"President!!! Oh no, now it's the school director! What do you want your intellectual maid for?"

After Kaguya pressed the button, unlike her previous hot girl look, the blonde maid didn't tie her hair this time.

Instead, she let her long blonde hair fall naturally, matching a pair of gold-rimmed glasses........

Dressed in such an intellectual way, she even exudes a hint of innocence.

I can only say that she is truly Hayasaka!!!

"Okay, no more nonsense, Hayasaka, I have a task for you."

"After school starts, keep an eye on this pink-haired woman! I have a feeling that this girl might hinder my plan!"

Hayasaka Ai was shocked when she heard this. She always believed in her own lady's premonitions.

In other words, the pink-haired girl with a silly smile in the photo is a formidable enemy as expected!

Having learned the lesson of being defeated by Yukinoshita Yukino's Bajiquan sneak attack, Hayasaka Ai will not underestimate anyone this time!

She will use all her wisdom to uncover all the secrets and underwear of this pink-haired girl!!!

"Will you be careless again this time?....."

"Don't worry, miss! Although this pink-haired girl looks silly.....But I won’t be careless!"..............

In the outskirts of Chiba, a warm breeze blew from the fields.

Feeling the warmth on their faces, Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu looked at the pink-haired girl entangled in the pink hair with sympathy.

"Goto-san, I heard you are really good at playing the guitar.....Can you perform for me later?"

"Aba Aba Aba......"

"By the way, do you like playing board games? They are really fun!!! Would you like to join our board game club in the future?"

"aba ababa......"

The strange aura made all the students afraid to approach, and even Miura Yumiko and other friends of Pochi-chan could not easily approach this battlefield.

The most abstract social phobic person VS the most abstract social expert!

The intensity is no less than the modern clown prison master VS the historical clown king!!!

Only the speeding black luxury car interrupted this epic duel

"Pochi Sauce.....What are you doing?"

Pochi-chan, whose eyes were almost collapsed to her nose, saw Su Yun finally coming........Excited eyes immediately returned to their original position

"You are finally here......"Su Yun-jun!!!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka watched the familiar figure slowly get off the black luxury car, and immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Then Kato Megumi followed Su Yun's figure and slowly got off the car. After Kato Megumi got off, Su Yun directly closed the car door, which made Shizuka Hiratsuka a little confused.

"Where is Yotsuya-san? Isn't she going to participate in this event as well

?.......Su Yun glanced at Hiratsuka Shizuka meaningfully.

"She went out with a senior student........So I can't come this time!"

It should be something very important, Hiratsuka Shizuka thought. But senior? Does it mean the one from Sobu High School or Shuchiin?

But these are not important things. The most important thing is that they are finally all here........

"Classmates, get ready to go!!!"

""Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Hearing what Hiratsuka Shizuka said, the classmates cheered happily.

Only Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu weakly raised their fists and shouted weakly with the crowd.

Su Yun noticed these two unique guys.

Recalling, a yellow-haired man with fierce eyes, and a Uchiha Sasuke with hair long enough to cover his left eye in"Boruto", it turned out to be Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu!

Su Yun is not unfamiliar with either of them. They are both anime characters that he can sense.

The most important thing is that the identities of these two people are quite extraordinary.

As a technical geek, Ishigami Yu can work for him very well, although his level may not be as good as Walnut's.........But we can't let Hu Tao take care of every little thing......

Girls should take good care of their skin. Legal lolita like Hu Tao is very rare.........

As for Shirogane Miyuki, it is even more extraordinary. In the original work, his learning ability can even beat Shinomiya Kaguya.

With this learning ability, if Su Yun wants to set up his own organization in the future, Shirogane Miyuki will surely become a very good civilian staff.

The most important thing is that he is also a cheap labor force that can be bought with a small amount of money.

It can be said that he is a natural worker!!!

By the way, he seems to have a sister......His name is Shirogane Kei, right? Doesn't that make it even better?

(A quick question, are there any readers who feel the same way as me? I feel that Kei seems to be the best-looking one in Kaguya-sama: Love is War. There shouldn't be anything wrong with the author's aesthetic sense, right?.......)

In summary, these two people are still very valuable for PUA......

Therefore, Su Yun, who was not satisfied with the field of force and wanted to make achievements in the field of capitalism, planned to extend his claws to these two people................

On the outskirts of Chiba, a passenger bus slowly drove by on a country road.

The laughter of students came from the bus, mixed with the chirping of insects in the countryside.

This scene was like a hint of excitement mixed with the unparalleled leisure and dullness.

In this regard, Shizuka Hiratsuka was inspired

"Classmates, I have already thought of the composition for this time. It is called"Man and Nature"! What do you think?"

But it is obvious that the classmates who were chatting happily did not hear what Shizuka Hiratsuka said.........

Shizuka Hiratsuka was about to throw a punch, but then she changed her mind and decided not to spoil the fun.......

After all, youth is precious.......Don't regret it when you are in your 30s like her........

However, soon Hiratsuka Shizuka stopped thinking so because of the conversation between Su Yun and others next to her.

"Silver Mulberry.......Think about it carefully. Just sign this agreement and you won't have to worry about working anymore."

"Even after you graduate, you don’t have to worry about finding a job."

"We have the strongest backing here, the Neon Mitsui Group and the Shinomiya Group are protecting the company."

"What are you waiting for? Join here and live a carefree life! Don't you want your family to look at you with admiration in the future!! ?"

Baiyin Yuxing imagined the scene of Baiyin Gui looking at him with admiration in his mind, and he couldn't help himself........

"Classmate, please tell me the salary and benefits in detail, and let me take a closer look at the contract........"

Ishigami Yu had already read the contract. With his experience, he immediately realized that this was a contract to sell one's body!!!

He was about to open his mouth to remind Bai Yin when he heard the"magic sound" coming from Su Yun's mouth.

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