Shirogane Miyuki thought he was a kind person. He had worked part-time for a long time and had been smoothed out by society.

But even though he was so kind, looking at Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was not smiling like a 30-year-old woman, he still wanted to say something.

"Prison Master, this is not funny!!!"

Nima, there is an activity that only takes two hours a day, but he chose this kind of activity to be imprisoned in the mountains.......He works for the God of War Baiyin Yuxing, how can he still work!! ?

"Finished......I'm going to have to live on dirt this month, and I want to save some money to buy Xiaogui a new set of clothes........."

Shirogane Miyuki, who looked ashen, looked at Ishigami Yuu who seemed to be dead beside him and patted his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? You don't look well.........."

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's question, Ishigami Yu turned his head stiffly.

From Shirogane Miyuki's perspective, he could vaguely see the soul floating out of Ishigami Yu's mouth........

"Do you know? I just met a netizen named Jitai. Although he said he was a man, the tsundere smell and the weak feeling in his words undoubtedly showed that......"

"That’s a girl!!! We had a great time talking about everything from games to technology. My spring is about to come!!!"

"When we are about to arrange an online video meeting.....Bad news came"

"That woman, that damn old woman, told me I should leave my computer behind and go to jail with her in the damn mountains........."

As he was talking, Ishigami Yu, who was too excited, coughed heavily several times.

Shirogane Miyuki patted Ishigami Yu's back in a comforting way.

"So what? You just followed her? This is not like you, Ishigami!!!"

The burnt-out Ishigami Yu did not reply to Shirogane Yuyuki's words. He shook his head sadly and pointed at his head to signal Shirogane Yuyuki to touch it. Shirogane Yuyuki reached out and gently touched Ishigami Yu's head. Then he was startled and looked at the fist of Shizuka Hiratsuka who was chatting with him in horror.

"How did you refute her at that time?"

"I just said, what are you dreaming about, old woman!!!........Then I suffered such a heavy blow.

As the top student in the Shuzhi Academy with the highest deviation value, Shirogane Miyuki quickly grasped the key.......It seems that the word"old woman" is taboo!

The Shuchiin duo VS the"iron fist sanction" Hiratsuka Shizuka, completely defeated!!!

Yes, there are many novels whose protagonists cannot escape the fate of being forced into the service club by Hiratsuka Shizuka. How can Ishigami and Shirogane resist it?

Just when the two of them had accepted their fate, a cute pink-haired girl with a well-developed face and baby fat walked up to them and asked naively:

"What happened to you? President, you are not as confident as usual!"

Shirogane Miyuki didn't look up when he heard this, but Ishigami Yu looked up and glanced at Fujiwara Chika.

His sight finally stopped at the two majestic peaks.

Thinking that Hiratsuka Shizuka's was no less impressive, Ishigami Yu smiled disdainfully.

"You are the same as the old woman!!!"


Fujiwara Chika didn't quite understand what Ishigami Yu said, but she remembered that Ishigami Yu was influenced by President Shirogane and was very hardworking in the student council.

Such an honest child, he must be praising her!

The pink-haired girl put her hands on her hips, her face becoming more and more proud.


Seeing that Fujiwara Chika was sick again, Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu looked at each other.......It still has that same flavor, worthy of being Fujiwara Chika!

Who can make this heartless woman lose face?

""Hiss! So scary, so scary!!!"

Looking at Fujiwara Chika who was laughing in the crowd, Pochi covered her eyes. She didn't even dare to watch this kind of scene.

After that heroic performance, Pochi actually had the conditions to become a super popular person........

But who would have thought that Sobu High School would become a Sobu High Plain because of a"gas explosion"?

So, Pochi-chan, who is about to go to a new environment,.....As expected, she became listless again.

Fortunately, Shizuka Hiratsuka invited her to go out and"relax". Pochi thought that she was familiar with her classmates, and with the help of Yumiko Miura and Yuigahama Yui, it would not be bad to go out and have fun........

But who can tell her?......What's up with these classmates she's never met before, and that pink-haired girl who looks even more impressive than Kita!!!

But it doesn't matter, Pochi-chan has been prepared for this situation since early on.......

After a long period of polishing, Pochi-chan's skills may be comparable to those of an"elite jonin"!

Human escape - the art of hiding in a crowd!!!

Pochi-chan quietly retreated behind Miura Yumiko and the others.

But this strange move immediately aroused the vigilance of Fujiwara Chika, who claimed to be a great detective.

Fujiwara Chikako blinked her beautiful eyes and suddenly pointed to the back of the Sobu High School team and shouted:

"Spider!!! What a huge spider!!!"

After catching the key words, Tuanzi, who was chatting with Miura Yumiko and Ebina Hime, immediately screamed in fear.

Miura Yumiko and Ebina Hime, who seemed calm, turned pale instantly.

Not to mention girls, who wouldn't be afraid of spiders?

The huge crowd in the Sobu High School team dispersed, leaving only Pochi-chan who was half a beat slower in reaction. Pochi-chan, who has the power of the evil god incarnation and can transform into various abstract states, is actually not very fond of spiders.......

It was her boldness that ruined her........

Seeing Pochi-chan standing there without making any movement, people all looked at her with a warrior's gaze.

Even the elbow master Hiratsuka Shizuka put down her cigarette and commented: This young man has incredible courage!

Fujiwara Chika secretly made a"yeah" gesture....This time she has caught the jackpot!

This summer camp is going to be fun! This classmate has pink hair like her......

Natural intimacy! I wonder if she likes playing board games......

You really are worthy of being called the cancer of the earth—you’re already starting to make trouble the first time we met!................

Tokyo, Private Shuchiin, Kaguya frowned as she looked at the documents on her desk.

Fujiwara Chika: Grades: Average

Club: Board Game Club

Status: Student Council Secretary

I always felt like I had met this guy before........

And what is this strong feeling of dissatisfaction? I always feel that she will ruin my good things in the future.

You know, Kaguya is not an ordinary person. Her inspiration is very high, and she will not have any sense of whim. After thinking for a moment, Kaguya pressed the button next to her desk.

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