally couldn't bear it anymore and fled out of the female restroom vomiting, and the male students were not much better.

"It's really weird, why are you all running? Never mind, I'll enjoy it myself." A puzzled look appeared on Tomoya Aki's face, and then he swallowed the only small piece left on his hand and went to another toilet to continue looking for food.

Su Yun, who watched everything from behind the crowd, once again lamented the horror of this technique. Tomoya Aki's common sense was changed.

Come to think of it, how could a normal person who knew what shit was have an appetite for it? Even the body's instinctive reaction would be restrained by ethics and morals.

But the technique of appetite change is to fundamentally change a person's appetite, whether it is psychological or physical stress response, this is the horror of this technique. Well, today's daily task of disciplining Tomoya Aki and Ohga Taiyo has been successfully checked in, and he should go back and enjoy the long-lost campus life.

Following the crowd back to the classroom, Su Yun deeply hid his own merits and fame in Tomoya Aki's Aoli Gei incident...........

The classes in Sobu High School are actually very short. After all, this is a school that focuses on cultivating students' comprehensive qualities.

Instead of letting students take a few more boring classes that they can't listen to, it is better to use more time in the afternoon to participate in rich club activities.

In the lobby of a comprehensive building, various clubs have set up recruitment offices here.

Looking from the outside, students who actively participate in the recruitment of new clubs line up in long queues at the recruitment offices of different clubs; together with the sunny and brilliant pictures of flowers outside the hall, it is a youthful scene that exudes vitality from the bottom of your heart.

In complete contrast, an empty small classroom is filled with various tables and chairs. The deserted atmosphere will definitely make most young boys and girls feel uncomfortable.

Yukinoshita Yukino sat in it, looking at the inexplicable text message sent by her sister who likes to tease her with a puzzled look:

Rules of action that Yukinoshita Yukino must follow:

1. If you see a very handsome man entering your club classroom, please be sure to show respect to him. Don't be disrespectful, don't be disrespectful! Don't be disrespectful!!

2. If you know that man's name is Su Yun, please treat him 100 times better than you treated Xue's mother.

3. No matter what Su Yun said, please remember that it is absolutely correct and beyond doubt! It cannot be violated!!!

4. Do not try to invite that man to join the club on your own initiative, no, no!

5. Being venomous is allowed, but your tongue may disappear later. 6. Please remember that you are Yukino, Yukino is a cute creature with an upper body and a lower body, but you can also become no longer Yukino.

7. Please believe what sister Yang No said, Yang No is a good person, a good person!!

"Sister, what are you doing? Do you think it's fun to scare me with these weird things? You just played a prank on me last night. It's so annoying...."

It seems that Yang No, who is far away, never thought that Yukino didn't know the rules of ghost stories at all..........

"Hello, get out of class is over, Su Yun, I have something to tell you." Su Yun, who had just come out of the classroom, was stopped by Shizuka Hiratsuka with a cute expression on the way to the club recruitment building.

"What's the matter? Just say it, Xiao Jing. Although Su Yun said this, he actually knew what was going on in his heart. He wanted him to join the Service Club, right?

But Hiratsuka Shizuka was just thinking about it. He, Su Yun, didn't want to join the Service Club. On the contrary, he wanted to turn against Tian Gang and drive Yukinoshita Yukino out of her utopia.

"Forehead....Su Yunjun, I have a chance for you to be alone with a beautiful young girl......."

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